I do think they grow during menopause but not in a good way.OP, are you still growing? Can I talk you into an update?
Don't worry your little pink head about reality we'll protect your rights.Not really. Your Goldman Sachs candidate will be sure to continue wars for oil and Wall Street deregulation while whittling rights away and pushing the most dangerous foreign policy in history and supporting (thrusting) TPP and drone bombing Muslim women and children.
Her climate stance is laughable too. Police violence (disproportionately affecting minorities) won't decline under her time in office either. Nothing Trump promises is nearly as bad as her track record. The protofascist right is nearly indistinguishable from the neoliberal right.
I'm actually the one protecting you. I'm one of a small number of people actually building new reefs and protecting others while governments fail to do so. What are you doing, voting in an imperial political system? I tried that, shit, I wore a uniform for it. You sound like a wimpy ineffectual democrat. I have a negative carbon footprint and I teach people how to sequester carbon in several languages. Are you really going to try to tell me that the Democrat Party will protect us from the TSA, militarized police and such ridiculous legislation as the National Defense Act, TransPacific Partnership, ACTA and international privatization? Fuck no, your party is worse than the GOP in regards to protecting rights.Don't worry your little pink head about reality we'll protect your rights.
Good luck with your revolution. I hope it never happens.
Was that Stalin who is your hero or Pol Pot? Communist revolutions are your bag, not mine, pinky. Fortunately, the youth of this nation has more going for it than you. They are left leaning and will keep your right to fulminate on about revolution as long as you keep it peaceful.I'm actually the one protecting you. I'm one of a small number of people actually building new reefs and protecting others while governments fail to do so. What are you doing, voting in an imperial political system? I tried that, shit, I wore a uniform for it. You sound like a wimpy ineffectual democrat. I have a negative carbon footprint and I teach people how to sequester carbon in several languages. Are you really going to try to tell me that the Democrat Party will protect us from the TSA, militarized police and such ridiculous legislation as the National Defense Act, TransPacific Partnership, ACTA and international privatization? Fuck no, your party is worse than the GOP in regards to protecting rights.
Pink head? You're a child. You're probably twice my age and have half my life experience. Take notes kiddo.
No, I have never supported anything close to that sort of political system. Here again you're demonstrating a lack of nuance and disregard for political understanding. Authoritarian socialists have killed more anarchists than fascists have. I have never come in here displaying any support for anything resembling that political orientation either so your misattribution is quite Rob Roy-esque. Go ahead and quote that thing where I said that the definition of communism (stateless and classless society) sounds good, your lack of political understanding only proves how far behind me you are in political understanding.Was that Stalin who is your hero or Pol Pot? Communist revolutions are your bag, not mine, pinky.
Yet you support a right wing party and its right wing presidential candidate. That's exactly what the Democratic Party is, they may be left of the GOP but they're more authoritarian and still right wing. Also, I have been an antiwar activist for years and was a founding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, so again, I win on peace too. Please pocket that while you vote for a war hawk.Fortunately, the youth of this nation has more going for it than you. They are left leaning and will keep your right to fulminate on about revolution as long as you keep it peaceful.
You're welcome.Not to say that your work on restoring reefs isn't doing some good. So thanks for that.
Communism, a theory that had unfortunate consequences. Or I guess that's what a revolutionary who relishes the idea of people dying would say. Oh yeah, you said earlier that previous "experiments" with communism failed because they didn't fully implement it. I heard Rush Limbaugh say that about Bush W's form of conservatism. By Rush's ideology, W failed because he wasn't pure enough. Ideologues have difficulty with reality.No, I have never supported anything close to that sort of political system. Here again you're demonstrating a lack of nuance and disregard for political understanding. Authoritarian socialists have killed more anarchists than fascists have. I have never come in here displaying any support for anything resembling that political orientation either so your misattribution is quite Rob Roy-esque. Go ahead and quote that thing where I said that definition of communism sounds good, your lack of political understanding only proves how far behind me you are in political understanding.
Yet you support a right wing party and its right wing presidential candidate. That's exactly what the Democratic Party is, they may be left of the GOP but they're more authoritarian and still right wing. Also, I have been an antiwar activist for years and was a founding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, so again, I win on peace too. Please pocket that while you vote for a war hawk.
