Examples of GOP Leadership

ironic that these same people want to teach Christianity which committed even more atrocities against other religions in the past. all in the name of God.

that's entertainment in the old days; they used to market by announcement; people would show to jeer and throw rotted fruit and veggies.

a fun day was had by all, except those being hung.

look at the Battle of Bull Run/Manassas; people attended and had a picnic..ummmm that didn't go well.
well they stopped wearing those stupid hats with tea bags stapled to them..no firend..it's clearly Season 2- a Cheney is the voice of reason.
Which is really fucking scary.

ironic that these same people want to teach Christianity which committed even more atrocities against other religions in the past. all in the name of God.
It would be interesting if they ban teaching the rapes of hundreds of thousands/millions of children by churches.

well, you're right about that, but they're trying to use it to keep schools from teaching the kids the truth. the truth is the truth, whether it's flattering to our nation now or not...and trying to ignore it or deny it still makes them liars. educated, thoughtful people, especially those with children have to get the fuck off their asses and go confront the fucking morons when they're protesting, when they try to break up school board meetings, when they try to force their bullshit issues into stupid ass laws designed to keep hate alive...we have to start getting in the fuckers faces and drive them back under the rocks they climbed out from under
The religious (scopes trial/evolution 'teaching the alternative' nonsense/and now 'mask/vaccine' anti-science nuts) zealots have teamed up with the racist wing of the right to scream about 'CRT' at school boards to try to take over the local level elections.

You are right, it is all about keeping that hate alive so that their 'base' turns out, even if they have no actual agreement on what they are screaming about, outside of 'the libs' are the evil ones that are trying to force whatever they allowed the right wing hate monger trolls to trick themselves into thinking is going on to make their kids hate their radicalized asses.
Which is really fucking scary.

It would be interesting if they ban teaching the rapes of hundreds of thousands/millions of children by churches.

The religious (scopes trial/evolution 'teaching the alternative' nonsense/and now 'mask/vaccine' anti-science nuts) zealots have teamed up with the racist wing of the right to scream about 'CRT' at school boards to try to take over the local level elections.

You are right, it is all about keeping that hate alive so that their 'base' turns out, even if they have no actual agreement on what they are screaming about, outside of 'the libs' are the evil ones that are trying to force whatever they allowed the right wing hate monger trolls to trick themselves into thinking is going on to make their kids hate their radicalized asses.

for it to work; not paying attention..what are they without audience who is waiting another two more weeks for the evidence?
for it to work; not paying attention..what are they without audience who is waiting another two more weeks for the evidence?
The problem I think is that people who would have stood up to this were not paying attention in 2009 when the Republicans sprung their Tea Party trolling and were able to win state governments and gerrymander the crap out of those states they won power with the help of their hateful propaganda led by Fox and AM radio.

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Right now all the Democrats are going to be able to do is legislate and the rest is up to the American people, just like it (generally) always has been.
The problem I think is that people who would have stood up to this were not paying attention in 2009 when the Republicans sprung their Tea Party trolling and were able to win state governments and gerrymander the crap out of those states they won power with the help of their hateful propaganda led by Fox and AM radio.

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Right now all the Democrats are going to be able to do is legislate and the rest is up to the American people, just like it (generally) always has been.
yeah...and that's gone incredibly well so far.... :roll:
i'm actually sort of curious...what's the major problem with teaching critical race theory? that it tells the truth? that it doesn't paint the fucked up lying scenario that racists want to push to justify their horrific behavior? we fucked up in the past...the best way to atone for fucking up in the past is to do our best not to fuck up in the future...the best way to not fuck up in the future is to make sure everyone, kids especially, know how we fucked up in the past, and why what we did was fucking up...
so people who are against teaching the truth are liars...who have an agenda that includes continuing to make mistakes that have been made for more than 250 years...and they're doing it to "protect their children"....from the truth....? do i understand? did i get that right?
CRT is taught to a few college students, but mostly post graduate. The only way it will impact kids is if one of their teachers take it and has a more rounded look at issues. This is a made up controversy.
Raskin scolds Gaetz after grilling him on Trump's election lies
to quote bugs bunny..."what a fucking maroon..." none of that shit is going to go over worth a fuck with anyone but their brain dead cultists....and isn't that slimeball being prosecuted for child sex charges? why isn't he breaking rocks on a chain gang in the sun already?
No fucking words ….. Rudy needs a straitjacket STAT

:shock: ...i can't even think of anything to say...ok, maybe a couple...i hope there is an afterlife, and i hope for a few brief minutes rudy gets to meet Abe, who split rails for a living while educating himself...rudy would be going on to hell with a bunch of knots on that fucking rotten melon he calls a head...


looks like the shit is starting to hit the fan...i hope the 4 kids not only get off, i hope they get a fucking medal.
the vets who quit her advisory board should get on the talk show circuit and rip her a new asshole....wait, can you rip an asshole a new asshole?...or would that be some kind of paradox? like a whore for republican money still calling herself a democrat?
I suppose Matt can use the election cash for his legal defense fund. He must know that the feds are closing in and have him by the balls for 20 to life. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.