Examples of GOP Leadership

No really, I literally chose to post Viva Frei for that Roy Moore information as bait for exactly what you did.

I could have chose a "credible" source.

But of a dozen or so, the above would be the only one you might accept. It speaks volumes about your ability to digest information. It's also quite narcissistic that anyone would be expected to provide a credible source for information that can be independently scrutinized.

It's a good defense mechanism though, who wouldn't like an extra layer of shielding.
What it tells me is that Democrats will take a mistake on the chin and own it. Compare and contrast.
lol winning in the right wing ecosystem is winning a lawsuit on a technicality that the GOP'er groomed a 15 year old girl for a year after meeting her in a mall before making his move, and not just picking her up in the mall like the ad suggested.

lmao cucktastic trolling at it's best.

Move to Alabama and become a juror. Otherwise respect their decision to send a clear message to your type from out of state, the type that holds any accusation towards an opponent as a conviction but an actual verdict you don't like is fake news.

Move to Alabama and become a juror. Otherwise respect their decision to send a clear message to your type from out of state, the type that holds any accusation towards an opponent as a conviction but an actual verdict you don't like is fake news.

So ignore the actual argument that was made by his lawyers to win that defamation lawsuit, which was Roy Moore waited a year grooming that 15 year old child and didn't pick her up at the mall?

Just so we can stick to your talking right wing propaganda trolling talking point?

Typical Jackass posts.

The ass has it so wrong at many levels. The important facts are summed up in the NPR article:

"No amount of deflection or distraction from Roy Moore will change the fact that multiple individuals testified under oath to corroborate credible accusations against him. Many others have come forward to make their allegations public, at serious personal cost. We do not think this verdict is the right decision, but we believe the facts are clear and this ruling will be overturned on appeal," Stafford, an attorney representing Senate Majority PAC, said in an emailed statement.

A preponderance of facts say Roy guy is a pedo or predatory pederast. Nothing in this lawsuit challenges the facts. The defamation lawsuit was decided on the basis that the ad claimed Roy said something and he kind of sort of did not.

In any case, it will be tossed after an appeal.

Republicans Rally Around Trump, While Election Deniers Are Winning Primaries
151,000 views Aug 14, 2022 Following the FBI's search of Mar-a-Lago, elected Republicans are rallying around the former President while election deniers are winning primary races around the country -- and many of them are routinely spewing lies about the 2020 election.

They think they are at war and behave that way, they are not organized on a large scale, but could easily be and to an extent these extremists are the terrorist wing of the republican party. I'm afraid both sides are not the same in this situation.
People Need To Stop Calling Right-Wing Extremism A 'Civil War,' Says Yale Professor
117,755 views Aug 14, 2022 As Donald Trump and his legal team continue to shift their narrative surrounding classified documents, the fear mongering by the former President and his allies continues to have a far-reaching impact. On Thursday, a fervent Trump supporter was shot and killed by police—after he fired a nail gun into an FBI office in Cincinnati. All week, right-wing Republican leaders have been ironically threatening to “Defund the FBI” as punishment for the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search. Meanwhile, Trump fan pages on social media have ratcheted up calls for a bloody “civil war.” Yale Professor and historian Joanne Freeman takes issue with that language. In addition to being “threatening,” Freeman says the “civil war” crowd isn’t organized enough to spark a war. And ultimately, it undermines “the real ugliness and violence on the surface of what’s going on right now.” “Words and rhetoric really matter,” says Freeman, “particularly if they are coming from someone high up. Not only do they frame things, but they are a way of sort of setting things in motion.”

They think they are at war and behave that way, they are not organized on a large scale, but could easily be and to an extent these extremists are the terrorist wing of the republican party. I'm afraid both sides are not the same in this situation.
People Need To Stop Calling Right-Wing Extremism A 'Civil War,' Says Yale Professor
117,755 views Aug 14, 2022 As Donald Trump and his legal team continue to shift their narrative surrounding classified documents, the fear mongering by the former President and his allies continues to have a far-reaching impact. On Thursday, a fervent Trump supporter was shot and killed by police—after he fired a nail gun into an FBI office in Cincinnati. All week, right-wing Republican leaders have been ironically threatening to “Defund the FBI” as punishment for the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago search. Meanwhile, Trump fan pages on social media have ratcheted up calls for a bloody “civil war.” Yale Professor and historian Joanne Freeman takes issue with that language. In addition to being “threatening,” Freeman says the “civil war” crowd isn’t organized enough to spark a war. And ultimately, it undermines “the real ugliness and violence on the surface of what’s going on right now.” “Words and rhetoric really matter,” says Freeman, “particularly if they are coming from someone high up. Not only do they frame things, but they are a way of sort of setting things in motion.”
Dissenting opinion. Elected Republicans are waging civil war.
So far without (much) shooting.
I disagree, they are waging a propaganda war. I don't see any states forming up armies to fight against our federal government.
Point conceded. Perhaps I can say that they are laying the groundwork for one as a plan B if their usual election weaselry fails.
Point conceded. Perhaps I can say that they are laying the groundwork for one as a plan B if their usual election weaselry fails.
If that means enraging a handful of gravy seals and mentally deficient individuals to impale themselves on their own bullets after trying/succeeding in hurting innocent people stochastically with their propaganda in the hopes that they can blame it on the Democrats and win enough state/congressional power to try again to steal an election, then sure!
If that means enraging a handful of gravy seals and mentally deficient individuals to impale themselves on their own bullets after trying/succeeding in hurting innocent people stochastically with their propaganda in the hopes that they can blame it on the Democrats and win enough state/congressional power to try again to steal an election, then sure!
Using the term civil war in America instantly brings up historical connotations, however this is another way of waging civil war, by making the government dysfunctional and creating chaos. In a two party system they can both create the instability and dysfunction to attain power by blaming the other side using their propaganda machine. Once they attain power with minority rule, they will not give it up easily or at all. Nobody is gonna be succeeding from the union or having battles with armies, they will strive for power by any means they can and try to keep it the same way. You cannot do politics inside the framework of a liberal democracy with such people, good will and common purpose are required for that, along with adherence to the spirit of the constitution, as well as it's substance.

The Body Count Grows As Trump Followers Put Their Lives On The Line For Him
859,088 views Aug 14, 2022 It appears Donald Trump has always cost his followers' money and dignity - and now his rhetoric appears to be costing them their lives. A man in Cincinnati was killed after he opened fire on an FBI building a few days after the agency searched Mar-a-Lago. Should we be worried about more violence?

Nixon's ex-White House lawyer has prediction for Trump's media allies
600,109 views Aug 14, 2022 John Dean, the White House counsel for former President Richard Nixon, predicts some of Trump's supporters in the media will "have egg all over their face" when the investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents ends.
I disagree, they are waging a propaganda war. I don't see any states forming up armies to fight against our federal government.
how long till we do?...i don't trust the motherfuckers any further than i can punt trump with an anchor up his ass.
if we get a good majority in the mid terms, which is seeming more and more possible, we can force some beefy domestic terrorism laws through, and start arresting half of the militia fuck nut weirdos in the entire country, and put the rest of the crazy fuckers on a watch list...and actually watch them.