You're welcome.
Yet you have gone completely out of your way to mischaracterize me as disrespectfully as you could while I dissected your fallacies line by line.I'd prefer to find out what others think and discuss them rather than proclaim my great works as if that is a way to convince anybody.
You've gone out of your way to be a horse's ass and I'm just giving you the respect you deserve. Your lofty characterization of yourself is laughable. You talk exactly like how an old man talks to children when they have lost the ability to reason. It doesn't really do much except make the kids snicker at him. They will laugh about him long after he is gone.Yet you have gone completely out of your way to mischaracterize me as disrespectfully as you could while I dissected your fallacies line by line.
Only to you, in the last few posts of this thread. For some reason, it just seemed appropriate...You talk exactly like how an old man talks to children when they have lost the ability to reason.
Bloviation: "I have been an antiwar activist for years and was a founding member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, so again, I win on peace too."Only to you, in the last few posts of this thread. For some reason, it just seemed appropriate...
More likely to bring the fascists in. I really think Obama was the last chance they had be liberal. Now they're pushing a a war hawk who tried to emulate the job Kissinger did as Sec-state when she was in the same office.The Democratic Party will keep the fascists out,
More likely to bring the fascists in. I really think Obama was the last chance they had be liberal. Now they're pushing a a war hawk who tried to emulate the job Kissinger did as Sec-state when she was in the same office.
If you're done with the personal insults and lame attempts at characterizing me as Che Guevara, I will go back to explicating your fallacies. If not, I'll be happy to continue showing you how I have more life experience than you, even at half your age. It only makes sense, since your petty insults harbor a tone of mockery in regards to maturity. Your tone is disrespectful, so I got real with you, kiddo. Have thicker skin if you're going to be a dick.
Of course you would hate to see disaffected millenials revolt against the designs of baby boomers. It was your generation that fucked the world up for us. I just don't understand how you could support a candidate and party who so closely resembles the administration of Nixon and Kissinger after having lived through that era. It's like you were high that entire time, where-as I have spent my years actually doing shit and reading the likes of Noam Chomsky and George Orwell (and getting high). I have actively sought to make myself useful against the problems your generation created.
You mentioned Pol Pot as if to compare his politics to mine, but I have been to the killing fields outside of Phnom Penh. You insist that I support violence because I am willing to contemplate political violence against systematic violence. I say, the only reason you don't want it to change is that you're a white male baby-boomer and you benefit from inequality. You're out of touch because you watch too much fucking TV.
I reserve the right to ridicule Democrats who think they're progressive.Regarding your repeated attempts at poking fun at people who haven't given up on Bernie. Its not funny. Its also disrespectful of the people you direct it at. If you want to be respected you might start with some of your own.
Your campaign slogan: I'm right you are wrong, that settles it.I reserve the right to ridicule Democrats who think they're progressive.
You must have trouble with logic and reading comprehension. I have finished making my point and you're left with only mischaracterizations to continue. You have not even kept up, so yes, basically I am right and you are wrong. You're a democrat yet think you're progressive. You never had any intention of considering voting against the established hegemony while I oppose that hegemony. Your candidate is a war hawk backed by Goldman Sachs and she used to sit on the executive board for Walmart. As Sec-state, she was exactly like Kissinger. It's not settled, you're just not keeping up. That is to be expected of people who oppose progress... hmmmYour campaign slogan: I'm right you are wrong, that settles it.
Sure you aren't authoritarian.![]()
Thank you so much for allowing me to speak.You must have trouble with logic and reading comprehension. I have finished making my point and you're left with only mischaracterizations to continue. You have not even kept up, so yes, basically I am right and you are wrong. You're a democrat yet think you're progressive. You never had any intention of considering voting against the established hegemony while I oppose that hegemony. Your candidate is a war hawk backed by Goldman Sachs and she used to sit on the executive board for Walmart. As Sec-state, she was exactly like Kissinger. It's not settled, you're just not keeping up. That is to be expected of people who oppose progress... hmmm
You're free to keep repeating yourself or offer something new or whatever.