Examples of GOP Leadership


Ursus marijanus


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Too funny that.

"I love that my bite is better, that my teeth are a better shape, that they feel better in my mouth and that I can be confident when I smile at people," Noem said in the video.

She bites better. Sounds like Biden's German Shephard crossed with a MAGA governor.


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Took in bits and pieces of yesterdays "special council" hearing in the House on Biden's interview over the mishandled docs. The disgraceful J.Jordan re-appeared as a MAGA flag waver after seemingly falling off my radar. What a FKN weasel this MF is,I had to flip the channel when he and fellow R's spoke after mere seconds,the same ol pull the chord standard issue propaganda spin. Every FKN time Jordan runs his mouth w/ the laser focus on jailing Biden,I'm immediately brought back to his stuttering/bumbling/mumbling explanation of his Jan.6 communication w/the Orange master of disaster.


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Kristi Noem sued over social post promoting Texas dentist
Consumer advocacy group Travelers United sued South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) Wednesday after she posted a nearly five-minute long video promoting a cosmetic dentistry company, accusing her of breaking Washington, D.C., consumer protection laws.

The group claims Noem’s video was an undisclosed advertisement for dentistry firm Smile Texas.

“As a social media influencer and politician Kristi Noem is herself a brand and she is promoting a service that benefits her – both physically (a new smile) and financially (she was either paid or received free or reduced cost medical services in exchange for the advertisement),” according to the suit.

The Noem video features before and after shots of recent cosmetic surgery for her teeth and a testimonial from the governor that appears to be shot inside the company’s Houston office, the suit alleges.

“I’m the governor of South Dakota and had the opportunity to come to Smile Texas to fix my teeth, which has been absolutely amazing,” Noem, who is seen as a potential running mate to former President Trump, says at the beginning of the video.

She said her teeth needed to have an “adjustment” from a biking accident that took place years ago.

“But the team here was remarkable and finally gave me a smile that I can be proud of and confident in and that really is a gift that I think is going to be incredibly special to have. You know I think that I chose the team here at Smile Texas because they’re the best,” she said.

The video, which was simultaneously posted to all the governor’s social media pages, ends on an image of the company’s logo.

“Kristi Noem acted here as an influencer,” the suit alleges. “She likely either received free dental care in exchange for this advertisement, discounted dental care in exchange for this advertisement or she was paid and received free dental care for the advertisement.”

“Unfortunately Noem did not mark this as an “Ad” or “Advertisement” when posting so she is participating in an unfair and deceptive practice,” it continues.

The suit demands Noem mark future promoted content with advertising labels and pay undisclosed damages.


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At least Commander wouldn’t stoop to being the Republican vp.
Commander is a hellion.a secret service nightmare,had a paper route as a kid,been bit and snipped,I've dodged,weaved,and vaulted fences.I'd be plotting my delivery /escape options were Commander on my route,Shephards,Huskies,Boxers,Dobermans,Rottweillers,mixed breeds,and those sneaky little toy dogs that snip your calfs,I';ve encountered them all,thankfully pit bulls weren't popular in the late 70's.Despite this ,I still love dogs.


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Since at least 2016, a brave, determined, and stalwart group of psychologists and other mental health professionals have been trying to warn the public about Donald Trump’s obvious unwellness and pathological behavior. Based on mountains of public evidence of Trump’s behavior and what he has encouraged in others, these mental health experts concluded that the corrupt twice-impeached ex-president, a sexual assaulter as confirmed by a court of law, aspiring dictator, and defendant who is now facing hundreds of years in prison appears to be a sociopath if not a full-on psychopath.

In following through on their ethical obligations, the “duty to warn” the public about a uniquely powerful and dangerous person such as Donald Trump, these mental health professionals risked their careers, reputations, and yes, even personal safety. If members of Congress, then President Trump’s cabinet officials, senior law enforcement, and others with the power to contain the dangerous ex-president had listened to them and acted accordingly, the country would not be on the precipice of Trump's return to power where he will, as threatened and promised, become America’s first dictator.

As seen in the last few weeks and months, Donald Trump’s dangerousness is rapidly escalating. At his rallies and other events, Donald Trump is exhibiting obvious and repeated examples of challenges in his speech, language, and memory. In a widely read series of conversations here at Salon, Dr. John Gartner, who is a prominent psychologist and contributor to the bestselling book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President," has been warning that Trump is apparently suffering from dementia or some other type of brain disease.
