EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Yes sir, I also didn't shove my dick in a meat grinder...you were so quick to say " stfu, Bernie lost..quit crying, now back Hillary"

Don't work like that friend, she along with the DNC fucked him @ every turn n cheated. I could never back that despicable pos.
Thats fine. Just don't bitch about Trump. Your choice not to vote, gave us Trump. Hope you are prepared for your decision

And we have a winner! Give this man a canna cookie and a personalized voice mail recording by none other than Carl Castle!

It turns out that upward mobility is LESS LIKELY in America than in most other developed nations, and has been since the 1980s.

Coincidence? o_O pleeeeeeeese.

What bad happened in the 80s that could have caused this? oh yea shit on the peasants economics....
And you know i dont shy away from the concept of class warfare. not one bit! there was a time period that labor and big wealth squabled for squable sake but really where rowing together at end of day and both where better off. that was the era every GM worker proudly wore their "heartbeat of America" jackets everywhere. Workers were proud of where they worked, they where loyal to them and their employer was to them. And not to spund like donald trump or a 5 year old but they started the class warfare again. we where happy making a fair living and them being wealthy. then when wealth wastnt enough and they figured if they could shrink our share they could keep more... we are fighting class warfare from a defensive stance. we need Bernie to bring us back together and once formed back up, go on offensive in class warfare.
Yeah, but that's only on the condition that the fountain of youth is not a myth, and is located before campaign season begins.

It just wouldn't be effective for Bernie to campaign in 2020 carrying a respirator and a bottle of oxygen everywhere. I think that would turn voters off.

Forget Bernie for 2020. He'll be too old. But Bernie 2.0 (i.e. Elizabeth Warren) will be ready to take over where Bernie left off.

You may be right, but he needs to rattle his sabre about this to leverage his new found political weight in democratic politics now and so he can re group the revolutionaries. once we are back to being a cohesive political army he as our general can be our figurehead until the right person can be found to run, while Bernie remains our Carl Rove. i know it wont happen but id take Michelle 2020 in a heartbeat!
Thats fine. Just don't bitch about Trump. Your choice not to vote, gave us Trump. Hope you are prepared for your decision
No, your choice to support a corrupt candidate over one filling stadiums gave us president Trump. Take a little responsibility, all of us told you exactly what could happen while you called us crazy conspiracy theorists and gloated about winning a rigged primary
Don't tell me who to support or what would turn voters off..

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Wow Sky, I do believe I see your teeth...and they look sharp. I 100% apologize for anything I've ever written or ever will write that offends you. Please always give me a chance to apologize before putting me on your shit list...because I know your shit list entries usually just "disappear"...
No, your choice to support a corrupt candidate over one filling stadiums gave us president Trump. Take a little responsibility, all of us told you exactly what could happen while you called us crazy conspiracy theorists and gloated about winning a rigged primary
Your choice in who you voted for or not for dictates who is now your president. No complaining from you about Trump. This is your choice because you were "mad". Hope you can deal with the consequences.
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Your choice in who you voted for or did not for dictates who is now your president. No complaining from you about Trump. This is your choice because you were "mad". Hope you can deal with the consequences.
No, you don't get to lay blame on people who didn't vote for Clinton. Like I told you before the election, if Clinton loses, it'll be her fault because she's a shitty candidate, and look! I was right!

You also share blame for voting for an unpopular candidate after us and all the polling told you it was a tossup according to the numbers, but you, personally, especially share a small part of the blame for denigrating those of us you needed to recruit most. Look at the numbers, Clinton failed to bring in millennials, white working class, blacks and latinos, women... most of her numbers pale in comparison to Obama's in 2008.

We told you you needed us, you told us to go fuck ourselves. Now you enjoy everything president Trump has to offer, you deserve it.
No, your choice to support a corrupt candidate over one filling stadiums gave us president Trump. Take a little responsibility, all of us told you exactly what could happen while you called us crazy conspiracy theorists and gloated about winning a rigged primary

There were 6,000,000 less votes cast than in 2012. Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia turnouts impacted the blue wall failure. I wonder if Bernie would have turned out that vote?

And I also wonder how the rednecks would react to Trump's calling him a communist in every speech like he did in the primaries.

You know that communist thing plays well with them.
No, you don't get to lay blame on people who didn't vote for Clinton. Like I told you before the election, if Clinton loses, it'll be her fault because she's a shitty candidate, and look! I was right!

You also share blame for voting for an unpopular candidate after us and all the polling told you it was a tossup according to the numbers, but you, personally, especially share a small part of the blame for denigrating those of us you needed to recruit most. Look at the numbers, Clinton failed to bring in millennials, white working class, blacks and latinos, women... most of her numbers pale in comparison to Obama's in 2008.

