Examples of GOP Leadership

Can you document the bolded? It is inconsistent with the physiology of carbon monoxide poisoning.
It is if you have engine exhaust flooding the cabin. It was the method of euthanasia employed by the nazis against the mentally and physically handicapped and was part of their eugenics program started at the very beginning of the war, but really went on for years before it. Carbon monoxide poisoning was one of many methods used to murder the disabled. Don't be too concerned about someone slandering nazis, do you think the nazis would never do such a despicable thing? What causes such doubt in your mind that you demand detailed evidence of these atrocities and that I search it out for you? There were far more deaths than documentation, starvation and neglect were used before active measures and among the first active measures was simply sticking a hose from the tailpipe into the cab of a van. More efficient and acceptable means were also used, I mean gasoline was expensive and using it kill undesirables was not seen as a good use for it. Much the same logic was employed for gas chambers, it was expensive in bullets and very bad for morale among the more normal troops.

I am trying to determine if it was documented or made up on the spot using the sort of speculation you describe. Were the victims aware of the rerouted exhaust?
Actually, I read in a book and if it can't be readily and instantly referenced on the internet, it never happened, is the logic employed.
It is if you have engine exhaust flooding the cabin. It was the method of euthanasia employed by the nazis against the mentally and physically handicapped and was part of their eugenics program started at the very beginning of the war, but really went on for years before it. Carbon monoxide poisoning was one of many methods used to murder the disabled. Don't be too concerned about someone slandering nazis, do you think the nazis would never do such a despicable thing? What causes such doubt in your mind that you demand detailed evidence of these atrocities and that I search it out for you? There were far more deaths than documentation, starvation and neglect were used before active measures and among the first active measures was simply sticking a hose from the tailpipe into the cab of a van. More efficient and acceptable means were also used, I mean gasoline was expensive and using it kill undesirables was not seen as a good use for it. Much the same logic was employed for gas chambers, it was expensive in bullets and very bad for morale among the more normal troops.

After perusing both links, I have no issue with either. However neither confirms or mentions the claim in question.

Do you have documentation that they did indeed scream in terror in those vans? If not, why the embellishment?
Actually, I read in a book and if it can't be readily and instantly referenced on the internet, it never happened, is the logic employed.
No; you don’t have that out. I’m not being an ass for the sake of being an ass. I’m suggesting that their not screaming in terror, which I consider the likelier event, is on reflection even creepier.

One requires sadism, a strong emotional state.

The other does not require that of the generators of that murderous policy.
After perusing both links, I have no issue with either. However neither confirms or mentions the claim in question.

Do you have documentation that they did indeed scream in terror in those vans? If not, why the embellishment?
As I said, I read it in a book years ago and books go into more detail than websites. I do find it curious that you would doubt the nazis would do such a thing or that people who realized their fate would not be terrified and seek escape in panic. Not all the disabled were mentally handicapped, many were physically deformed or had physical handicaps, or were blind. What would you do, if you were a physically handicapped and stuck in a van with a dozen other people while it filled with exhaust? Quietly go to sleep. Or freak out a bit first? Sometimes logic or empathy will suffice to answer questions.
As I said, I read it in a book years ago and books go into more detail than websites. I do find it curious that you would doubt the nazis would do such a thing or that people who realized their fate would not be terrified and seek escape in panic. Not all the disabled were mentally handicapped, many were physically deformed or had physical handicaps, or were blind. What would you do, if you were a physically handicapped and stuck in a van with a dozen other people while it filled with exhaust? Quietly go to sleep. Or freak out a bit first? Sometimes logic or empathy will suffice to answer questions.
No. Supposition harms history. It dishonors those dead.

“read it in a book” without the reference is anecdotal garbage.
No. Supposition harms history. It dishonors those dead.

“read it in a book” without the reference is anecdotal garbage.
Well, if you think I'm full of shit or that it never could have happened then you should just ignore it. Among the first methods used were to take the handicapped to a new place and they were loaded into a van and arrived at the new place dead, after a 10-minute stop along the way. I mean in the beginning they had to be innovative, the killing centers and deathcamps came later. But I'm sure the nazi's were incapable of that and I'm just sensationalizing the imaginary horrors, like I dreamed this shit up and pulled out of my ass. Some people don't accept that genocide even happened, and it was all a hoax, they demand proof too. I'm recounting history not prosecuting these assholes.
Yes. The history of these things must not be sensationalized. I strongly suspect that bit was improvised by a poster with a record of exaggeration.
So unless he can produce a source, I call bs.
I remember reading about this in Rise & Fall of the Third Reich, early days, before they got serious about eliminating the impaired.

I remember nothing about screaming from the accounts.
Well, if you think I'm full of shit or that it never could have happened then you should just ignore it. Among the first methods used were to take the handicapped to a new place and they were loaded into a van and arrived at the new place dead, after a 10-minute stop along the way. I mean in the beginning they had to be innovative, the killing centers and deathcamps came later. But I'm sure the nazi's were incapable of that and I'm just sensationalizing the imaginary horrors, like I dreamed this shit up and pulled out of my ass. Some people don't accept that genocide even happened, and it was all a hoax, they demand proof too. I'm recounting history not prosecuting these assholes.
It is shameful for you to attempt to bin me with the deniers.

But without documentation, what you claim harms the honor of those who were killed.
I remember reading about this in Rise & Fall of the Third Reich, early days, before they got serious about eliminating the impaired.

I remember nothing about screaming from the accounts.
Of course, William L. Shirer could have lied; I don't recall a reference in the footnotes.
It is shameful for you to attempt to bin me with the deniers.

But without documentation, what you claim harms the honor of those who were killed.
Here, but maybe it's fake too.

You dishonestly imply that I deny any of this.

However I could find no mention of the specific claim in question.
Well, I felt a bit like one of those people who escaped the deathcamps and tried to tell their story to skeptical people who demanded evidence and refused to believe them because of a failure of imagination. It took a long time for normal people to accept this reality, without the films taken at the end of the war, not many would have believed it was possible.
He blew the whistle on Trump's Truth Social. Now he works at Starbucks.
SOMEWHERE IN NORTH CAROLINA - About six months ago, Will Wilkerson was the executive vice president of operations for former president Donald Trump's media business, a co-founder of Trump's Truth Social website and a holder of stock options that might have one day made him a millionaire.
Today, he is a certified barista trainer at a Starbucks inside a Harris Teeter grocery store, where he works 5:30 a.m. shifts in a green apron and slip-resistant shoes, making Frappuccinos for $16 an hour.
Red-state pork
Corn alcohol is a stupid boondoggle

I so seldom get to do this…here is an example of a completely different sort of “GOP leadership”.

David Frum is no RINO: he’s been one of the stalwarts of the neo-liberal/neo-conservative nexus - professionally - for decades…and he’s been every bit the snide and nasty name-caller vs ‘liberals’ that we’ve all learned to keep an eye on, for pretty much this whole time.

His elephant paint-job began to peel visibly when King Tang gained traction in ‘15, and he’s become a solid and dependable alarmist re: the Overthrow Caucus & their ilk. It still gives me pause when I’m motivated to share something by him…he expresses a lot of what I’ve had to say about the landscape between now & ‘24. He gets to it differently, and his years of being paid for persuasive writing shine through. Given my current limitations, I couldn’t write THIS - but I can say it’s worth reading: