Examples of GOP Leadership

I watched some of Trump's ranting in the Justice Dept. yest.,I put myself in those poor soul's place who had to sit there and listen to this 80 y/o dementia driven version of facts. The guy just can't get over his persecution complex, if roles were reversed his minions would have launched an investigation immediately,not like the cautious M Garland who for love of country proceeded w/kid gloves.

Trump virtually overcame powerball odds in dodging all the charges , a laundry list starting w/ Mueller all the way to obstructing Document -Gate. Yet he can't let it go, has to have it all. I sat listening and said HOW are we here, this guy was stupid enough to be nailed RED HANDED muscling the GA SEC of STATE, a fellow R, and demand to fraudulently create votes to tilt the state of GA. that he lost. RECORDED for ALL to see. HOW does anything he says ever matter again, HOW do people overlook this, THAT phone call was a political death sentence for any voter/supporter w/a shred of common sense. He should've been relegated to Mar-A-Lago holding court to the few desperados willing to listen to his waxing about his "glory days". In the wreckage of Jan6,2021. I'd have bet I'd have better odds of being abducted by a UFO than watching a pumped up 80 y/o Trump pontificating in front of a Justice Dept. he believes to be the King's Court.