exhaust fan wiring help


Active Member
im starting a aerogarden grow and im building a little grow box i wanna use this exhaust fan out of my old over the range microwave any 1 ever try this, i thought it was as easy at hookin the black n white wires to the cut cord i had but it heated the motor up quick so i got a dimmer for a light but still same problum


Active Member
any 1 this is the last thing in my box i need to get hooked up or what would maby be a good alternitive that allredy is just a plug in n go


Active Member
man its quiet when its not in the nuker but the problum im having is there are white black blue n 2 others the black n white i know r the power wires so i tryed to take an extension cord cut off the 1 end hooked it up to the black n white but the motor gets mad hot so i thought a light dimmer might help with power limiting but still mad heat or is that normal


Well-Known Member
man its quiet when its not in the nuker but the problum im having is there are white black blue n 2 others the black n white i know r the power wires so i tryed to take an extension cord cut off the 1 end hooked it up to the black n white but the motor gets mad hot so i thought a light dimmer might help with power limiting but still mad heat or is that normal

NO light dimmers. They are meant for resistive loads, not inductive.
Try a ceiling fan speed adjuster (I had crappy results, but other have had goo) It get wired in, in series.

An what mad hot??

The extra wires are *probably* for other speeds. An Ohm meter may tell so


Active Member
celing fan speed ajuster where would i get this? ye i figuer the other wires r for other speeds but i dont need tham just the black n white right? and its the motor getting hot but i am guessing that its cus the 120 out of the wall is to high


Well-Known Member
celing fan speed ajuster where would i get this? ye i figuer the other wires r for other speeds but i dont need tham just the black n white right? and its the motor getting hot but i am guessing that its cus the 120 out of the wall is to high
Don't sweat the 120 being 5% high. Not the heat prob. Motors get hot. How long can you keep your hand on it after 10 minutes of run time?
The ceiling fan control? Home Cheapo or Lowes. (maybe even a good walmart)

(footnote/pet peeve, for all, not just you: I really hate the 'r u l8' style of typing. With technical items, like this, that can kill you, its best to type it out and spell correctly, and use punctuation.)


Active Member
hahaha ya sorry about that my spelling is so bad cus i never cared in school n the l8 and r is becuse of that msn but ya thanks for all yo help.. but the motor after even like 2 min starts to smell like something is getting way to hot i know the flow of electrisity creats heat but should be that much ill get a fan speed control tomorrow for sure ry that out


Well-Known Member
It shouldn't smell hot. Using a control will only dump that excess current/heat into the control. Not a good plan. Gotta work out the right wires.


Active Member
o its got a lil diagram on the motor shows the white n black together with the red n yello under it thay go together and than the blue along the bottom that conects to the white n black with this thing in the line i forget what the symbol it


Well-Known Member
a picture of the diagram will definatly help us help you.
i am a journeyman electrician and BBB is some kinda electronics or engineering guy so you will be in good hands with him.
i say snap a picture of that digram and you will be sorted in no time
as well if there is a motor rating nameplate on it get a pic of that


Well-Known Member
a picture of the diagram will definatly help us help you.
i am a journeyman electrician and BBB is some kinda electronics or engineering guy so you will be in good hands with him.
i say snap a picture of that digram and you will be sorted in no time
as well if there is a motor rating nameplate on it get a pic of that
No. I'm just a hack. But my stuff works is usually better then code.
(But I get to play with -25K VDC tomorrow! woowhoo. Whats black and crispy and hangs out the back of a high voltage cabinet?)

but yeah, a pic of the diagram is needed for good responses at this point.

Hey Phinx, can I hit ya up once in a while in PM for a few Q's?


Active Member
sry no cam just now but its got the motor at the left side with 5 lines coming out black white yello red and finaly blue now at the end of both the white n black there is a circle than otu of the circles come lines witch conect to gether in a circle now the yellow and red lins arnt that long and go together withthe word cap there than the blue comes out gose to the end turns up and the circle with the white n black sends a line ot meet with the blue with a circle with a sideways s in it