Exhaust Experts Needed.


Well-Known Member
I haven't forgot about you guys. I'm putting together a journal now but I"m not gonna start it until Have something worth showing. I started out germinating only 6 seeds this round because I'm trying not to get to carried away right off the bat.

Out of the six seeds I got (all fem) three G13 Pineapple express, one TH Seeds Burmese Kush and a Kushage to crack. I had a G13 Northern lights automatic but it wouldn't crack so it's only gonna be a 5 plant grow to start out. I currently got 5 little sprouts going in party cups under the T5's. When they get a little bit bigger I'm gonna start my journal and I'll definitely drop you guys a link.

On another note I don't think I'm gonna be happy with these ballasts I got. I couldn't tell you what they are but I can tell you that they were made in China. I had one grow under my belt with one of these ballasts and it took a dump on me at the end of the grow but the seller on eBay replaced it. When it arrived they sent me another air cooled hood by mistake. That gave me two hoods and one ballast so I decided to buy another ballast from them so I would have matching setups.

These ballast sat around for a couple of months while I was building my new grow room. Now only after 3 days of testing out my new grow room for temps and such I noticed that one of the ballasts was getting real hot, well that's because the cooling fan on it stopped working. Now I'm waiting for them to send me another one. I just hope this isn't gonna be a recurring problem with these ballasts or I might be screwed before I even start.

Hang in there guys the link should be up within a week.



Well-Known Member
you may want to hook your fan blower on bungee cords ... I just had mine screwed on the ceiling like yours and it really sounded like I had a train going in my basement with all the vibration... bought bungee corde... half the noise, no more vibration! your room looks AWESOME by the way, well done.


Well-Known Member
I thought about doing that. When I go upstairs the noise is noticeable. I'm just afraid if I did that all my connections aren't gonna line up anymore. I rarely have any visitors so for now I'm gonna just take it one day at a time.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing ... but in the end, its 5 inches away from where it was at first and everything just followed the fan blower... SO much better , you won't regret it I swear. My girlfriend was telling me to go buy a much better fan, she couldnt believe how noisy it was... now it's totally fine! take a look at my setup if you want, you ll see how it sits up there. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/474935-my-1st-organic-grow-pics.html#post6430685


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see how you got it set up. I'll think about it for a bit and see what I can do. The only problem I foresee is that I'm running mostly all straight pipe and if I go moving my fan around nothing is gonna line up. Plus for every inch I lower the fan I'll will lose that in overhaul height that I can move my lights up. If you look at how I got it setup with the straight pipe coming off the fan with the elbow sitting perfect over the elbow on the light. It's setup like so when the lights are in the low position I won't have flex pipe hanging in the way.

Seriously I think about though. I'll look and see if I can find a real short bungee cord. If I can just drop an inch I'd be set.


Well-Known Member
yes or get oversize flexpipe for around the blower so you can move it a little more... I think it might be one reason why my 190cfm is not cutting it, the way my 4" pipe is sitting it's more like 3"1/4 diameter... but yeah anyway, I think 1 inch bungee might not be enough to get rid of all the vibration but you will see!


Well-Known Member
Lol it be more like a 6" bungee but doubled up or something like that. It's a brand new grow room, nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change. Your suggestion is duly noted.



Well-Known Member
Hey Enduro. I can use almost any bungee and I wasn't really thinking about your suggestion all the way through. A little too much smoking today I guess. The rafter that the fan is hanging on goes up 8 inches to the ceiling/floor so I could easily shoot a cpl of screws or hooks up high to hang the bungee from. I told you I just needed a little time to think about it lol.

I do have a question for you though. On your setup, does the fan torque much when the fan kicks on? Just curious because if it moved to much it could still effect the way I have my ducting ran.

On another note, I did a little searching and found quite a few other solutions. Some on eBay but I kinda like this one the best. It's a little pricey but it would keep the fan firmly mounted in place.

Check it out.


Well-Known Member
lol i thought about mentioning the fan on bungees too. I have mine on bungees and its great, the fans take a minute to spin up to speed so there isnt any real torque or movement in the ducting. Just keep the bungee tight and you should be able to get it where you want in line.