EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Bernie did not have to stand and shout his love for Clinton at the convention,, but he did. He moved to nominated Hillary Rodham Clinton with ALL Democratic votes. Now that is showing some love. Bernie is with her. He said it and proved it. WWBD
He was all for holding out until he had some "private" conversations with the president. Then it was a complete reversal.

I bet it was something along the lines of "either step in line or be cast out."

But who knows..
Maybe she should get some Subway straws off you to use instead?
Came in one day. Saw her going at a line she had disguised as a sub sammich she had ordered, wrapped up with the paper, going at it with two of our straws, one in each nostril. Turnin tricks all night is hard work.
Came in one day. Saw her going at a line she had disguised as a sub sammich she had ordered, wrapped up with the paper, going at it with two of our straws, one in each nostril. Turnin tricks all night is hard work.
If shes doing that much meth it means a meth head is probably earning more than the average Subway employee.
If shes doing that much meth it means a meth head is probably earning more than the average Subway employee.

No one should work full time and still be in poverty. That's not 'free market', that's just simple exploitation.

I think our government employees should make their pay based on the median, or 50th percentile income. There's the correct incentive!
Duh, so what's the issue with voter I'D to ensure fairness?

Because there is no such thing as voter fraud.

There are many ways to disenfranchise voters.

  1. Requiring something that must be purchased in order to vote is the equivalent of poll tax.
  2. Felons which are predominately black populace.
  3. Changing access to polls via time, polling place.
  4. Reduction of polling equipment.
  5. Misinformation posted in minority areas in order to confuse voting populace.
The list is endless.
Seriously? What, are you like 22 years old?

You have some interesting views on democracy and purity. Let's say democracy is a strong beautiful woman. What the DNC did was tantamount to splashing some mud her dress. What TRUMP! and his ilk would do to her is more tantamount to what OJ did to Nicole.

Just because I didn't bother defusing your word trap doesn't give you the right to shape me into whatever strange, theoretical paradigm you exist in.


Cheating is stealing..that means they took her dress in stead of splashing mud.
I'm no lawyer either and find this whole thing arcane. I think this article answers your question:

The way the donations are divided is explained at the bottom of the Hillary Victory Fund page on the Clinton website. The first $2,700 goes to Clinton, the next $33,400 goes to the DNC and the rest goes to state parties.

How does this translate into total donations for each group?

If you look at the money going out, which is available through campaign finance reports, it looks like Clinton is getting most of the money.

The Clinton campaign gets the lion's share of the money collected by the Victory Fund, said Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin, because most of the donors give much smaller amounts, and everything up to $2,700 per person is earmarked to go to Hillary for America first.

It's when a donor exceeds that limit that the excess spills over to benefit the national and state Democratic committees.

Or — in the case of the state parties — that's how it appears on paper.
Federal Election Commission records show that in most cases, the money given to the state parties has been immediately redirected to the DNC. The money isn't staying with the states at all.
The Hillary Victory Fund sent $214,100 to Minnesota, for example, and that state party didn't keep a dime. It was routed to the DNC, which otherwise wouldn’t have been able to accept the money "since it came from donors who had mostly had already maxed out to the national party committee," Politico reported.
So if money is going back to the DNC, what’s it being spent on?

The overarching response of both the Clinton campaign and the DNC was that the money being diverted to the DNC was, in fact, being used to help local Democrats get elected. Those candidates need voter information, research, media monitoring, organizing capacity and other infrastructure services provided by the DNC to run a successful campaign, and that's how the money was being used.

However, such services also benefit the Clinton campaign.

I think what is going on is that most donors don't donate more than $2700. All of that money goes to Clinton's campaign. When big donations come in, everything over $36,100 goes to the states and they send the money back to the DNC to cover costs of services that they would have to do anyway. This pays for a central office that handles administrative tasks common to all campaigns and cuts overhead for each state because everybody pays for a central office. Of course, Hillary comes up the big winner in all of this. At least that's how I understand what's supposed to happen. Does it? Well from reading those e-mails, probably not. Still, I'll wait and see if any state campaigns start squealing over this.
The Victory Fund has donated Jack Shit to the state fund.

99% has stayed with Clinton.