Examples of GOP Leadership

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Georgia Republican Herschel Walker said the Biden administration’s sweeping new climate law represents unnecessary spending because it sets aside money to plant and protect trees.

“They try to fool you and make you think they are helping you out — they’re not. You know that some of this money is going into trees? We got enough trees — don’t we have enough trees around here?” Walker said Sunday in Georgia, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Essentially, no — the planet does not have enough trees to neutralize the impact of burning fossil fuels.

While a 2015 study found the earth has over 3 trillion trees, the number of trees here now is far less than at the beginning of human civilization — and not nearly enough to offset the devastating effects of climate change, scientists say.

The Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress without a single Republican vote, allocates $1.5 billion over a decade to the Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program, which funds tree-planting in cities like Atlanta that struggle with poor air quality. Especially in lower-income areas, scientists agree that trees are beneficial, helping to reduce air pollution and temperatures.

In 2020, former President Donald Trump signed an executive order joining the United States in the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Trees Initiative, which Trump described as “an ambitious effort to bring together government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and around the world.” Climate advocates opposed the order, however, on the grounds it didn’t do anything to mitigate the driving factor behind climate change — the consumption of fossil fuel — and encouraged logging.

Trump blames Wind Power
Hersh blames the trees

Appearing at the Giggle Pit, two shows nightly through Saturday, it's Herschel (Is this thing on?) Walker.
Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America tried to have his own Vice President, murdered by sending a text via Twitter (who posted it) and sat in the Executive Dining Room for 187 minutes in order they carry it out.

No VP; No Certification.
View attachment 5185890
Georgia Republican Herschel Walker said the Biden administration’s sweeping new climate law represents unnecessary spending because it sets aside money to plant and protect trees.

“They try to fool you and make you think they are helping you out — they’re not. You know that some of this money is going into trees? We got enough trees — don’t we have enough trees around here?” Walker said Sunday in Georgia, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Essentially, no — the planet does not have enough trees to neutralize the impact of burning fossil fuels.

While a 2015 study found the earth has over 3 trillion trees, the number of trees here now is far less than at the beginning of human civilization — and not nearly enough to offset the devastating effects of climate change, scientists say.

The Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Congress without a single Republican vote, allocates $1.5 billion over a decade to the Forest Service’s Urban and Community Forestry Program, which funds tree-planting in cities like Atlanta that struggle with poor air quality. Especially in lower-income areas, scientists agree that trees are beneficial, helping to reduce air pollution and temperatures.

In 2020, former President Donald Trump signed an executive order joining the United States in the World Economic Forum’s Trillion Trees Initiative, which Trump described as “an ambitious effort to bring together government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and around the world.” Climate advocates opposed the order, however, on the grounds it didn’t do anything to mitigate the driving factor behind climate change — the consumption of fossil fuel — and encouraged logging.

Trump blames Wind Power
Hersh blames the trees


Trump did want to clean the forests to stop Cali forest fires.
okay, by the numbers.

1) before the first comma: no. The delusion that there are natural rights is a bad left turn some 18th-century thinkers made. For the last century, the idea has been solely kept on life support by the lunatarians. The empirical support is absent.

2a) if all you wanted to discuss was the weather, we could have spared you, O gentle lurker, some grief.

2b) I am unaware of any basis that is not entirely arbitrary by which a molecule might be assigned divinity.
I prefer Gould’s hypothesis of nonoverlapping magisteria. That puts prepaid to obvious claptrap like creationism.

2c) There is no science suggesting we are born at conception. In fact, reduced ad absurdum, we are born at, well, birth. The lie is being told for a specific purpose; vide infra.

The idea that we attain our humanity while still a zygote is ridiculous on the face of it. It is given authority only by those who have deliberately perverted (toxics) or added canonical superstructure to (popers) the core text. Since there is no scriptural basis, the ploy is a component of the comprehensive demonization of a basic biological drive. It is a tool of authoritarian control made to erode healthy skepticism to the point where the toxics have become a major political mover.

So to suggest I might subscribe to any of these scientifically bankrupt yet socially corrosive* ideas is, by rigorous derivation from first principles, to call me an idiot.

*witness Gan Greene pushing Christian Nationalism, a totalitarian ambition.

unlike the rabbit, you are not psychotic. Your evil is deliberate and organized, and you bear full responsibility as a vector of totalibertarian liarrhea.

It is as consciously deceptive as your decidedly toxic (and completely without scriptural, let alone objective, basis) concepts of sex and sexuality, which you have used to speak to @hanimmal with shockingly crass contempt. Your Weltanschauung is viciously false.

2n+1) have a nice day.

I did not call you a deist, I'm fully aware you are not. I was referring to a much earlier generation. Passing through a birth canal does not magically create your unique DNA that is your humanity. I'm sorry you don't like it. Sexuality is subjective, it's yours alone and literally noone cares but you, as it should be. I'm not sure what your obsession with so called Christian Nationalism is, but it's a bit unhealthy. If we learned any valuable lessons from Germany, one should have been to be hyper weary of medical and scientific nationalism, in pursuit of the ubermensch.
That is some wonderful irony.

The government should turn it into a money making venture. Kind of like a smash room, you go and buy some overpriced bottles of ketchup and then pay 20 bucks to throw them at the official trump portrait. Lines would be around the block, put the money towards a good cause.
That is some wonderful irony.

The government should turn it into a money making venture. Kind of like a smash room, you go and buy some overpriced bottles of ketchup and then pay 20 bucks to throw them at the official trump portrait. Lines would be around the block, put the money towards a good cause.
A dunk tank for Moscow Mitch and a few other treason party stalwarts would be nice. I’m even good with omitting the piranhas … the ones without press passes anyway.
That is the first top-40 song that I awarely remember hearing. Mama’s radio was always tuned to Easy Listening aka elevator music.

The only earlier wild-eyed escapee from rainbow unicorn hell was a snappy tune from Miriam Makeba.

I was blessed that Sister is five years older than I am, so her record collection was my early education, musically speaking. I would have missed all the best bits without it. Being born in 1961 I didn't rock and roll until around 1974. But. . . . .
