Experienced Botanicare user?


Well-Known Member
I have jsut started growing myself and the cal-mag i been doing 5ml per gallon of water and the pro-grow I was told by the local hydro shop to use 1/2 of what the directions said. I did full strength and my plants did not like it all. By the 4th week I work up to half strength of what directions say.

But than again, i am just starting and maybe someelse can give more input on it.


Well-Known Member
I've used Botanicare Pro Grow & Bloom, along with Cal-Mag with excellent results.

It's really stable with my tap water and the ph is also stable.
I use stinkbuds recipe.

125ML Cal-Mag Plus
175ML Liquid Karma
550ML Pure Blend Pro Vegetative Formula

250ml Cal-Mag Plus
250ml Sweet
175ml Liquid Karma
550mlL Pure Blend Pro Bloom

Mix all the nutrients in a recycled gallon milk container. Add water and shake well. The whole mix will take an 18 gal reservoir to 2900 PPM. Obviously adjust to your desired PPM.


Active Member
Thanks a bunch guys..... I was told you could never have enough cal mag .... So I was just mixing equal parts .... Wondering why my mother plant has been acting up the last few weeks

thanks again guys ....


Well-Known Member
I use my pro gro and bloom accordingly..
Veg week 1.. Strictly pro grow start around 300 ppm to establish reservoir and ph balance..
Weeks 1-3 veg i raise my ppm to around 100 ppm daily or every other day till i max out around 1400-1700 depending on strain.
I only veg for 3 weeks max..
At week 2 of veg i begin the pro bloom around 300 ppm.
Week 1 12/12 i do a res change..
Go 3:1 pro bloom to grow but taking my ppm to where it was at end of veg cycle.. consistent.. Let um roll from here..
Week 3-4 12/12..once my bud starts developing and putting on frosting..
I do a res change..
Max cal-mag according to directions.. Then 3:1 bloom to grow..
I grow in dwc so ratios change depending on res size..
This formula seems to work for me and should in any water based hydro grow style id imagine.. Been working this out for awhile..
Keep ur Ph in the 5.8 range u cant fail..
Just remember ph and ppm are all strain dpendent so see what ur strain likes go easy till ya get there..
Hope this helps..