Examples of GOP Leadership

This is not their only lawsuit. Tactically this might be brilliant. Now they can figuratively show up at track day in a new McLaren.
Now that they know foxnews will pay up, more will have a kick at the can using the evidence already uncovered as the thin edge of the wedge to get more info for their discovery. Where they will have foxnews by the balls is the fact, that like with Dominion, they are seeking to hide the information from their base and general public. So, it's not just the defamation they will pay for, they will pay to avoid a public trial and they will pay big time! It means quick money without endless appeals; they can basically extort them legally.
It was quite reasonable for them to take the settlement, they could have lost. You are correct, it wasn't their job to get justice for the public.

I do think suing for libel/slander needs to be more prevalent. It's all I can come up with. Fox has deep pockets, but you could probably sink the startups with litigation. Fox would be the prime target though, just a parade of lawsuits when they lie. Given that their business model is selling lies, welp, maybe it works itself out.
We need to take the battle to them. To all of them. Right wing radio, Right wing newspaper organizations. Right wing media including and in particular FOX. We need to make it unprofitable to the monsters who own them.

I'm going to give this some thought. There is no good reason why we can't punish news outlets for malicious lies. There might be a legal reason but that's not a logical argument, we can (through effort) change the laws. Legalities are just an impediment not a good reason. I'm also going to voice my discontent to my representatives in the state and federal govt. It's just a mouse voice but I know it's heard. I encourage anybody who feels as we do to send an e-mail message to your reps. It's a small thing but it does get read.
Now that they know foxnews will pay up, more will have a kick at the can using the evidence already uncovered as the thin edge of the wedge to get more info for their discovery. Where they will have foxnews by the balls is the fact, that like with Dominion, they are seeking to hide the information from their base and general public. So, it's not just the defamation they will pay for, they will pay to avoid a public trial and they will pay big time! It means quick money without endless appeals; they can basically extort them legally.
I am really hoping Smartmatic don’t take the money and run. The collateral damage from all those reptilians on the stand would be quite a thing
We need to take the battle to them. To all of them. Right wing radio, Right wing newspaper organizations. Right wing media including and in particular FOX. We need to make it unprofitable to the monsters who own them.

I'm going to give this some thought. There is no good reason why we can't punish news outlets for malicious lies. There might be a legal reason but that's not a logical argument, it's just an impediment. I'm also going to voice my discontent to my representatives in the state and federal govt. It's just a mouse voice but I know it's heard. I encourage anybody who feels as we do to send an e-mail message to your reps. It's a small thing but it does get read.
Let us know what you say or intend to.
FOX is the tool of monsters.
Well, the monster appears to have gotten loose from Fr. Frankenstein's control, ditto for the GOP, they cultivated the base and now they have it. It's like gerrymandering, it gave the republicans rightwing nuts they could not manage like the "freedom caucus" which will ultimately lead to their demise. Look at the radical fascist laws coming out of the red states, the national party and congress people are largely running for cover over guns and abortion laws as the nuts in the states push the envelope and deeply unpopular policy.
I am really hoping Smartmatic don’t take the money and run. The collateral damage from all those reptilians on the stand would be quite a thing
It's not just them, it's J6 cops and a lot of other people including J6 defendants and as Beau said the expense the states had to incur and election workers nationally might have a class action case, many quit and endured death threats, the list of those with standing could be long. It is easy money too anybody with standing can use this evidence to get into court and foxnews will pay to avoid it, lawyers are waking up to this fact and thinking...
Something to chew on instead of gnashing teeth. It's a start. But there is (was) bipartisan support for this. It fizzled but one can check to see what their congressional reps did when this measure came up.

Congress may be about to help local news. It can’t happen soon enough.

Now — and finally — some meaningful help may be on the way.
Bipartisan support in Congress has gathered for the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, and its supporters believe there’s a decent chance it will be a part of the huge spending bill that Congress is now focusing on.
The proposal, which provides a series of tax credits rather than direct grants, is intended to give local newspapers, digital-only publications and other local news organizations a chance to be financially viable as they figure out how to make their way in the new digital world.

Similar versions of the legislation have been introduced in the House and Senate. Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.) and Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) are the House co-sponsors. The Senate co-sponsors are the chairwoman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Ron. Wyden (D-Ore.), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.). This week, Sen. Joe Manchin III, the centrist West Virginia Democrat, decided to get on board, too. (The House version has about a dozen Republican supporters; the Senate version is still without Republican backers, but supporters hope that will change.)
It's not just them, it's J6 cops and a lot of other people including J6 defendants and as Beau said the expense the states had to incur and election workers nationally might have a class action case, many quit and endured death threats, the list of those with standing could be long. It is easy money too anybody with standing can use this evidence to get into court and foxnews will pay to avoid it, lawyers are waking up to this fact and thinking...
until they file, Beau is speculating. I take less pleasure in the long shots than you.
Something to chew on instead of gnashing teeth. It's a start. But there is (was) bipartisan support for this. It fizzled but one can check to see what their congressional reps did when this measure came up.

