Expecting my first child!


Well-Known Member
Thanks grow, lights, rasta, milf, n kush i appreciate it.

i found out friday before i went into work... the smile couldnt come off my face the whole day. then after work i celebrated, i dont usually drink alot - but fuk it, i got drunk. but i only drank cuz my job keeps looming this drug test over my head, n i never know when its coming....

only a couple more months until i get to meet my son :-P

thanks again yall


Well-Known Member
congrats bro...

i had bitter sweet emotions when my child came into this world... really switched on my daddy mode!

when i was 18 i didnt know how the hell i was gonna do it... now i wonder what the hell i'd do without em!

growing killer bud or growing a baby... nuttin better in life man