EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Next they'll be saying Hillary was born in Germany or something...
The lie is better than the truth when it comes to eroding the standing of an opponent. Like the birther story for Obama, the story on Clinton will always be "the election was rigged". Nothing factual to prove the case is needed because believers won't give the story an objective look.

Trump is taking the same line. "The media was against me. The election is rigged". LOL

Bernie Babies are sinking to the same level as Trump. Same narrative, same lopsided election, same fact free way of looking at the world, same ineffective campaign, well, maybe Trump's campaign is worse in that regard.
The lie is better than the truth when it comes to eroding the standing of an opponent. Like the birther story for Obama, the story on Clinton will always be "the election was rigged". Nothing factual to prove the case is needed because believers won't give the story an objective look.

Trump is taking the same line. "The media was against me. The election is rigged". LOL

Bernie Babies are sinking to the same level as Trump. Same narrative, same lopsided election, same fact free way of looking at the world, same ineffective campaign, well, maybe Trump's campaign is worse in that regard.
At least Trump got nominated, he's a POS but at least he managed that ;)
This is the next big lie that is to be repeated again and again.. Like Obama wasn't born in this country, that kind of thing. The primary wasn't even close. The kind of rigging that you claim -- media and hacking polling machines -- works for close elections. Bernie wasn't even close. It sucks to say but Bernie lost. The primary wasn't stolen. Hillary won it. .
There's evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii just like there's evidence of DNC officials who are supposed to remain neutral during the primary process colluded with members of different media organizations to benefit Clinton

Stick your head in the sand all you want, it won't change the facts
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DWS and the DNC have admitted it was rigged for Clinton, multiple people were fired over it and they apologized for breaking their own bylaws. When confronted with this information, all you have said is "did they break any laws?" implying you know what they did was wrong, unfair and completely undemocratic, but since no laws were technically broken, and since you think we have to beat Trump by whatever means necessary (including cheating), you're OK with it

I think that's pretty abhorrent if that's your position, but at least be honest with yourself about it instead of pretending like the primary was completely fair and what the DNC did didn't make a difference because guess what, it doesn't matter if it made any difference at all, it matters that it happened to begin with.
it doesn't matter if it made any difference at all

how is that claim even compatible with your other claims that 'it was rigged for hillary!' and 'hillary stole the election!' though?

if it didn't make any difference, how can you claim it made a difference?

if it had the opposite of its intended effect, and the media was more negative to hillary than to bernie, how can you claim it made a difference in the direction you are claiming?

you're basically trump without the racism at this point.
There's evidence that Obama was born in Hawaii just like there's evidence of DNC officials who are supposed to remain neutral during the primary process colluded with members of different media organizations to benefit Clinton

Stick your head in the sand all you want, it won't change the facts
What Obama did was produce proof that he was born in Hawaii. Birthers did exactly what you are doing -- nibbling at the edges of truth to sow doubt. That's all they had to do. The lie you are propagating is that Hillary stole more than 3.5 million votes. You have no proof of this but you are effectively sowing doubt. Just like deniers of global warming. Congratulations, you just joined the ranks of the reactionary right on this subject.

The fact is that Hillary won with more than 3.5 million votes more than Bernie had. My head is not in the sand. I'm looking at the shit that has been said about Hillary and watching Bernie babies heap more on top if it.
DWS and the DNC have admitted it was rigged for Clinton, multiple people were fired over it and they apologized for breaking their own bylaws. When confronted with this information, all you have said is "did they break any laws?" implying you know what they did was wrong, unfair and completely undemocratic, but since no laws were technically broken, and since you think we have to beat Trump by whatever means necessary (including cheating), you're OK with it

I think that's pretty abhorrent if that's your position, but at least be honest with yourself about it instead of pretending like the primary was completely fair and what the DNC did didn't make a difference because guess what, it doesn't matter if it made any difference at all, it matters that it happened to begin with.
You need to learn more about Watergate. If that didn't bring down lady democracy, then this pickle-dick DNC nonsense certainly won't.

