Expected Yield Questions

This is my first grow and they look GREAT. I've been experimenting with various organic fertilizers, not packaged, but actual food like cantaloupe rhinds and juice, and bananas and other vegetables that are high in N,P or K. I've watched two of my bag seeds go in one month from a 2" yellow plant to a 2' beautiful green plant in only 4 weeks of vegging. The plants are exploding. I'll send pictures this week, I have some on a disk but cant get them to the computer right now.

My question is: I have an untrimmed plant that is going to be about 3' when I bloom it and I have a plant of similar size and shape - both indica plants - that has been clipped to divide the stem into two and then each of the two stems were fim'ed. So I have around 12-15 growth stems that are all the same height on the plant.

Will the trimmed plant produce more or will the untrimmed?

Does trimming it really produce more or does leaving it untrimmed allow it to develop faster and thereby really produce more weed than a plant with 15 stems?

I'd appreciate any answers - also how long can I bud plants, can I bud the trimmed plant longer because it's bigger? Can I continue on 12 12 until they really fill out each individual bud or do I have to yank them at 10 weeks?

"Everything is better with a bag of weed" - I think I speak for everyone here.
Oh, I forgot- I know lighting etc have alot to do with it. Assuming all other variables are the same. . . will a trimmed plant produce x amount of wee times the number of growth stems, or does having only one stem allow the plant to produce more?


Well-Known Member
A trimmed plant is cutting down on photosynthesis and leads to arguments~ I do not trim leafs off , no need. Over a period of time in 12/12 the leafs will eventually thin them selfs out, so why jump ahead of schedule and slow them down?
The time is a estimated time of harvest. When you think the buds are done, wait and watch. You will see the buds swell, calyxs by calyxs they swell. That is when they are truly done.

I believe your method of splitting the main then fim each top will produce much more that an untouched plant. When a plant is fimed you get a even canopy of buds closer to the light source. A straight up plant gets the top of one bud close to the light source then 1/2 way down the rest of the buds suffer, or less light.

fred flintstoned

Well-Known Member
Some strains respond well to topping, some don't. Sound like yours does. Whether it yields more topped is the question. Probably so, not a huge diff, but some. As the Golden one stated, it's primarily a technique to control shape and keep an even canopy. I use it to make a big bush, more effective with vertical lights.
I commend your use of organics. A little more research is in order, but you're definitely on the right track. We use organic methods on my farm and our produce always brings a premium price at market.
The sticky by FDD2BLK at the beginning of this section should tell you all you need to know about when to harvest and what to do next.
Happy Trails