Examples of GOP Leadership

But they are good at triggering the libs and getting the brown folks. They say the republicans are fiscally responsible and somehow good for the economy, they say they like Trump's "policies" but not what he says. Somehow most Americans believe the republicans are better for the economy than the democrats, obviously someone is shitting in their ear and it's a lot more than foxnews doing the shitting too!

Republicans want to cut taxes for the super-rich and exacerbate America's wealth inequality problems and also exacerbate its social problems and division to distract from the fact that the grifters who run the GOP throw red meat, distract and con the morons of America while serving the rich. An economy is an ecosystem and must work in balance, a dynamic equilibrium that has gone out of balance.

Keep the morons and losers distracted by racism, bigotry and culture wars while picking them clean as they freak out over the bullshit ya feed them and the culture wars you create. Keep the government grid locked and the courts packed with corrupt idiots who make the constitution a dead document and instead of a living one able to grow and adapt to the times and needs of the present.

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But they are good at triggering the libs and getting the brown folks. They say the republicans are fiscally responsible and somehow good for the economy, they say they like Trump's "policies" but not what he says. Somehow most Americans believe the republicans are better for the economy than the democrats, obviously someone is shitting in their ear and it's a lot more than foxnews doing the shitting too!

Republicans want to cut taxes for the super-rich and exacerbate America's wealth inequality problems and also exacerbate its social problems and division to distract from the fact that the grifters who run the GOP throw red meat, distract and con the morons of America while serving the rich. An economy is an ecosystem and must work in balance, a dynamic equilibrium that has gone out of balance.

Keep the morons and losers distracted by racism, bigotry and culture wars while picking them clean as they freak out over the bullshit ya feed them and the culture wars you create. Keep the government grid locked and the courts packed with corrupt idiots who make the constitution a dead document and instead of a living one able to grow and adapt to the times and needs of the present.

View attachment 5296734
I gave information that says the same to Republican supporters and they were in disbelief. You can lead a horse to water...

I think this isn't a good thing...She may have figured out that maga is doomed, and doesn't want to give up her hold on power, so she is distancing herself from them, and trying to adopt a mantle of at least partial normalcy. It might work enough for her to stay in office, which cannot possibly be a good thing for the country, or the world.
The gazpacho police, jewish space laser, asking if Harris's husband was worth less because he's white, thinking that monkeypox is an std, crisis acting accusing, global warming supporting, walmart grooming children with a sex toys section, Ukraine hating Leopard doesn't change it's spots...they go to the bone.
No matter what kind of mantle she pulls over her rotten carcass, she's still the same ignorant, hateful, spiteful cunt....
Not sure if best thread for this…

I think it’s important that voters want to have election integrity. That’s the biggest thing,
So many different possible wordings yet that’s what she comes up with.

Because you’ve got someone else judging whether someone else should have a gun or not.
I don’t like purple because I don’t like purple…

“Our goal should always be, how do we save as many babies as we can”
This oozes appeal to emotion like pus from a rotting corpse.

“She said she is “unapologetically pro-life” because her husband was adopted and she “had trouble having both of my children.”
That’s just admitting you’re completely unfit for the job. You do not base laws and rights for 300+ million people on “because my husband was adopted“, that’s nuts.

There’s nothing that they dislike more than when we hit their wallet,
This just hurts my eyes.

“So I’m a lucky girl,”
How to alienate strong independent women…

I think this isn't a good thing...She may have figured out that maga is doomed, and doesn't want to give up her hold on power, so she is distancing herself from them, and trying to adopt a mantle of at least partial normalcy. It might work enough for her to stay in office, which cannot possibly be a good thing for the country, or the world.
The gazpacho police, jewish space laser, asking if Harris's husband was worth less because he's white, thinking that monkeypox is an std, crisis acting accusing, global warming supporting, walmart grooming children with a sex toys section, Ukraine hating Leopard doesn't change it's spots...they go to the bone.
No matter what kind of mantle she pulls over her rotten carcass, she's still the same ignorant, hateful, spiteful cunt....
Donald is going down soon, they read the papers too and they are all looking for the right time to jump ship, except perhaps those that will go down with him or because of him. They have a problem though his base is very important to winning a primary and it will be hard to win a general election without them. If they vote for Donald's endorsed independent candidate or write Donald in on the ballot as a bull moose, the republicans will be screwed if a portion of his base either stays home or votes for him or his endorsed candidates in 24.

