Godspeed, Bernie

Bernie Leaves Domocratic Party:
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View attachment 3744449
Godspeed, Bernie..thread closed.
Bernie Leaves Domocratic Party:
Oh Schuylaar.Assange
Oh Schuylaar.
Wanna have some sex?
View attachment 3744449
Godspeed, Bernie..thread closed.
Bernie Leaves Domocratic Party:
Oh Schuylaar.
Wanna have some sex?
Poor them.And business as usual:
Clinton Donors: Bernie Supporters: Shut Up
This wouldn't be happening if people would wake the fuck up and start giving a fuck.From the comments section of this article;
rwinestock shirley doughty2 days ago
Your questions are good ones Shirley. Follow the money. It takes $3-5 Billion per candidate per general election. No one except Trump has enough seed money. All the rest since the days of Andrew Jackson (and more orchestrated from multinational sources since the 80's and 90's, have need contributions. These collective contributors not only buy the winners in advance but control about 80% of their policies, most particularly through the unfair trade agreements that benefit them and take from us. The last one to successfully buck the system was Teddy Roosevelt. His contributors wrote that they were royally pissed and it never happened again. So, yeah, Hillary and Obama and Bush and Carter should all have/be serving (some life) sentences, but there is no one left to enforce it. Do a quick google search and find that 7 of the top 10 counties in America all surround Washington D.C. The top 3 richest are there as well. Think about that for a second. They are richer than Silicon Valley surrounding counties, richer than L.A. with L.A./Long Beach Harbor, almost all the U.S. television industry, richer than NYC and surrounding counties. Just let that sink in. Are their federal salaries so huge? Not really at all. What we are dealing with are h-u-g-e insertions of offshore cash finding their way in through satellite trust funds to lever legislation, policy, and infrastructure.
In the past 40 years Saudi alone has put out over 100 Billion dollars (mostly to lobby the U.S.) to promote economic and religious favor (almost all mosques built with their money). The Clinton Foundation is 25% Saudi money alone! But that's just the tip of the iceberg. We have several elite class folks--the 1%--who quite literally own 1/2 of the world's derivatives. Again, look it up. That means 99% of the rest of the globe split the rest. With that kind of buying power, these folks systematically choke world governments in hopes of holding all the economic leverage. That is our real battle. Despite the fact that Hillary, Obama, Bush and the like have all climbed into a very cozy bed with them that guarantees those presidents almost life eternal for themselves and families, it is these predator class people that actually control policy at a rapidly climbing pace. It's almost an end game right now, even if Trump were to get in. You must stay focused. This is a closing noose and we must collectively squirm to escape it.
This wouldn't be happening if people would wake the fuck up and start giving a fuck.
be careful with the psycho chicks. Wake up with no penis and her laughing and screaming BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE, with your penis in her handOh Schuylaar.
Wanna have some sex?
be careful with the psycho chicks. Wake up with no penis and her laughing and screaming BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE, with your penis in her hand
Poor them.
How about all of them involved in this DNC debacle are prosecuted to the full extent of the law? Check financial records for bribes, search these people's phones and question them all under oath.
Disgusting pieces of shit. I had a feeling they were doing this shit too, but for it to be blown wide open like this. We are blessed to have a somewhat free internet that allows for watchdog groups to expose the corruption within government.
The people involved have no moral compass and are unfit to ever hold public office. Shame on them all.
so a few emails are an outrage, but when donald trump says we should torture and execute the innocent family members of ISIS fighters, you somehow think that is worth electing as our commander in chief?
you are exceedingly stupid, hypocritical and unhinged.
go get a fucking lobotomy.
Donald is the only one talking about taking down ISIS.
Obama can`t
Obama let ISIS form
if you want ISIS dead, you gotta kill them.
There are no innocent family members of ISIS.
Fuck Hillary do nothing god damn Clinton
Yup fucked that post all up. It`s in the little box thingy........
Donald is the only one talking about taking down ISIS. Obama can`t, he spoke his shit already about that JV team, Hillary God-Damn Clinton. can`t go and bury him after he helps her with the Election. ISIS is safe with Democrats in the White House.
Obama let ISIS form claiming it was a joke,...Now he cannot even approach them.
Even you buck should understand if you want ISIS dead, you gotta kill them. There are no innocent family members of ISIS. ISIS should have been eliminated when they took 3/4 of a Country and a 1/4 of another. They still hold them proudly today and are growing.
Fuck Obama and his love for ISIS. Fuck Hillary do nothing god damn Clinton too.
Now about that daughter............
I forget ...what branch of the service did you serve for your country ? I also would suggest you learn more about ISIS, like which President was in office when they were formed. Hint it was not ObamaDonald is the only one talking about taking down ISIS. Obama can`t, he spoke his shit already about that JV team, Hillary God-Damn Clinton. can`t go and bury him after he helps her with the Election. ISIS is safe with Democrats in the White House.
Obama let ISIS form claiming it was a joke,...Now he cannot even approach them.
Even you buck should understand if you want ISIS dead, you gotta kill them. There are no innocent family members of ISIS. ISIS should have been eliminated when they took 3/4 of a Country and a 1/4 of another. They still hold them proudly today and are growing.
Fuck Obama and his love for ISIS. Fuck Hillary do nothing god damn Clinton too.
Now about that daughter............