Examples of GOP Leadership

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders have been saying the same thing for years. I guess it doesn't get as much attention as the tech bro oligarchy and the lying pos behind the resolute desk. :(
Those two are labeled as radical socialists by the R's, and in the US aren't the best messengers to get through to the masses,they'd be accused of wanting to SPEND on "liberal" programs,we need surplus funds for such programs after SS,medicaid/care,defense,and infrastructure are funded and the budget is balanced then those things are open for discussion. I just don't see how basic economics of funds in/funds out has gotten so out of whack without common sense intervention,whoever gets in power looks at the pie and and slices it up to favor "their side". Trumps gonna throw $$$ at people already living the "good life",following the weather at their multiple multi-million dollar residences,possessing generational wealth AND add Trillions to the debt. THAT'S why I'm recommending outside the box options to pay down the debt,since it's obvious standard taxation isn't working. I'm convinced after seeing both sides play the animosity game w/income taxation that we need to find across the board, share the pain alternatives.
fucking house republicans........... :shock:...way to appease your masters huh......

i have 2 of :finger: for ya
KNEW it was coming, LOT of pain coming to rural red state hospitals/nursing homes,feel for those who suffer,but they cast their votes. I don't understand but I also never understood them donating to big hair evangelical's,same principle I guess.
KNEW it was coming, LOT of pain coming to rural red state hospitals/nursing homes,feel for those who suffer,but they cast their votes. I don't understand but I also never understood them donating to big hair evangelical's,same principle I guess.

i kinda knew it was gonna happen as well, kinda wished they didn't cause it will hurt alot of people. There a few people i know that are gonna affected by this, and one of them i am married too......
i kinda knew it was gonna happen as well, kinda wished they didn't cause it will hurt alot of people. There a few people i know that are gonna affected by this, and one of them i am married too......
Sorry,I feel ya,these pricks are going to whack Medi-caid. It's stunning how so many reg. people dug the flag waving,fist pumping, and bad-ass trash talking scam perpetrated by a guy who has no clue what ordinary American's lives are like. These folks literally voted to hurt themselves and NOW after just 30 days the Buyer's Remorse is setting in, HELLO. My worst fears are he's talking this crazy on affairs Domestic and Foreign and he's 80, what comes out of his mouth if a few more screws shake loose over 4 more years???

I read the article. So, in fairness to your post, in which I think you should leave the "Biden buddy" shit on the floor, they didn't explicitly say that Medicare/Medicaid will specifically be affected. Since I'm not American, I had to look up which federal programs are involved, aside from the 10% medicare/aid.

Here's a list of programs they'll need to make the cuts to meet their proposed budget. Which ones do you think they will cut?

From Wikipedia: United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce - Wikipedia
  • health care, including mental health and substance abuse
  • health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid
  • biomedical research and development
  • food, drug, device and cosmetic safety
  • environmental protection
  • clean air and climate change
  • safe drinking water
  • toxic chemicals and hazardous waste
  • national energy policy
  • renewable energy and conservation
  • nuclear facilities
  • electronic communications and the internet
  • broadcast and cable television
  • privacy, cybersecurity and data security
  • consumer protection and product safety
  • motor vehicle safety
  • travel, tourism and sports
  • interstate and foreign commerce
Texas measles outbreak grows to 90 cases, worst level in 30 years
Epicenter of latest outbreak had one of state’s highest immunization exemption rates for 2023-24 school year

I heard on NPR that someone who had it went to Austin and attended a couple of three events with several thousand folks each. They didn't say. but I assume basketball games or concerts. Hope folks had their shots when they were kids. This could blow up big time.
I misremembered the town in Texas. Belle did a video on it, and it was San Antonio. The person went to two colleges and the river walk. 90% of folks who was close who are unvaxed will catch it.
Republican Cites Bible To Defend Hitting Disabled Students
If we are going to look to Judean mythology for our laws, I guess we will be stoning folks who don't keep the Sabbath. Keep in mind that is Friday at sundown to Saturday at sundown.