Do you live in some sort of strange simulation where real people are not actually involved? This is prom queen shit. Office politics. And it seems like it just rocked your world. Are you really from Earth?

how is that claim even compatible with your other claims that 'it was rigged for hillary!' and 'hillary stole the election!' though?

if it didn't make any difference, how can you claim it made a difference?
I've never claimed "Clinton stole the election". The only claim I've made is that the DNC colluded with the media and ran an undemocratic primary in favor of Clinton which they have admitted to and which is verifiably true

I'm also claiming the degree to which the collusion may or may not have affected the results of the primary are irrelevant to the fact that collusion was taking place

You are claiming you know it had no effect, where is your evidence of that?

The lie you are propagating is that Hillary stole more than 3.5 million votes.
Really? Please, quote where I have ever claimed that

You're strawmanning my actual position because you know yours is indefensible

-The DNC colluded with members of different media organizations: FACT
-DWS and other DNC officials admitted to it - FACT
-The DNC ran an undemocratic primary in favor of Clinton - FACT

And one half of you is still trying to deny they did anything wrong while the other half is claiming what they did was just politics as usual, so which is it?
I've never claimed "Clinton stole the election". The only claim I've made is that the DNC colluded with the media and ran an undemocratic primary in favor of Clinton which they have admitted to and which is verifiably true

I'm also claiming the degree to which the collusion may or may not have affected the results of the primary are irrelevant to the fact that collusion was taking place

You are claiming you know it had no effect, where is your evidence of that?

Really? Please, quote where I have ever claimed that

You're strawmanning my actual position because you know yours is indefensible

-The DNC colluded with members of different media organizations: FACT
-DWS and other DNC officials admitted to it - FACT
-The DNC ran an undemocratic primary in favor of Clinton - FACT

And one half of you is still trying to deny they did anything wrong while the other half is claiming what they did was just politics as usual, so which is it?

There is also a reporter who wrote an article early on because he suspected the media was playing games.

I'm going to try to find it.

It's pretty complex.

You, me and Tty will read it. :lol:
There is also a reporter who wrote an article early on because he suspected the media was playing games.

I'm going to try to find it.

It's pretty complex.

You, me and Tty will read it. :lol:
I find it odd there are those who state no evidence exits, 3.5 million votes, blah, blah, blah. Plenty of emails, only, what? 1200 votes? If I had been here a couple of months ago, I would have told you Bernie wouldn't have be allowed to win. Bernie crying at the convention after realizing he had been used, abused, and played portrayed as "tears of joy" by a corrupt CNN. FEEL THE BERN!!???
"Fogdog, post:This is the next big lie that is to be repeated again and again.. Like Obama wasn't born in this country, that kind of thing.
Kenya is where obama said that he that he was born. Look at his book dummy, so Obama is a birther. If you have a brain you should understand that his mom was an American and so he was born an American, are you so dumb as to think that if you happen to be born in an some other country that in and of itself would disqualify him to be the president? But there is a gray area that could have. You and almost all others seem only to know talking points and never the truth of the matter. The media and others framed this and it became about where he was born and what is funny, is coming up with a fake birth certificate so birthers got hung up on what didn't matter anyway. If I thought his past as a kid could be or would be used to disqualify him I would have checked the laws to see for myself.
If you wish show me that you are as smart as you think you are tell me of the gray area?

The primary wasn't even close. The kind of rigging that you claim -- media and hacking polling machines -- works for close elections.

You try to be cute as if padas just making some claim and the facts in emails don't exist or have little meaning. the truth is what is in the emails only shows a small part of the whole. Do you think there is a email with all of what they planed in it?
Bernie wasn't even close. It sucks to say but Bernie lost. It sucks but quit acting as if you were for Bernie and it sucks for you also. You were for Clinton and you won, now you wish to win more votes and are acting like you know best and doing it to help them see the reasons why its best for them. Cheeseyrice although a real asshole was at lest up front and honest about his intent, while you are just a sneaky shit.

The primary wasn't stolen. Hillary won it.

