Exausting outside of grow room

Alright RIU gurus I have a important question. 7500w 9500 peak watts gas generator. 20A two plugs per outlet two total.

This is 76ft away from the grow. What gauge cords do I need. 3700w per cord max, 4 cords.

Im thinking 75ft cords and the manual has a chart that says 8 gauge but I can only find 10. Any electrical handy people out there?
Heres the chart. Its inbetween 60 and 80 ft should I just get 80ft even if its harder to find? Noone around me can answer this. Was told try asking the home improvement store but Ive gotten good help from RIU.


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Wow I should of done this sooner didnt realize all the questions id have.

They should have fan tail cords so I can just plug power strips into it right? I cant just plug a power strip at the end of each extention cord… They can only handle like 1500w each.
I misread rhe manual it clearly says the amp is based on what the generator is. Forget that vendors will make manuals to suit multiple models but didnt seem that way anywhere else in manual.

Its 20a outlet so Id think it should just show that column only right?… Anyway I called eletricians they referred me to vendor they dont really have a easy to reach person.

I re read manual and im thinking just follow the length portion of chart. Use 20a power strips. Its like using a household outlet but 20a.

House hold 15a there are two receptacles you just dont overload that outlet. So need carefully portion out power to each side.

It says to balance them so as soon as one receptacle is used up, use one of the other outlet receptacle and so on till all four are used.

Jesus I didnt think this would send me for a ride.
I read the whole damn manual suprised I didnt already know that unless im still wrong let me know but I think its just another silly moment but even my fam couldnt answer me.
I feel silly that chart is obvious now how it works and the generator needs all circuits used to use the full 7500/9500 peak watts.

I guess its a welder cable I need and two will do. 2400w each is all I can get for now. These posts put some my questions into perspective.

If this is such a hazard that id be better off letting the grow go through an outage id accept that. Just sell it but I saw other growers use this for their grow.

Mixed answers yes and no but I cant find a cord long enough with the fan tail. Jeez just now finding out I still have stuff to figure out.


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Yea Im past that I exaust outside I have no issues going unti my first spring and summer few hot days passed high RH and was good with ambient temps being 80F.

Who the heck is comfortable in 80F not me but live with people that do occasionally.

Anyway I just need know how I can get 6 receptacles from 2 20a 8 gauge ext cords from a gas generator. 3 each. Unless meed to refine my use and use less receptacles. Depends whats available.

I may be able to ask a electric company I just came at them like a hot mess not knowing a few basic things. Now I just have like one question that I got yes or no answers on.
700w tent, 1385w tent with dehuey and 665w tent. 1500w space heater. All on power strips that I would connect to the 20a cord. Not overloading each circuit so disperse it accordingly.
If you have 2x 20 amp circuits, you'll need to run 2 extension cords, one for each. Unless you just need around 20 amps total then just one cord.. They have 100ft cords that already split into 3 plugs on the end that cost a few bucks more, or you could just use a multi outlet adapter( however many ways) with a single ended cord too.

The thing is, you probably don't wanna be plugging multiple cords together with the plugs laying in the yard to get the full lentgh (like adding a 25ft and a 50ft, unless you splice them together and make it waterproof), and be better to have the longer cord..

10/3 is what you'll want. They do make 75 & 80 ft cords but most of them are 12 ga & rated for 15 amp that I see.. so you might as well get a couple 100'ers @ 10/3 if you want the full 40 amps running to your house. Unless your gen has a bigger 240v outlet, then you could possibly run one bigger 4 wire extension cord that splits it back up into multiple 120s on the other end. They make cords like that ready to go, but not that long that I've seen, and they are $$$...
If you have 2x 20 amp circuits, you'll need to run 2 extension cords, one for each. Unless you just need around 20 amps total then just one cord.. They have 100ft cords that already split into 3 plugs on the end that cost a few bucks more, or you could just use a multi outlet adapter( however many ways) with a single ended cord too.

The thing is, you probably don't wanna be plugging multiple cords together with the plugs laying in the yard to get the full lentgh (like adding a 25ft and a 50ft, unless you splice them together and make it waterproof), and be better to have the longer cord..

10/3 is what you'll want. They do make 75 & 80 ft cords but most of them are 12 ga & rated for 15 amp that I see.. so you might as well get a couple 100'ers @ 10/3 if you want the full 40 amps running to your house. Unless your gen has a bigger 240v outlet, then you could possibly run one bigger 4 wire extension cord that splits it back up into multiple 120s on the other end. They make cords like that ready to go, but not that long that I've seen, and they are $$$...

Do you have any links to some of the cords you mention? I havent found any longer than 50ft I looked all day lol.

Yes it also has a 120/240v 30A outlet. Two 20A circuits and a 30A L14-30R plug. Il want just the two 20A circuit or whatever covers 2800w for the grow and 1800w space heater for blizzards.
If you have 2x 20 amp circuits, you'll need to run 2 extension cords, one for each. Unless you just need around 20 amps total then just one cord.. They have 100ft cords that already split into 3 plugs on the end that cost a few bucks more, or you could just use a multi outlet adapter( however many ways) with a single ended cord too.

The thing is, you probably don't wanna be plugging multiple cords together with the plugs laying in the yard to get the full lentgh (like adding a 25ft and a 50ft, unless you splice them together and make it waterproof), and be better to have the longer cord..

10/3 is what you'll want. They do make 75 & 80 ft cords but most of them are 12 ga & rated for 15 amp that I see.. so you might as well get a couple 100'ers @ 10/3 if you want the full 40 amps running to your house. Unless your gen has a bigger 240v outlet, then you could possibly run one bigger 4 wire extension cord that splits it back up into multiple 120s on the other end. They make cords like that ready to go, but not that long that I've seen, and they are $$$...

Oh I see, 10gauge 100ft two of them and then the link to that 12gauge splitter adapter should do it? Id be ok with that I just dont know what im doing and worry it will run hot and burn being different gauges but idk. If you think itll work Il go for it.

Thanks for the help! I spent all day figuring this out lol youve helped me with a lot of difficult things, I appreciate it!
Had a feeling it was one of those things not to mention I could die of shock. If I get a outage my plants wont make it over night without severe dry back. I guess the tents can sit open in the dark with fingers crossed no budrot.

I havent shown anyone my grow not even my roomates its hecktic I just got used to it. Id have to show the guy my grow and pay for a service call but if I should then I guess.