Expectations of my 400w hps grow!!?!?!?


Active Member
What's up growers well I haven't posted on here in a while because I haven't had and crops going but any how right now I'm currently running 10 plants in a 4×8 tent only using 4x4 for flower with a 400w hps, any how I'm day 3 into flower plants have not been topped and I let them veg a lot longer than normal hoping for more bud soil I'm using is roots organics and my nutrients I'm using is the general hydro flora series...so given all this information what should I expect to harvest from this grow??!?!??



Active Member
If I were to switch over to a 1000w bulb do you think I would increase in yield or would it just be a wast of $


Well-Known Member
1000w would probably up your yield at this point by at least 30-50% (potentially considerably more). It would probably up your next yield by like 100%; which also is factoring in experience.

Hortilux super HPS, any type of digital ballast (although I like Phantom 2) and a different reflector (one that looks like it would cover a 4x4 pretty nicely, something around a 25"x25" give or take a few inches).

You wouldnt regret your investment even if it cost you like $800, that is all at hydro shop prices including a 6" ~450cfm inline fan; unless you already have a good inline

But 400w HPS for flowering in a 4x4 is pretty small. 1000w is pretty ideal


Well-Known Member
I pulled ~5.5 from 3 plants with my HPS in a 2x4 closet on my last run. Soil, pretty basic.

Those bottom branches are going to be pretty far from the light by the time flowering advances, you may look into supplemental side lighting


Active Member
Yea gemugrows I've only been vegging with the 400w my last grow the 1000w bulb I was using just wasn't putting out the light it did new so I didn't want to wast my time with it and haven't gotten around to ordering a new one, a decent bulb is kinda pricy and I have a hid hood just the ballast I have for it is not suitable for a 400w I'm looking at bulbs now lol and innerg I do have to 2x4 t5s but I don't think this grow is one I want to invest much more into untile it's out and the new grow is started...and man 5.5 off 3 plant that's good shit bro I'm sure you have much more experience than me tho I've had way to many set backs to even remember when I first started this growing thing...plus I moved away from my home town California and now I have no local grower to share knoledge with everyone's scared of the heat wich I don't blame them....well thanks for all the info guys much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Yea gemugrows I've only been vegging with the 400w my last grow the 1000w bulb I was using just wasn't putting out the light it did new so I didn't want to wast my time with it and haven't gotten around to ordering a new one, a decent bulb is kinda pricy and I have a hid hood just the ballast I have for it is not suitable for a 400w I'm looking at bulbs now lol and innerg I do have to 2x4 t5s but I don't think this grow is one I want to invest much more into untile it's out and the new grow is started...and man 5.5 off 3 plant that's good shit bro I'm sure you have much more experience than me tho I've had way to many set backs to even remember when I first started this growing thing...plus I moved away from my home town California and now I have no local grower to share knoledge with everyone's scared of the heat wich I don't blame them....well thanks for all the info guys much appreciated
I'd very strongly suggest the hortilux 1000w HPS with a didgital ballast so long as you can deal with the heat


Active Member
Wasup guys sorry haven't logged on in a while but I did upgrade bulbs to a 600 watt hortilux just recently reason for not getting the 1000 watt bulb is because I've already got a ballast to run the 600 watt bulb didnt want to cash out on another ballast that hortilux shit is not cheap anyhow I also threw my hid hood back in and am getting much better light coverage once again thanks for the help I will get this down one day lol .....here's a few pics tho



Well-Known Member
What's up growers well I haven't posted on here in a while because I haven't had and crops going but any how right now I'm currently running 10 plants in a 4×8 tent only using 4x4 for flower with a 400w hps, any how I'm day 3 into flower plants have not been topped and I let them veg a lot longer than normal hoping for more bud soil I'm using is roots organics and my nutrients I'm using is the general hydro flora series...so given all this information what should I expect to harvest from this grow??!?!??
400g would be good run