We told you you needed us, you told us to go fuck ourselves. Now you enjoy everything president Trump has to offer, you deserve it.
You enjoy Trump as well. Your decision not to vote, gave us Trump. I made a grown folk decision that the Supreme Court nomination was to important to just sit by and let others decide for me. You were mad that Bernie did not win, so you refuse to take part. Your lack of voting helped Trump to win in the lowest turnout in 20 years. So no bitching from you, because if you didn't vote, you got what you wanted. Even Bernie who was the actually victim understood the important of placing your vote. You let your "being mad" influence a dumb ass decision on your part. Enjoy Trump. You can't say told you so. when you did not even vote. Make a choice or STFU
There were 6,000,000 less votes cast than in 2012. Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia turnouts impacted the blue wall failure. I wonder if Bernie would have turned out that vote?

And I also wonder how the rednecks would react to Trump's calling him a communist in every speech like he did in the primaries.

You know that communist thing plays well with them.
My wife so wanted Bernie, but my wife is wise enough to know that she still must vote...even if is just to get some of the things she liked. These Bernie Babies thought it was smart to sit and not vote. NOW THEY GET NONE OF WHAT HILLARY HAD TOOK FROM BERNIE PLATFORM.
My wife so wanted Bernie, but my wife is wise enough to know that she still must vote...even if is just to get some of the things she liked. These Bernie Babies thought it was smart to sit and not vote. NOW THEY GET NONE OF WHAT HILLARY HAD TOOK FROM BERNIE PLATFORM.
The Electoral College chose Trump.

Even without the Bernie Babies counted Hillary, still won the popular vote.

How much more would she have actually needed for them to have obeyed the will of the people?

It's funny, because the last time the electoral college pulled this shit we got 8 years of Bush.

But I agree, Democrat leaning people not voting was a vote for Trump.
No, you don't get to lay blame on people who didn't vote for Clinton. Like I told you before the election, if Clinton loses, it'll be her fault because she's a shitty candidate, and look! I was right!

You also share blame for voting for an unpopular candidate after us and all the polling told you it was a tossup according to the numbers, but you, personally, especially share a small part of the blame for denigrating those of us you needed to recruit most. Look at the numbers, Clinton failed to bring in millennials, white working class, blacks and latinos, women... most of her numbers pale in comparison to Obama's in 2008.

We told you you needed us, you told us to go fuck ourselves. Now you enjoy everything president Trump has to offer, you deserve it.

B-raaaaaaaaaavo! STANDING O!!! :clap:
There were 6,000,000 less votes cast than in 2012. Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia turnouts impacted the blue wall failure. I wonder if Bernie would have turned out that vote?

And I also wonder how the rednecks would react to Trump's calling him a communist in every speech like he did in the primaries.

You know that communist thing plays well with them.

Bernie would have mopped the floor with that turd.
This disturbs me..he's clearly delusional; it's not an act..then damage control..I hope his whole term is not like this it's very unsettling for me as an American:wall: what president of the past was mentally ill? Anyone?

Successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!

~President-Elect Donald J. Trump one day after winning election

Then the day after:

Love the fact that the small groups of protesters last night have passion for our great country. We will all come together and be proud!

6:14 AM - 11 Nov 2016
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You enjoy Trump as well. Your decision not to vote, gave us Trump. I made a grown folk decision that the Supreme Court nomination was to important to just sit by and let others decide for me. You were mad that Bernie did not win, so you refuse to take part. Your lack of voting helped Trump to win in the lowest turnout in 20 years. So no bitching from you, because if you didn't vote, you got what you wanted. Even Bernie who was the actually victim understood the important of placing your vote. You let your "being mad" influence a dumb ass decision on your part. Enjoy Trump. You can't say told you so. when you did not even vote. Make a choice or STFU
She won the electoral vote, genius, as well as CA. If I voted for her, it wouldn't have mattered

I wasn't mad Sanders didn't win. I was mad the DNC, the Clinton campaign and the mainstream media stole it from him and complete ignoramuses like you accepted it because you bought into their propaganda that Clinton was the better candidate and denigrated those of us who didn't as conspiracy theorists or "Bernie babies". And look what that got you; President Donald J. Trump.

Spin it any way you want that makes you feel better about yourself. Bottom line is Clinton just got beat in one of the biggest political upsets in American history because of her scandal ridden past, her establishment and corporatist politics, her voting history in congress, and her conduct during the democratic primary, not because of racism or sexism.

PS, I did vote, I just didn't vote for Clinton