EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
When I sent that apology to you in the PM I meant it. I would rather discuss our difference on politics in a civil matter , not resort to the shit that the Repukes are doing. I can understand why you would not want to vote for Clinton if Bernie loses. I just fear what would happen to America if we allow the the likes of Trump in the white house. Sitting this out would mean a vote for Trump or who ever the Repukes put forth. If Hillary does get the nod I will hold my nose and still vote and hold her accounting for everything that she has promised. If she does not hold her promises that itch will be out in 4 years.

Here's something that should make you happy . My wife and my oldest daughter are both voting Bernie. I'm still sticking with my decision to put up the worst GOP nom so we can assure a Dem win
I accept.


Well-Known Member
This article is the first place I've read that polls are showing Mrs Clinton losing to the Chump in the general election, as disgruntled Sanders supporters either write him in or stay home by the millions;

It's shocking how popular that opinion is among millennials

At least if that happens and republicans fuck up, oh and they will, it'll be another progressive surge like in 08 in 2020, maybe Warren would step up


Well-Known Member
that would be stupid of him, it would get his foot in the white house door & he would remain relevant.
I'm not so sure. Say he did take it and Clinton was out in 2020, he'd be 78 years old. I doubt he has another presidential campaign in him at this point, I don't think staying relevant really matters much if he loses this race. I could be wrong


Well-Known Member
It's shocking how popular that opinion is among millennials

At least if that happens and republicans fuck up, oh and they will, it'll be another progressive surge like in 08 in 2020, maybe Warren would step up
We will also have a right leaning SCOTUS for years to come. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
This article is the first place I've read that polls are showing Mrs Clinton losing to the Chump in the general election, as disgruntled Sanders supporters either write him in or stay home by the millions;

I went through that article and didn't find any polling data or even a reference to a poll showing Sanders voters would abandon the election if Hillary won. Maybe I missed it?

The article is mostly speculation, based on what happened in the 2009 when two seats came up in already contested states, as well as the 2010 elections for Congress, an off-presidential election year. And by then people were pretty much pissed off over the recession.

The only thing I've seen in polling data shows Hillary winning by less of a margin than Sanders but defeating Trump handily, nonetheless.

Also, don't forget that the whupping delivered to Democratic Senators in 2010 rebounds this year. 24 GOP senators are up for election to 6 Dem senators. Disadvantage goes to the GOP.


Well-Known Member
that would be stupid of him, it would get his foot in the white house door & he would remain relevant.
Lol, are you kidding me? He's mounted the strongest insurgent campaign in living memory and you think HE needs THEM to 'remain relevant?' He's out in front of a huge and growing movement and it's the establishment that's struggling to remain relevant.


Well-Known Member
Lol, are you kidding me? He's mounted the strongest insurgent campaign in living memory and you think HE needs THEM to 'remain relevant?' He's out in front of a huge and growing movement and it's the establishment that's struggling to remain relevant.
and working with Hillary in the white house Burnie can further many of his ideas.......


Well-Known Member
I went through that article and didn't find any polling data or even a reference to a poll showing Sanders voters would abandon the election if Hillary won. Maybe I missed it?

The article is mostly speculation, based on what happened in the 2009 when two seats came up in already contested states, as well as the 2010 elections for Congress, an off-presidential election year. And by then people were pretty much pissed off over the recession.

The only thing I've seen in polling data shows Hillary winning by less of a margin than Sanders but defeating Trump handily, nonetheless.

Also, don't forget that the whupping delivered to Democratic Senators in 2010 rebounds this year. 24 GOP senators are up for election to 6 Dem senators. Disadvantage goes to the GOP.
I may have misread, you're right there is a serious lack of supporting data.

and working with Hillary in the white house Burnie can further many of his ideas.......
I've never seen that happen in the Vice President's office. Except when Darth Cheney declared himself independent of the Oval Office.