EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

At least you admitted you are a bigot towards small town America.

You don't know the definition of the word well enough to use it in a sentence.

Furthermore, having actually lived in such places, I'm actually qualified to have an opinion on the subject. The simple fact is that they tend to look at politics differently than city dwellers, something you'd know if you actually paid attention.

What small town do you live in? Compton?
You are stoned ...BIg town, small town, grew up in Brooklyn and really have lived in small town America. To base intelligence, politics, or having an open mind on the size of the area one lives in, is about as bigoted and narrow minded as basing someone's intelligence on the color of their skin or their party affiliation. This is not the 1930's and there are as many open minded people in small town America as there are closed minded, single vision people as are so many on this forum of supposedly open thinkers, that can't envision anything except one way, their way...enough said...
Putin fears Hillary...
I see where you are coming from but not to the point where I agree 100%.

Putin's whole thrust is domestic policy. The basis of his domestic policies are mostly rooted in the international arena. These are not the days of the Comintern where he would support wars of national liberation or expansion of some sort of ideology. He is (IMO) aware that the Russian people admire a strong-man for a leader and, if Putin is strong, they will pretty much let him get away with murder domestically. What Putin wants is to re-establish the pre-USSR-breakdown borders - the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in particular. If he is able to do this, the average Russian will pretty much let him rule with an iron fist for the rest of his life. Losing those states was a kick in the balls to the Russian state's ego. And when the NATO umbrella was extended to them, it hurt their pride badly. Russians are particularly sensitive to appearing weak or backward in the world's eyes - but there was nothing they could do with their fleet rusting at anchor and their generals selling off all the best weapons to the Muslims.

It would not surprise me at all if certain back-channel talks with the Trump family resulted in a quid pro quo such as the evisceration of NATO. Trump, whose understanding of global politics is rudimentary, sees NATO only in terms of dollars and cents. If it got him a leg up on getting elected, he would give up the Baltic states in a heartbeat and more than likely offer a free hand in Ukraine, Syria and all of the Stans.

Hillary understands the history and strategy much better and is very unlikely to give an inch. So in that sense, you are right.

I tend to look at it as Trump is Putin's wet dream candidate: somebody as corrupt as himself.
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