exhaust--how much


Active Member
outside the room ranges 63-65... inside the room is more like 65-67

inside the box at last check before lights out was just under 77.... so ten degrees over ambient on low...


Active Member
3 hours in to today and it's up to 75.5... still looking good

i thought of something else that might be worth while to someone. When i was testing things I started out with a 4 inch exhaust hole. I realized pretty quickly that this wasn't big enough. Here's how I figured that out. Pretty low tech.

I noticed when I had the fan running by itself (no ducting or anything) that it would pick up if I blocked some of the air flow with my hand or something. IOW, if i covered one of the intakes or exhaust ports, you could actually hear the fan pulling harder and working harder. This happened on both low and high.
What I noticed is that when I hooked it up to the 4inch hole and ran it it was already at full power. Already working as hard as it could. With the 6 inch I have now I can stick my hand over the exhaust hole and actually hear it pick up.
So that's my low tech way of seeing if you have enough duct for your blower. Results may vary.


Active Member
it's been maintaining 75-77 all day running on low
I have been in and out a few times for a few minutes here and there so the true test will be a full 24 hour door shut test running through the whole 13/11

that being said i have a question for anyone who might have experience

would it be safe to assume that if I'm able to hold these temps with a 400w non vented hood that i could probably have very similar temps if i moved up to 600w hps with a sealed vented hood? I've read vented hoods make a huge difference

I am pretty much limited to the 6 inch exhaust line i already have run though... I would have to still use the one exhaust line

what do you think


Active Member
still haven't made it through a full 24 hours yet... but damn close... within minutes of 24 hours of door closed

so far my high has been 77 and normally does not go over 74 (found out the timers weren't' sync'd and it was getting hot in the first few minutes.)

my low is 65...

all in all it could actually be a bit warmer in there... but 75 works for me... works great for me actually

never had temperature under control before... should be good


Active Member
this setup is working out just fine for anyone following... haven't peaked over 75 since i got it finished... very confident i could take it up to 600 with vented hood but will probably try CMH first

EDIT: adding things in the cab to take up space actually caused the temps to drop... ie.. if plants were in there i'd be looking at 73/74 instead of 77
Great thread! I just joined because of this actually!
You should see & learn from the mistakes I've made as well.
I have almost the exact same issues and I'm blogging everything you are (except more pics) on this thread here:

Maybe I can get some input from you as I'm no handyman.
I purchased a molded plastic resin cab and don't know what to cut the intakes with?
I got a 6" circular exhaust with a diffuser on it and am thinking of installing two 4x10" louvres for the passive intakes.
Temp is my only concern as it's not even summer!
I'm also getting my environment controlled as well before I try to put any clones in there.
So good luck with your grow-partner. I'll be watching very closely...