EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Years ago I wrote a ditty on Plant Moisture Stress. https://www.rollitup.org/t/plant-moisture-stress-symptoms-and-solutions.150004/ Yes, the plant has a little bit of leaf margin curl......so what. Those leaves are healthy, productive leaves and that's all that counts. Same principle applies with people. If you think you're pretty looks is all that counts rather than being a productive member in society, you suck. :)

I appreciate your confirming my opinion.

Why is it so hard for you to admit I have a good eye?
Making fun of people's disabilities does exactly what for your argument- besides cost you any credibility whatsoever?
I gave him props for his ability even with a disability. With hjs lack of depth perception driving would be a danger to him and to others. I was just looking out everyone. Could you not see that? Or do you also have a lack of vision?
I gave him props for his ability even with a disability. With hjs lack of depth perception driving would be a danger to him and to others. I was just looking out everyone. Could you not see that? Or do you also have a lack of vision?

No, I just saw you being an asshole to someone for an issue they have no control over. It ruins your credibility on any other subject.
Not sure how annoying all of his rabid college sophomore fans are going to be but I'll be attending the rally in Asheville tonight...will be the first time I've voted in the decade since I was legally able to do so.
Ouch! This author nails Sanders and exposes him for the piece of excrement he is.

"Bernie Sanders, Lover of Genocidal Tyrants, Is Anything But Cute

In a reality show election starring Hillary Clinton, it takes real effort to be the most appalling, disgusting, and morally bankrupt character in the cast. Enter stage left Bernie Sanders, the “democratic” socialist. He’s not some cute curmudgeon who fights the little guy. He’s a committed adherent to an ideology that starved, tortured, and murdered north of 100 million people over the last century.

Even for the Democrat Party, which founded and nurtured the KKK, embracing a sycophant of psychotics is a mortifying new low.

The heart of socialism is government control – of your property and of your life, among other things. Socialist ideology is not amenable to tolerating opposition, and lo and behold, none of the tyrannies that Sanders and his pack of murder-apologists fetishize ever do."
