Examples of GOP Leadership

Exclusive: Watchdog sues FEC for closing Trump investigation
In a federal lawsuit filed on behalf of Democratic group End Citizens United, Campaign Legal Center (CLC) Action challenged the decision by Republican FEC commissioners to close an investigation into the Trump campaign without providing their reasoning.

The groups filed an FEC complaint against former President Trump’s reelection committees in May 2019 after the Trump campaign stated that America First Action was the only “approved outside non-campaign group” for supporters to donate to.

The groups said the Trump campaign illegally solicited donations to a closely tied super PAC, an allegation the Trump campaign disputed. The FEC’s career attorneys recommended that commissioners investigate the matter, but the FEC’s Republicans voted to dismiss the case, effectively blocking further inquiries.

CLC Action wants a federal court to order the FEC to determine whether the Trump campaign violated campaign finance law.

“We should not have to sue the FEC repeatedly to make it do its job,” Adav Noti, senior director of trial litigation and chief of staff at CLC Action, said in a statement. “Yet here is another example of the FEC refusing to enforce key laws that protect the rights of American voters.”
Maddow: Republican War On Democracy Is As Dangerous As Its Premise Is Bananas

Rachel Maddow highlights the disturbing contrast between the goofiness of the characters and conspiracy theories that are driving Republicans to doubt the results of the 2020 presidential election, and the serious fact that Republicans in positions of responsibility are using those same cockamamie theories as the basis for attacking American democracy.
i'm sure you've seen this on the news but lets dig deeper.

i feel for the crash but 'sisters' from a 'abused girls ranch' in Alabama? can you say pedo?

i'm gonna slide this under GOP.
FoxNation is begging for subs and is giving away a free year to 'Military and Vets'..they want to re-ignite and lock these people in..a whole year?:shock:

for 2022.
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i'm sure you've seen this on the news but lets dig deeper.

i feel for the crash but 'sisters' from a 'abused girls ranch' in Alabama? can you say pedo?

i'm gonna slide this under GOP.
Huh? The ranch’s purpose is to support girls that have been abused, not to promote abuse.
Huh? The ranch’s purpose is to support girls that have been abused, not to promote abuse.

the 29 year old man and his 9 month old daughter?..how come his wife/girlfriend hasn't come forward or said anything about the tremendous loss of partner and child? why isn't there a pic of all 3 together? could it be that sister wife is a child herself?

they also have another 8 ranches in Alabama jusssssssssssssst liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis.

i smell FBI.
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Disney compared wealth to addiction, explaining that "when you have things, you have to have more things, anything you have turns into what is normal."

"There are people flying private aircraft right now who would rather be shot than get on a first class seat on a normal airline because it would mean they would have to walk through an air terminal," she said. "And that is terribly dangerous to democracy, to society."

when does Bezos take off for space? i find this interesting because addition doesn't stop at drugs, alcohol, money, gambling etc. our brain is a pretty interesting thing and when someone dies or a pet passes there is withdrawal and it's most painful; you pretty much get the same feeling.
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i don't think it's quite that glib an answer....Pence is guilty...but not nearly as guilty as trump. he stood up to a lot of pressure to buckle and do what he was told...and stayed true to whatever principles he held. they might not have been your prinbciples, but they were his, and he didn't abandon them in the face of intense pressure to do so. i think he deserves a small amount of credit for that, he had at least a small amount of integrity in an administration built on quicksand

Pence was pretty chatty while being evacuated even smiling from what i recall.
DeSantis tops Trump in 2024 presidential straw poll
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) ran narrowly ahead of former President Trump in a straw poll of potential 2024 candidates in a survey conducted over the weekend at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver.

Of attendees who responded to the survey, 74.12 percent said they would approve of DeSantis for president in three years, compared with 71.43 percent who said the same of Trump. DeSantis won 275 votes, while Trump got 265.

The duo had wide leads over the rest of the sprawling field, with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) coming in third at 42.86 percent approval.

i laughed but this is dangerous a day or two later..woke to Mika and Joe trolling Trump pretty hard on this..i had the occasion to meet with a park keeper this AM..a rightie- just a few basic comments told me me this shit within them is hot and on fire- it's also not going anywhere.


Joe and Mika can do what they wish with their show, however it's bad form..it's toxic and it perpetuates.
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There can only be one king, Donald is gonna stomp on him soon!
Florida Governor Tops Trump In 2024 Presidential Poll

Florida's Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis edged out former President Trump in a straw poll of potential 2024 presidential candidates at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
Qtards from around the world…

A QAnon believer tried to kill his pregnant partner with a hammer while she was bathing

A British man tried to kill his pregnant partner by attacking her with a hammer while she was bathing, prosecutors say.
  • Anthony Beckett, a QAnon believer, launched the Jan. 18 attack after thinking the Chinese and US governments would go after his family.
  • He pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Monday and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Anthony Beckett, 33, pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Monday in court in Middlesbrough, England, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the violent Jan. 18 attack, The Northern Echo reported.

