Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

We have wimpy power? Didn't you ever learn that it's amps that kill not volts?

110v carries double the amps of 220v, not half. You're bring up a pretty dumb point as it only takes 65milliamps to kill, but 220v is "safer" in most regards.
your right 110v is safer i see what you mean now.

check out these americans having fun :

and your saying our electrical installations our 230,000 volt cable systems have never been updated since WW II americans really are ignorant, that has made me hate yanks forever.
Take out lots of health/Life insurance for you, get all family out first, Then SURE wire it up. I lived in London for 6 months. You are the dumbest Brit I've seen. Wow good job.
I hadn't even thought of a second feed for my grow, but it sounds like I would regret it later or I would be digging again later when I needed more juice. I only want to do this once and do it right.So if you were me what would you do. Hell I wouldn't mind 200 amps for the house and 100 for my shop. It would be nice to only use one conduit, but would it fit in a 3 inch. Buyin the extra pipe doesnt bother me its all the conduits coming out of the panel at the pole. Guess I could build an enclosure at the pole to box things up too. Wat size conductors should i use for the second 100 amp feed. Im glad i hit you up for advice im likin this idea now thanks
weegogs reported for harrassment. dude, dont come into a help thread and ask for help, then bash the users that are in here everyday helping people because you dont like their answer. i dont care what nationality you are, these folks were only looking out for your well being. sure they made a joke or 2 at your expense, but you would have to.
[norcal];4218222 said:
I hadn't even thought of a second feed for my grow, but it sounds like I would regret it later or I would be digging again later when I needed more juice. I only want to do this once and do it right.So if you were me what would you do. Hell I wouldn't mind 200 amps for the house and 100 for my shop. It would be nice to only use one conduit, but would it fit in a 3 inch. Buyin the extra pipe doesnt bother me its all the conduits coming out of the panel at the pole. Guess I could build an enclosure at the pole to box things up too. Wat size conductors should i use for the second 100 amp feed. Im glad i hit you up for advice im likin this idea now thanks

it will still be a 2.5 inch conduit. you would be pulling 3/0 x 3 (2 hots, one neutral for the house 200 amps panel) #3 x 3 ( 2 hots, one neutral for grow panel) and a single #4 ground.
the ground for the grow panel should be picked up from the main panel inside the house where the 3/0 run terminates. if you were slick, you would pull enough wire to get from the main panel inside the house, to the grow panel, so you do not have to splice the conductors once they get into the house. DO NOT pull a seperate ground through the pipe for the grow panel. its completely unnecessary, like i said before, that ground can be picked up from the house panel.
all wire should be thhn, or thwn-2 copper. you can go with aluminum if you want, but its going to change the size of the wire, and hence the size of the pipe. it also wont last more than 25 years max. you dont want to go over 2.5 pipe if you can avoid it, theres a price hike between it and the next size up, which will negate the savings by going with aluminum in the first place.

i did the math, just to be sure it will fit- here it is so you can see for yourself how its done-

cross sectional area of thhn Cu conductors-
(3) 3/0 @ .2679 sq inches = .8037
(3) #3 @ .0978 sq inches = .2934
(1) #1 @ .0824 sq inches = .0824

total cross sectional area of conductors = 1.1795 sq inches

as per NEC chapter 9, table 5 shows us, 2" sched 40 pvc conduit with 2 or more conductors has a maximum fill capacity of 40% of the cross sectional area of the conduit. 40% of a 2" conduit would be 1.459 sq inches, big enough for the job, as 1.459 is > 1.1795 (the sum of all your wires). however, as i mentioned originally, 2" can be a bitch to pull through for such a long run, so by increasing the diameter of the conduit to 2.5", which has a max fill of 2.181 sq inches, the increased area inside the pipe makes the wire pull itself a much, much,much easier job.
so 2" to make it work, save a penny, but bust your ass getting it in, or 2.5 to spend a trifle more, but have the wire go through like a greasy string pulled out of a cats ass....
its all a matter of preference.
so...i guess my question got lost in that little forum war, but i was wondering if anyone knows if its dangerous to use computer fans wired to cell phone chargers or wired to anyother power source? like is it a fire hazard at all?any chance of an electrical short?
no its done all the time... but a cell phone charger will not put out anough power for the fan to run safely.
you need a 12v wall adapter, sold at many many places.
heres a diagram- a switch, if desired, would break the red wire
your right 110v is safer i see what you mean now.

check out these americans having fun :

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No lower voltage is more dangerous than higher voltage. High voltage has tendancy to knock you away from it, lower voltage likes to hold on. Not only that there are more amps in the same load at lower voltage.

