Exhaust fan battery backup


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever have a battery backup on their exhaust fan. I get the odd power outage during the winter and if the power is off for more then 30-60mins my house starts to smell and my wife begins to complain.
I'm looking for something to keep a 400cfm inline fan on for and hour if power fails.
Anyone ever try this?
Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i had once hooked an APS unit with a truck sized battery to some backup lights and even a small tv. it was around 400watts or so, could power it for 6 hours straight, but the problem with those is that the batteries need some maintenance or else they will die quickly, and their cost will get too high. a car sized battery must be enough for your application. i have a 35watt fan, with this size i think that i can even go with a computer size ups with double battery size. Anyway, if i were in your situation, i would definitely seal the intake holes completely when the odd power outage occurs, and save myself all the money and hassle.


Well-Known Member
Once we had a hurricane and power was out for 5 days. Glad I wasn't growing at the time. Would have been disastrous. No question they would have molded up from the humidity with no fan, even if they survived the lack of light.