The shit storm has just begun for the republicans and the presidential candidates will be asked if they will pardon Trump or if they support him and the congressional candidates will be asked if they support him too. They will want to run from Trump like he's on fire and about to explode but can't run too far or too fast, and Donald will want a hug as he goes down! :lol:

It is about to get interesting Roger and the republicans are between a rock and a hard place depending on how loyal Trump's base of morons is and so far, facts and reality don't count for much with most of them and rational thinking doesn't appear to be their strong suite.
I don't think anybody forgot what happened that day. Over time, the rawness of outrage fades. This vid reminds what it was like when Trump had the power of the office of the presidency and what will happen again should he retake the office. Let's not forget this is what MAGA wants.

interesting how his supporters donated all that cash for support for Jan 6th and his battles but yet when he goes into court or anything he can’t pay his bills. interesting how many people knowing his past what he does to people that aren’t him he just fucks em over. gop is fucked and I’m so glad cause they are destroying america and don’t care one bit

I don't think anybody forgot what happened that day. Over time, the rawness of outrage fades. This vid reminds what it was like when Trump had the power of the office of the presidency and what will happen again should he retake the office. Let's not forget this is what MAGA wants.

Garland will take prosecutorial discretion to the max with Trump, they will whine about the crimes he will indict him for but think for a moment about all the crimes Trump has committed while he was in office that he could be prosecuted for. Other than the MAL documents and obstruction cases and J6 seditious conspiracy cases that should drop soon. Garland will probably end up giving Trump a pass on dozens of crimes, there is no point in charging them, Trump only has one miserable ass to imprison for a few years. There are tax crimes state and federal they probably won't bother with and could steer clear of espionage charges for national security reasons, they don't want any more to come out on that topic and don't need it anyway with 2 counts of obstruction.

Garland has the power to give Trump a pass on nearly everything, but his own staff at the DOJ would lynch him if he did and Jack would light the fire! :lol:
If Merrick does not indite the Grifter in Chief soon, then we need Joe to remove #Gutless Garland soonist. THis crap has gone gone on too long as it is. TFG should have been arrested and imprisoned last August, not wandering around causing havoc.
Garland will take prosecutorial discretion to the max with Trump, they will whine about the crimes he will indict him for but think for a moment about all the crimes Trump has committed while he was in office that he could be prosecuted for. Other than the MAL documents and obstruction cases and J6 seditious conspiracy cases that should drop soon. Garland will probably end up giving Trump a pass on dozens of crimes, there is no point in charging them, Trump only has one miserable ass to imprison for a few years. There are tax crimes state and federal they probably won't bother with and could steer clear of espionage charges for national security reasons, they don't want any more to come out on that topic and don't need it anyway with 2 counts of obstruction.

Garland has the power to give Trump a pass on nearly everything, but his own staff at the DOJ would lynch him if he did and Jack would light the fire! :lol:
Regardless whether they decide to prosecute Trump or not, Smith is obligated to refer prosecutions that are outside of the two investigations he is tasked to oversee. Crimes that fall within the scope of Smiths charter will be prosecuted by Smith and his team of prosecutors or at the very least will be spelled out.

(c) The Special Counsel is further authorized to conduct the ongoing investigation referenced and described in the United States' Response to Motion for Judicial Oversight and Additional Relief, Donald J Trump v. United States, No. 9:22-CV-81294-AMC (S.D. Fla. Aug. 30, 2022) (ECF No. 48 at 5- 13), as well as any matters that arose or may arise directly from this investigation or that are within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(d) The Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters. The Special Counsel is also authorized to refer to the appropriate United States Attorney discrete prosecutions that may arise from the Special Counsel's investigation.