Beckett, who became obsessed with the 2020 US presidential election, "discussed the need to kill" his family ahead of the "great revelation" on Jan. 20 - the day of President Joe Biden's inauguration, prosecutor Jo Kidd said, according to the newspaper.

Beckett also believed a "great reset" would happen on Jan. 20, installing Donald Trump in office and exposing a supposed cabal of child-abusing elites.

Two days before the inauguration, Beckett struck his partner in the head four times with a hammer and tried to drown her as she was washing her hair in the bath, according to The Northern Echo.

"He was saying 'I need to do this, I need to do this,' " Kidd said in court, explaining that the victim "tried to fight back against the attack but he then put his hands around her throat and tried to drown her."

The bludgeoned woman managed to escape the attack and ran naked into the street to call for help, the court heard.

The couple's two young children were inside the Middlesbrough home at the time of the attack, according to prosecutors. Kidd added that the victim "thought he would kill her and their children."

Beckett believed that members of the US and Chinese governments would come after him and his family, according to The Northern Echo, which reported that he had posted several QAnon theories about the COVID-19 pandemic online.

He also believed that former President Donald Trump was the only person who could save him and his family, Vice News reported.

Beckett's lawyer Jonathan Walker claimed in court that his client had a history of mental health issues since childhood and was a regular cannabis user.
Bagweed user . :mrgreen:

"He had no recollection of what happened that night," Walker told the court, according to The Northern Echo.

Firing squads - Electric chairs and and team of horses pulling limbs off seem to need a comeback.
Qtards from around the world…

A QAnon believer tried to kill his pregnant partner with a hammer while she was bathing

A British man tried to kill his pregnant partner by attacking her with a hammer while she was bathing, prosecutors say.
  • Anthony Beckett, a QAnon believer, launched the Jan. 18 attack after thinking the Chinese and US governments would go after his family.
  • He pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Monday and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Anthony Beckett, 33, pleaded guilty to attempted murder on Monday in court in Middlesbrough, England, and was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the violent Jan. 18 attack, The Northern Echo reported.

Beckett, who became obsessed with the 2020 US presidential election, "discussed the need to kill" his family ahead of the "great revelation" on Jan. 20 - the day of President Joe Biden's inauguration, prosecutor Jo Kidd said, according to the newspaper.

Beckett also believed a "great reset" would happen on Jan. 20, installing Donald Trump in office and exposing a supposed cabal of child-abusing elites.

Two days before the inauguration, Beckett struck his partner in the head four times with a hammer and tried to drown her as she was washing her hair in the bath, according to The Northern Echo.

"He was saying 'I need to do this, I need to do this,' " Kidd said in court, explaining that the victim "tried to fight back against the attack but he then put his hands around her throat and tried to drown her."

The bludgeoned woman managed to escape the attack and ran naked into the street to call for help, the court heard.

The couple's two young children were inside the Middlesbrough home at the time of the attack, according to prosecutors. Kidd added that the victim "thought he would kill her and their children."

Beckett believed that members of the US and Chinese governments would come after him and his family, according to The Northern Echo, which reported that he had posted several QAnon theories about the COVID-19 pandemic online.

He also believed that former President Donald Trump was the only person who could save him and his family, Vice News reported.

Beckett's lawyer Jonathan Walker claimed in court that his client had a history of mental health issues since childhood and was a regular cannabis user.
Bagweed user . :mrgreen:

"He had no recollection of what happened that night," Walker told the court, according to The Northern Echo.

Firing squads - Electric chairs and and team of horses pulling limbs off seem to need a comeback.
I don’t know what he’s smoking but nothing from my garden would give him that much focus.
Trump will eventually turn against DeSantis as his popularity continues to heat up: columnist predicts - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism

Trump will eventually turn against DeSantis as his popularity continues to heat up: columnist predicts

Writing in the Washington Post this Tuesday, Phillip Bump mentioned Donald Trump's tendency to turn on former allies and friends once he perceives them to be gaining a leg up on him. According to Bump, the same fate awaits Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and momentum and speculation around his potential 2024 run continues to heat up.

"The point, though, is simple: Nothing frustrates Trump more obviously and viscerally than coming in second. Which is not great news for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis," Bump writes.

Trump consistently outperformed DeSantis until a straw poll at the Western Conservative Summit over the weekend had DeSantis in the lead. While straw polls aren't that significant in the long run, Bump predicts that Trump won't let this one slide.

"There was no real way that Trump would have been able to maintain the same fervent level of support he enjoyed as president once he left office, Bump writes. "That's simply not how politics works. So, as long as Trump continues to harbor a desire to reclaim his position in three years, he runs the risk of comparing unfavorably with other potential candidates. That includes ones like DeSantis, who get to enjoy public attention by virtue of their positions."

He could be the republican POTUS pick, if he can get Trump's knife out of his back! Nobody rides Donald's wild elephant, except Donald, but Donald will have other problems soon. Perhaps they smell blood in the water and are waiting for Trump to go down, be imprisoned and muzzled, but are eager for a taste of power. Having Donald run around loose for a spell, while distasteful and unjust, is none the less useful, I can't see this ending well for DeSantis, the republicans, or Trump.