Excellent trip to MSG

...and by trip I don't just mean we went there . :blsmoke:
After reading SLiKWiLL13's Team Aquarium Adventure, I decided in honor of such an excellent post I would do a little trip report myself. Started back around last October when my friends decided we would all go to MSG for New Years to see My Morning Jacket. After we all got our tickets, we decided that it would be an excellent idea to prepare as soon as possible. Each of us would take the biggest nug out of our sacks and put them in the New Years collection in preparation. This spread and we all also decided that we would not open our kief catchers until so as well. My friend rolled this nasty fatty you see below.

It was at first one huge blunt of 4 cigar wrappers, but after some cracks we decided to seal it up with some papers just to keep it on the safe side. It did in fact have to make the travel to NYC. We had 3 of these monsters in what I thought would be plenty. Then we remembered that we still had about 5-6 grinders packed to the brim of kief. So then my buddy again put his rolling abilities to the test and made this monstrosity:

When New Year's eve finally came around, we ended up having the 3 fatty's, one gigantic kief J, and a couple small J's for each of us to walk around with and have at the show. I then told a friend about this idea and he came through with what would be one of my first 2C experiences.
The time finally came and we all crammed like sardines into our buddy's truck. I told everyone about the extra surprise of 2C, but everyone was skeptical and told me I should pop off first and if I could handle myself getting around they would as well. About an hour into the drive I started to feel it coming on. I had only taken one dose but it felt sufficient. We found some parking and up to another friends apartment where we started to blaze. I can honestly say that was the most high I think any of us have ever been as we almost completely forgot about the show.
We got ready to move out and although I was already facing I decided to pop 2 more. The rest of them thought it would interfere with their listening to the music with the exception of one of my friends who took 1. We made it over to MSG and proceeded to toke up before heading in. We were excited to finally get to our seats because we were all so damn high that we couldn't handle walking around anymore. The band started a while after that in what seemed to be like 2 days to me. Now I have to admit I am a metal head and always will be but I can appreciate all music. MMJ put on an incredible show that really brought the jam band fan in me. We also had awesome seats which you can see below.

We were a little worried about sparking up because of heavy security, but a few songs in the set we realized a bunch of people in our section were starting to blaze. Of course we jumped right in and got wrecked. At one point the band put on all white tuxes and did the countdown across a huge drop down screen which was going nuts for me. The trails I was seeing were out of this world and I knew from then on I would be in love with the 2C family.
Eventually the show ended and we headed back to the car, and then straight back home because of the long drive. When we made it there I was still completely high out of my mind as well as my one friend. The rest of us were exhausted and proceeded to pass out. We stayed up trying to work the Xbox and put some South Park on. My friend gave up and went in the back room for some purpose I don't remember. I eventually got the episode on but dropped the controller pausing the screen. I looked up at the screen and saw the corner of Stan's face looking back at me which was really trippy. I tried to tell my friend about it but he was in his room rolling around in his bed enjoying his high in his own way so I let him be.
I took a picture on my phone of the TV screen to remember how high I really was, which is now my avatar pic. I cracked open some beers and just listened to my ipod for an indefinite amount of time.
Eventually when I felt sober enough, I drove home to get some rest. The snow outside though was crazy on my high as it seemed as bright as the sun. All in all it was an excellent time and was the best trip I have had in a very long time. I fell in love with a new substance and also fell in love with a new band. It was an excellent time and we all really enjoyed ourselves. I can't wait till this New Year's to see what we do this time. If you guys are interested I will bring a camera this time and take lots of pictures to help me remember the whole story.

Happy tripping.
do you know which 2Cx you had?
2C-I. Only thing I have actually had my hands on before from an ex-friend of mine. He tried to start selling bunk stuff though so we cut him off and I no longer have access to any. I can say with no doubt in my mind that the 2C-I trip was one of the cleanest trips I have had in a long while. Best substitute for LSD or shrooms that can still be attained.

@ nj12nets:
Yeah that sounds like an awesome time. I am actually thinking about trying to get some more before making a trip to Vegas to check out the Beatles Cirque du Soleil. Buddy of mine just saw it recently and told me it was completely epic and he wishes he had gotten high for it.


