Examples of GOP Leadership

:oPREDICTION, w/ these tariffs adding up to 15k for foreign and 3-8K for domestic cars coupled w/ the inevitable inflation on everyday goods rising along w/Dow 's continued tanking,Trumps approval nos. will go extremely SOUTH. With these factors coming to fruition over this summer I think some R's are going to star cackling big time between getting ballsy w/Trump's sinking nos. and hearing beaucoup complaints from constituents in their states/districts things are going to come undone big time. Buckle up for craziness,I'd wager the odds are 50/50 Trump may be impeached/resign,this economy is going to free fall,he's delusional w/tariffs. In theory if you paved the way over a decade or 2 w/ investment in the mfg. base and had things somewhat up and running,ready to go to manufacture what we import w/workers also in place then yeah tariffs would be a good idea. But to launch a ridiculous trade war w/NOTHING in place is economic suicide. People were fed up w/prices/inflation prior to his inauguration, he rode that w/promises to the WHouse.
Americans are going to trip w/the coming price hikes they'll be seeing and by summer the anger/anxiety over economics will hit the roof. Trump being so unstable/impulsive will lash out. Problems w/ Musk, his cabinet,Congressional allies will result w/his finger pointing. Once his popularity nos. collapse the rebellion will begin,someone will be emboldened to break w/ Trump out of self preservation. All it takes is a few and Trump will collapse like a house of cards,he's not liked/loved,he's feared and it's ALL incumbent on his popularity. He was elected solely on economics and at least 50% of his votes weren't MAGA, they were people who voted based upon their wallet. Unless he puts his tail between his legs(when did he ever admit mistakes?) and retracts these economically suicidal tariffs he's finished. I don't want to see the nation go into a painful recession but the infighting,finger pointing and betrayal that is awaiting the Trump Administration and it's vile entourage of enablers will be a sight to behold.
The one good thing about all this "winning" from the felon, Elon, Doge, Hegseth and sycophants in Congress, we're seeing far fewer trolls. Or even dumpy supporters. I'd be embarrassed too.
I was looking at YT videos about the wildfires in the Carolinas, and the comments there are still full of fools. Weather machines are to blame it seems.