EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Once again, opinion as fact!
Baaaaaa baaaaa!
"She won the election that we know was rigged, why don't you just accept it and stop complaining?"

"...It wasn't a fair election, the outcome is illegitimate..."

"You can't prove it! Where's your proof?!"

"Yes I can, here's the proof.."

"Yeah, but the winner didn't rig it, so how's she responsible?!"

"...didn't say she did.. that doesn't mean the election still wasn't rigged.."

"Doesn't mean it was!"

"I just showed you the evidence it was, we both agreed it was. You just moved the goalposts"

"You still can't prove it was!"

"She won the election that we know was rigged, why don't you just accept it and stop complaining?"

"...It wasn't a fair election, the outcome is illegitimate..."

"You can't prove it! Where's your proof?!"

"Yes I can, here's the proof.."

"Yeah, but the winner didn't rig it, so how's she responsible?!"

"...didn't say she did.. that doesn't mean the election still wasn't rigged.."

"Doesn't mean it was!"

"I just showed you the evidence it was, we both agreed it was. You just moved the goalposts"

"You still can't prove it was!"


I know, right? It's almost like a different user took over the account.
I know, right? It's almost like a different user took over the account.
I'm still just wondering if he thinks it doesn't matter if the primary was rigged because we have to beat Trump no matter what it takes or it doesn't matter what the DNC did even though the rules say they're supposed to remain neutral because he thinks it didn't make a difference anyway (why would they do it if it didn't make a difference?)
If voter fraud is an issue to the point of approximately 30% of the vote overall, is it not time to start requesting ID to vote?
And you're not, can you explain that?

Are you with @Unclebaldrick in that you believe beating Donald Trump is more important than upholding democracy in this case? Do you think that if any investigation into the DNC were established it would harm her chances in November?

You seem to be saying "Yeah, they cheated, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway so who cares?" and you haven't sufficiently addressed my criticism that the degree to which they cheated is irrelevant, the problem is that they cheated at all. You and I are in agreement that they probably didn't have to cheat for her to win. The fact is they did and that's what we need to address.
Seriously? What, are you like 22 years old?

You have some interesting views on democracy and purity. Let's say democracy is a strong beautiful woman. What the DNC did was tantamount to splashing some mud her dress. What TRUMP! and his ilk would do to her is more tantamount to what OJ did to Nicole.

Just because I didn't bother defusing your word trap doesn't give you the right to shape me into whatever strange, theoretical paradigm you exist in.
Seriously? What, are you like 22 years old?

You have some interesting views on democracy and purity. Let's say democracy is a strong beautiful woman. What the DNC did was tantamount to splashing some mud her dress. What TRUMP! and his ilk would do to her is more tantamount to what OJ did to Nicole.

Just because I didn't bother defusing your word trap doesn't give you the right to shape me into whatever strange, theoretical paradigm you exist in.
At least the Ron Paul crowd gave up pretty quickly when he wasnt nominated in 2012.

These Bernie Babies are having a hard time facing facts.
why are you the banker ?Did someone put monies in Hillary's bank account. in short. WTF are you talking about
Delerium is a symptom of dehydration. Drink a ta
I'm no lawyer either and find this whole thing arcane. I think this article answers your question:

The way the donations are divided is explained at the bottom of the Hillary Victory Fund page on the Clinton website. The first $2,700 goes to Clinton, the next $33,400 goes to the DNC and the rest goes to state parties.

How does this translate into total donations for each group?

If you look at the money going out, which is available through campaign finance reports, it looks like Clinton is getting most of the money.

The Clinton campaign gets the lion's share of the money collected by the Victory Fund, said Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin, because most of the donors give much smaller amounts, and everything up to $2,700 per person is earmarked to go to Hillary for America first.

It's when a donor exceeds that limit that the excess spills over to benefit the national and state Democratic committees.

Or — in the case of the state parties — that's how it appears on paper.
Federal Election Commission records show that in most cases, the money given to the state parties has been immediately redirected to the DNC. The money isn't staying with the states at all.
The Hillary Victory Fund sent $214,100 to Minnesota, for example, and that state party didn't keep a dime. It was routed to the DNC, which otherwise wouldn’t have been able to accept the money "since it came from donors who had mostly had already maxed out to the national party committee," Politico reported.
So if money is going back to the DNC, what’s it being spent on?

The overarching response of both the Clinton campaign and the DNC was that the money being diverted to the DNC was, in fact, being used to help local Democrats get elected. Those candidates need voter information, research, media monitoring, organizing capacity and other infrastructure services provided by the DNC to run a successful campaign, and that's how the money was being used.

However, such services also benefit the Clinton campaign.