Active Member
lol cool man the barnum & baleys was pretty trippy as in so if I felt I could fight the paranoia of the trip there and either a cab/train or drive home I'll do it...I'd rather do it with acid then shrooms but then again I've never dabbled with the 2Cx shit...I may have to start but is it cost effective?
Yeah really depends on where your getting it from. I was getting charged $10 a hit and one was sufficient. Problem was that the kid started cutting them down and started like mixing it with other random shit to make it look big so we wrote him off. Most of the retailers I see online are charging roughly $300 a g from what Iv seen, and you only need like 10-20mg to get off. Prices I have seen though are only from various internet searches I made. Havn't found any that seemed to be completely legitimate though, but I am going to take a gamble and place an order or two to see what I come up with.

RC Maniac

New Member
...and by trip I don't just mean we went there . :blsmoke:
After reading SLiKWiLL13's Team Aquarium Adventure, I decided in honor of such an excellent post I would do a little trip report myself. Started back around last October when my friends decided we would all go to MSG for New Years to see My Morning Jacket. After we all got our tickets, we decided that it would be an excellent idea to prepare as soon as possible. Each of us would take the biggest nug out of our sacks and put them in the New Years collection in preparation. This spread and we all also decided that we would not open our kief catchers until so as well. My friend rolled this nasty fatty you see below.

It was at first one huge blunt of 4 cigar wrappers, but after some cracks we decided to seal it up with some papers just to keep it on the safe side. It did in fact have to make the travel to NYC. We had 3 of these monsters in what I thought would be plenty. Then we remembered that we still had about 5-6 grinders packed to the brim of kief. So then my buddy again put his rolling abilities to the test and made this monstrosity:

When New Year's eve finally came around, we ended up having the 3 fatty's, one gigantic kief J, and a couple small J's for each of us to walk around with and have at the show. I then told a friend about this idea and he came through with what would be one of my first 2C experiences.
The time finally came and we all crammed like sardines into our buddy's truck. I told everyone about the extra surprise of 2C, but everyone was skeptical and told me I should pop off first and if I could handle myself getting around they would as well. About an hour into the drive I started to feel it coming on. I had only taken one dose but it felt sufficient. We found some parking and up to another friends apartment where we started to blaze. I can honestly say that was the most high I think any of us have ever been as we almost completely forgot about the show.
We got ready to move out and although I was already facing I decided to pop 2 more. The rest of them thought it would interfere with their listening to the music with the exception of one of my friends who took 1. We made it over to MSG and proceeded to toke up before heading in. We were excited to finally get to our seats because we were all so damn high that we couldn't handle walking around anymore. The band started a while after that in what seemed to be like 2 days to me. Now I have to admit I am a metal head and always will be but I can appreciate all music. MMJ put on an incredible show that really brought the jam band fan in me. We also had awesome seats which you can see below.

We were a little worried about sparking up because of heavy security, but a few songs in the set we realized a bunch of people in our section were starting to blaze. Of course we jumped right in and got wrecked. At one point the band put on all white tuxes and did the countdown across a huge drop down screen which was going nuts for me. The trails I was seeing were out of this world and I knew from then on I would be in love with the 2C family.
Eventually the show ended and we headed back to the car, and then straight back home because of the long drive. When we made it there I was still completely high out of my mind as well as my one friend. The rest of us were exhausted and proceeded to pass out. We stayed up trying to work the Xbox and put some South Park on. My friend gave up and went in the back room for some purpose I don't remember. I eventually got the episode on but dropped the controller pausing the screen. I looked up at the screen and saw the corner of Stan's face looking back at me which was really trippy. I tried to tell my friend about it but he was in his room rolling around in his bed enjoying his high in his own way so I let him be.
I took a picture on my phone of the TV screen to remember how high I really was, which is now my avatar pic. I cracked open some beers and just listened to my ipod for an indefinite amount of time.
Eventually when I felt sober enough, I drove home to get some rest. The snow outside though was crazy on my high as it seemed as bright as the sun. All in all it was an excellent time and was the best trip I have had in a very long time. I fell in love with a new substance and also fell in love with a new band. It was an excellent time and we all really enjoyed ourselves. I can't wait till this New Year's to see what we do this time. If you guys are interested I will bring a camera this time and take lots of pictures to help me remember the whole story.

Happy tripping.
Everybodys falling in love with 2C ;-)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone read PiHKAL(phenthylamines i have known and loved ) or TiHKAL (tryptamines i have known and loved) by alexander shulgin?


Well-Known Member
Of course... I havent read it in its entirety... but the most profound parts yes!

... most of the peeps perusing this threads have come into contact with PIKHAL & TIKHAL... its are bible!