Two fighters get in a ring for a fight 1 has his water bottle drugged by the other side the other 2 has lead under his hand wrapping as the drug starts taking effect he starts to get hit, more as time goes on and when the drug takes full effect the other fighter knocks him out with his lead weighted hand and wins. Later it is found out that he has used a lead weighted hand to knock the other guy out. 2 was ahead 11 to 4 on the score cards when he knocked out 1.
2 Has only broken 2 rules and only 1 is known.
1 Did he win the fight?
2 Does the win stand?
3 Did he steal the win?
4 Should he lose the fight?

"Fogdog if the primary results had been closer, I would say you have a point.

That's big of you to say if things were different you would be so good as to let them have A point.

But it wasn't close. You are just a liberal form of a birther.

Yes show your distain and your true self.

Bernie was used from day one, he brought in so many voters that never would have voted at all without him, now with this bait and switch you should do as planed and vote for hillery like the sheep that they played you for.

I Think Ty. Pada and Schuylaar are good people seem honest and show respect.
I don't like assholes and while you can be an ass to me and I may or may not come back at you as it doesn't bother me and if I do its mostly for fun. Bully someone I like and that will bother me, not that they need or want me to stick my nose in but I think telling some how to vote is wrong, being sneaky as in playing games or lying to get or change a vote is wrong.

I gave you the birther thing do with it as you will.
"Fogdog, post:This is the next big lie that is to be repeated again and again.. Like Obama wasn't born in this country, that kind of thing.
Kenya is where obama said that he that he was born. Look at his book dummy, so Obama is a birther. If you have a brain you should understand that his mom was an American and so he was born an American, are you so dumb as to think that if you happen to be born in an some other country that in and of itself would disqualify him to be the president? But there is a gray area that could have. You and almost all others seem only to know talking points and never the truth of the matter. The media and others framed this and it became about where he was born and what is funny, is coming up with a fake birth certificate so birthers got hung up on what didn't matter anyway. If I thought his past as a kid could be or would be used to disqualify him I would have checked the laws to see for myself.
If you wish show me that you are as smart as you think you are tell me of the gray area?

The primary wasn't even close. The kind of rigging that you claim -- media and hacking polling machines -- works for close elections.

You try to be cute as if padas just making some claim and the facts in emails don't exist or have little meaning. the truth is what is in the emails only shows a small part of the whole. Do you think there is a email with all of what they planed in it?
Bernie wasn't even close. It sucks to say but Bernie lost. It sucks but quit acting as if you were for Bernie and it sucks for you also. You were for Clinton and you won, now you wish to win more votes and are acting like you know best and doing it to help them see the reasons why its best for them. Cheeseyrice although a real asshole was at lest up front and honest about his intent, while you are just a sneaky shit.

The primary wasn't stolen. Hillary won it.

Two fighters get in a ring for a fight 1 has his water bottle drugged by the other side the other 2 has lead under his hand wrapping as the drug starts taking effect he starts to get hit, more as time goes on and when the drug takes full effect the other fighter knocks him out with his lead weighted hand and wins. Later it is found out that he has used a lead weighted hand to knock the other guy out. 2 was ahead 11 to 4 on the score cards when he knocked out 1.
2 Has only broken 2 rules and only 1 is known.
1 Did he win the fight?
2 Does the win stand?
3 Did he steal the win?
4 Should he lose the fight?

"Fogdog if the primary results had been closer, I would say you have a point.

That's big of you to say if things were different you would be so good as to let them have A point.

But it wasn't close. You are just a liberal form of a birther.

Yes show your distain and your true self.

Bernie was used from day one, he brought in so many voters that never would have voted at all without him, now with this bait and switch you should do as planed and vote for hillery like the sheep that they played you for.

I Think Ty. Pada and Schuylaar are good people seem honest and show respect.
I don't like assholes and while you can be an ass to me and I may or may not come back at you as it doesn't bother me and if I do its mostly for fun. Bully someone I like and that will bother me, not that they need or want me to stick my nose in but I think telling some how to vote is wrong, being sneaky as in playing games or lying to get or change a vote is wrong.

I gave you the birther thing do with it as you will.