The clock ran out on Trump's crimes of obstruction against Mueller and collusion with Russia. Non-capital federal offenses have a 5-year statute of limitations. Given that Trump can't be charged and tried while he was in office, perhaps that law should be modified so that the clock is stopped while the alleged criminal is shielded from prosecutions.

Crimes committed on Jan 6 2021 will reach their prosecutorial limits in 2026, so maybe some can wait until after the election. If Garland and Smith agree there is enough evidence to charge Trump with insurrection, that charge should be given priority because it would prevent Trump from taking power of the president, should he run and win the election. I see no reason why the Mar A Lago documents case should interfere with a trial for insurrection but maybe there is, IDK. In any case, I'd say hell yeah if asked if Trump should be tried for any and all crimes the DOJ feels they have a solid case for prosecution. Just, get the most important ones and the easier ones to win high on the list. But he should be held accountable for each and every one that the DOJ thinks warrants a trial. Its a matter of justice, not revenge.
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If Merrick does not indite the Grifter in Chief soon, then we need Joe to remove #Gutless Garland soonist. THis crap has gone gone on too long as it is. TFG should have been arrested and imprisoned last August, not wandering around causing havoc.

Tom Peters was an ass. He probably did some good while serving as a Seabee in Nam but his entire civilian life was spent as a consultant. Consultants are like seagulls. They fly around, eat people's lunches and shit on their heads.
Regardless whether they decide to prosecute Trump or not, Smith is obligated to refer prosecutions that are outside of the two investigations he is tasked to oversee. Crimes that fall within the scope of Smiths charter will be prosecuted by Smith and his team of prosecutors or at the very least will be spelled out.

(c) The Special Counsel is further authorized to conduct the ongoing investigation referenced and described in the United States' Response to Motion for Judicial Oversight and Additional Relief, Donald J Trump v. United States, No. 9:22-CV-81294-AMC (S.D. Fla. Aug. 30, 2022) (ECF No. 48 at 5- 13), as well as any matters that arose or may arise directly from this investigation or that are within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(d) The Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters. The Special Counsel is also authorized to refer to the appropriate United States Attorney discrete prosecutions that may arise from the Special Counsel's investigation.

The clock ran out on Trump's crimes of obstruction against Mueller and collusion with Russia. Non-capital federal offenses have a 5-year statute of limitations. Given that Trump can't be charged and tried while he was in office, perhaps that law should be modified so that the clock is stopped while the alleged criminal is shielded from prosecutions.

Crimes committed on Jan 6 2021 will reach their prosecutorial limits in 2026, so maybe some can wait until after the election. If Garland and Smith agree there is enough evidence to charge Trump with insurrection, that charge should be given priority because it would prevent Trump from taking power of the president, should he run and win the election. I see no reason why the Mar A Lago documents case should interfere with a trial for insurrection but maybe there is, IDK. In any case, I'd say hell yeah if asked if Trump should be tried for any crimes the DOJ feels they have a solid case for prosecution. Just, get the most important ones and the easier ones to win high on the list. But he should be held accountable for each and every one that the DOJ thinks warrants a trial. Its a matter of justice, not revenge.
It's also a practical question and a wise use of resources not to prosecute him for many of his crimes, he kinda overwhelmed the system! It is also a better use of the DOJ's resources the federal sentences will be followed up by consecutive state ones in two states. Perhaps it would be better for Garland to write a report on it all and have congress amend it as they see fit and put it in the congressional record. The prosecutions of others in this matter will continue and there should be a lot more than Trump and even if not charged the legal fees will ruin many. If the democrats win a usable majority, they are not done with J6 or the documents matter and further hearings will be had after prosecutions and reports issued along with legislative recommendations. A thousand suckers who sacked the capitol have gone down and how many suits go down is anybody's guess, hundreds at least I figure, and it might end with congressional republican indictments.