Congress may be about to help local news. It can’t happen soon enough.

Now — and finally — some meaningful help may be on the way.
Bipartisan support in Congress has gathered for the Local Journalism Sustainability Act, and its supporters believe there’s a decent chance it will be a part of the huge spending bill that Congress is now focusing on.
The proposal, which provides a series of tax credits rather than direct grants, is intended to give local newspapers, digital-only publications and other local news organizations a chance to be financially viable as they figure out how to make their way in the new digital world.

Similar versions of the legislation have been introduced in the House and Senate. Reps. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.) and Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) are the House co-sponsors. The Senate co-sponsors are the chairwoman of the Senate Commerce Committee, Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Ron. Wyden (D-Ore.), and Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.). This week, Sen. Joe Manchin III, the centrist West Virginia Democrat, decided to get on board, too. (The House version has about a dozen Republican supporters; the Senate version is still without Republican backers, but supporters hope that will change.)
Local news has been getting hammered for years and local corruption is largely unchecked with the demise of local papers. We need replacement for these local sources, maybe online is the only way to go and we could "push" more local content at users or require social media companies to based on geographic location data. Google should push the local paper to the top of your news feed, ditto for others. I'm sure there are lots of things that can be done, as they say all politics is local and if corruption is local then it will spread upwards. It was a lack of local reporting and attending by the residents that gave you George Santos, who should have been exposed as a fraud and the local paper or news org that does the exposing needs local exposure too and squeezing big tech is one way to give it to them and make sure they see it.
until they file, Beau is speculating. I take less pleasure in the long shots than you.
He made a good point about them settling to avoid a trial and public exposure, this is a weakness that can and will be exploited. Instead of years and endless appeals they can screw them quickly and profitably. Lawyers will drive it for a buck if they figure they can make one, I'm sure the lawyers for Dominion will make a fortune and if they still want to work, there might be others who would employ them to do a repeat on fox, they do know where all the bodies are buried.
until they file, Beau is speculating. I take less pleasure in the long shots than you.
It's a bit like chess, ya better be able to see a few moves ahead before making your own. This gets them out of a very bad situation quickly but paying them off with such a huge amount and with the evidence that came to light has risks and I outlined them. Trying to sue foxnews is a tough challenge even if you win a huge settlement at trial, you might not see it for many years. Fox wants to avoid a trial and public exposure though, because I'm pretty sure congress will act if the democrats win, new fox trials or not.

Obama went after foxnews years ago and all the media companies sprang to their defense, including CNN, post J6 I don't think that will be the case anymore.
It's a bit like chess, ya better be able to see a few moves ahead before making your own. This gets them out of a very bad situation quickly but paying them off with such a huge amount and with the evidence that came to light has risks and I outlined them. Trying to sue foxnews is a tough challenge even if you win a huge settlement at trial, you might not see it for many years. Fox wants to avoid a trial and public exposure though, because I'm pretty sure congress will act if the democrats win, new fox trials or not.

Obama went after foxnews years ago and all the media companies sprang to their defense, including CNN, post J6 I don't think that will be the case anymore.
I suck at chess
I suck at chess
There is a big movement in Quebec to use it in schools, apparently it improves math skills quite a bit.

You are not dealing with normal people here folks, not with the kinds of accusations they are making, designed to manipulate the simpleminded with outrageous lies, if it's not pedophilia it is sex slave trafficking. I think there are more profitable lines of work for Joe than running international whores for the 4 years when he wasn't VP, unless he was running a whorehouse out of the Whitehouse. Ya need to ask yourself how many people who vote for republicans actually believe this horse shit and if they don't believe it and still vote republican what does that say about them?

I do hope Jack busts this treasonous bitch, or maybe it would be better if she stumped for Trump while he is in his cell and running for POTUS, then bust her.

Gateway Pundit joins BitchUte at the bottom of the barrel.


It’s called trickle down economics.
Not when ya block even the trickle. Unemployment is low and opportunities abound, the CFO is next in line for the CEO job and they work as a team to get rich. The average life span of a CEO is around 2 years, and it is a time to cash in while appointing the board. Stock options started in the high-tech sector as a way of keeping talent, but very quickly spread as a way for CEOs to cash in. It led to planning and goals by quarter, not by years or even a decade, long term strategies became much more difficult to implement and the goal became personal enrichment. Why have an R&D department? It would be a couple of years at least before anything comes of it, cut it to drive up quarterly profits, they won't be around, they'll be rich and long gone.

Lawrence: Rupert Murdoch and Fox surrendered. Truth won big. Rupert lost.

320,265 views Apr 19, 2023 #msnbc #foxnews #rupertmurdoch
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how Rupert Murdoch and his lawyers botched the legal strategy in surrendering to Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million on the first day in court.

Joe on the Dominion, Fox lawsuit: This is an American tragedy

29,809 views Apr 19, 2023 #FoxNews #Dominion #Media
Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems reached a $787.5 million settlement agreement Tuesday afternoon. The Morning Joe panel discusses the outcome.