I think what is going on is that most donors don't donate more than $2700. All of that money goes to Clinton's campaign. When big donations come in, everything over $36,100 goes to the states and they send the money back to the DNC to cover costs of services that they would have to do anyway. This pays for a central office that handles administrative tasks common to all campaigns and cuts overhead for each state because everybody pays for a central office. Of course, Hillary comes up the big winner in all of this. At least that's how I understand what's supposed to happen. Does it? Well from reading those e-mails, probably not. Still, I'll wait and see if any state campaigns start squealing over this.
Your problem is that you think cnn and politifact are unbiased. Their main purpose is to serve up hillary shit sandwiches and make them look like deli subs.
Delerium is a symptom of dehydration. Drink a ta

Your problem is that you think cnn and politifact are unbiased. Their main purpose is to serve up hillary shit sandwiches and make them look like deli subs.
I think you meant Delirium. We will blame the confusion on your permanent delirium from dementia.
No such thing as a drink called ta. That delirium is fucking you up bad.
Now can you remember why your husband was booted out the service, forcing you to apply for welfare to feed you, him and the baby. Did it have anything to do what Trump said about his kind being rapist, murderers and drug dealers.
Delerium is a symptom of dehydration. Drink a ta

Your problem is that you think cnn and politifact are unbiased. Their main purpose is to serve up hillary shit sandwiches and make them look like deli subs.
Oh this is interesting. So, I'm affected by cnn and politifact but you aren't. I don't think either of us were. While I strongly disagree with your choice and discuss our differences, I think you and I chose a candidate who fits our world view and we really, really don't want to see the other main party candidate in office.

You are supporting Trump. I don't think you were conned. I think you really do buy in to his way of thinking and want him in office over Hillary. Tell me, have you been conned by Trump? Are you a victim of media manipulation?

If it were a choice between Bernie and Trump which would you choose?
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Oh this is interesting. So, I'm affected by cnn and politifact but you aren't. I don't think either of us were. While I strongly disagree with your choice and discuss our differences, I think you and I chose a candidate who fits our world view and we really, really don't want to see the other main party candidate in office.

You are supporting Trump. I don't think you were conned. I think you really do buy in to his way of thinking and want him in office over Hillary. Tell me, have you been conned by Trump? Are you a victim of media manipulation?

If it were a choice between Bernie and Trump which would you choose?
I like both. It would be a hard choice that would involve research, watching the debates and some soul searching.

I will make the best choice I can to ensure freedom and prosperity for my daughter, my family, my friends, and the country as a whole. Economic strength, national security, and infastructure are my main concerns for this country and I know it affects all of its citizens from top to bottom:black to white equally.
I like both. It would be a hard choice that would involve research, watching the debates and some soul searching.

I will make the best choice I can to ensure freedom and prosperity for my daughter, my family, my friends, and the country as a whole. Economic strength, national security, and infastructure are my main concerns for this country and I know it affects all of its citizens from top to bottom:black to white equally.
Ok, there you have it then. You are a Trump voter who is voting according to your values and have spent time trying to understand the issues. Just like me, Paddy and Ty. We are all aware that the media slants or misinforms and so get information from several sources.

I've said many other things to you. I've never said you were duped or misled. Same with people who stick to Bernie as if that will make a difference or people like me who completely disagree with your choice and will do what they can to prevent that disaster from happening.
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Ok, there you have it then. You are a Trump voter who is voting according to your values and have spent time trying to understand the issues. Just like me, Paddy and Ty. We are all aware that the media slants or misinforms and so get information from several sources. I've never said you were duped or misled. I've said you many other things. Just like people who stick to Bernie as if that will make a difference or people like me who completely disagree with your choice and will do what they can to prevent that disaster from happening.
People are trying to show you the truth because they care.

I poke at you but I really do hope you see the truth. Plus you have been a little nasty to me so I'm not going to pretend that didnt alter the way I treated you.

You do seem to have a hard time with being seen as someone who was deceived. All the news stations are reporting on the email leaks but CNN has writers who slant it to act like it is no big deal. Politico and cnn were in with the DNC on avoiding asking the tough questions and supporting her over other candidates from the start. They both have a habit of not providing context and legit sources that reinforce their view.

She is a very dangerous woman. She has a powerful network of donors that have screwed the common people on trade, financing, and national security.

Look into haiti and the clinton foundation.
The information is there but you need to get off the news stations that have been proven to be corrupt.

When you read a news articles look for multiple sources to confirm its reports. I know it takes a lot longer but it is necessary. The Clinton's have influence and pull in so many circles, so much of the news concerning her or her opponents is sorely lacking in citations.

When people say they want you to be better informed they are not necessarily questioning your intelligence. They are considering that you might be unwilling to be proven wrong or that you may not have enough time or enough exposure to the information they are aware of.

I genuinely would like to get along with all of you guys but if I am attacked I will defend myself.

If you want to start fresh with me and wipe the slate clean, I don't require an apology. I just require respect in the way you treat me going forward.