Exhaust into fieldlines?


Current project

Ok so i am looking into expanding my grow room into something more secure in the near future. Current growing in a extra bedroom conversion but don't want to butcher the house any more and once i get my mothers going i dont want to have to worry about them.probably no more than 2-3k total watts

Plan on building\buying a shed something in the range of 8x12x8 or 10x12x10
want to do multiple exhaust.first i have one air cooled hood and plan to purchase another one to upgrade open wing ballast.i want the air cooled exhaust sucked up into a floating sealing with passive ducts installed in the attack space.
i want to blow the room exhaust smell and heat into my sewer pipe, rural area in a neighborhood that doesn't have man holes for easy access to sewer lines. Question mobile homes dont make it easy to get at the sewer cap.
Does the the piping have to be at an upward angle to prevent back pressure pushing shit threw the pipes?
will a 440 inline fan be enough to exhaust into the sewer?

if that doesnt meet my needs i used to do septic work and i remember field lines and i stumble across the mention of
Underground exhaust
Running the exhaust through a long, buried pipe helps to cool the air. Perimeter drains can be used for this.
Can i bury a field line with the stone to give the pressure a place for the air to push out of the pvc?

How long should the field line to give it enough room to not build so it doesnt burn out the fan?

i own the property its about a half acre with a mobile home on it, just installed a fence for privacy.
so let me know what you think,ideas on how i could improve my current ideas.

really look for some growers that experience southern heat and humidity.
Xconsider any geological factors that will contribute to heat and humidity pick a the right spot for ur shed prefferably shady and what materials will you be using figure all of these factors first will u have insulation? All these things maintain temp and humidity as well as contribute. Figure all that then work on the issue of heat transferring. You nees to know how much heat u will have initially because there may be other ways to manage it that are less extensive.