Regardless to what you think fresh water is not very conductive at all. You have to add salts or acids for conductivity. I've seen server rooms get flooded by a river and the computers just kept on chugging.

Next please!

Well like I said the point was pretty moot.... especially when you consider higher voltages are meant for higher loads.

You won't catch me grabbing any of them. :)
No lower voltage is more dangerous than higher voltage. High voltage has tendancy to knock you away from it, lower voltage likes to hold on. Not only that there are more amps in the same load at lower voltage.

Regardless to what you think fresh water is not very conductive at all. You have to add salts or acids for conductivity. I've seen server rooms get flooded by a river and the computers just kept on chugging.

Next please!

that is an old wives tale that will get you killed, plain and simple.
it all comes down to potential energy.
the higher the voltage, the more potential energy.
what changes? the duration of time between the time it takes for a breaker to kick.
why is this? because 20 amps of 277 has alot more power behind it than 20 amps of 120.
you dont believe me, next time you have the chance and no one is looking, take 120 directly to ground, and observe.
next, take 277 volts to ground. use your kleins to hold the 277 wire, as the heat released will be enough to give you 2nd degree burns.
do NOT attempt this with live 480... the flash alone could be enough to start your clothes burning and give you 3rd degree flash burns

as far as getting shocked with voltages higher than 110, this is what happens-
typically, you get stuck to the wire. this is because the amperage that is now running through your body overpowers the electrical impulses your brain is trying to send to your muscles to let go. you cant let go even if you wanted to. someone else would have to be incredibly strong and have there adrenaline going just to have the strength to knock you off the wire and save your life. then, because you are a poor conductor, the area making contact with the energized part on your body heats up and begins to burn. this process changes the conductive properties of the point of contact, and actually reduces the amount of power going through you. this is the point that your finally able to 'let go' if your lucky, the entire affair is over in a millisecond or 4.. but it feels like a lifetime, and you walk away with what looks like a nasty sunburn on one spot and a numb arm that aches for a couple of days.
if your not lucky, what happens is this- the heat continues to build up, untill something that is energized reaches its flash point (the point in which the materials within cease to be solids/liquids and expand into gasses from excessive heat) then, there is an explosion of energized gas that both electrocutes and then burns anything it comes into contact with. the duration of this flash is in nanoseconds. its over before you can even process the images your eyes are seeing. this same explosion is what 'blows a man clear' of the line, if he is lucky... or else he will soon be a crispy critter. more often than not, arms, legs, fingers, heads, you name it are left behind during one of these explosive events. then, after the explosion occurs, anything that is combustable and retaining excessive heat, now erupts into flame and starts to burn... like your hair and clothes.
so from start to finish, aprox .025 of 1 second, you just went from cutting a wire, to blown the fuck up.

yeah, higher voltage is safer....
maybe if your trying to get out of the gene pool.
how do you propose to ban me it only takes 2 mins to make a new account.

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i only reported you, i cant ban you. i left it to the mod's to ban to you if they seen fit. i guess they did. i guess they will again. we dont need your harrassing behavior bringing down our good educational time.

and it only takes a minute to report you.
we use 110v power on our building sites and the equipment is fuckin useless,

Sounds like you have a pansy European tool. I know.... I sell tools and Europeans always come looking for American made. I could sell you a black & decker that I guarantee will spin YOU around. It's all about rpms and torque ratios.
Black & Decker doesn't even make their consumer line tools, so if that's what you're thinking I agree. You'd want their Industrial products which are only available through large contracts. I get them through Boeing and Northrop.... aircraft manufactures. Big time fabrication.
and i have reported this site to microsoft, who have reported the site to the internet watch foundation, who will be reading through the written material over the next few days, to decide whether the material written on this website will be used for an illegal gain by others or if it is just harmless fun.
lets wait for the outcome.
and see who gets banned.
managed to build a complete growroom from material from this website without ever even seeing a cannabis plant.

well you should really let rollitup or one of his mod's know, this is just an electrical help thread. if the site goes away we will just go to another...
they wont take this site down...they wont do anything. just ignore the biatch, she just wants attention.

your right, and i shouldnt even be entertaining this person by replying. but only reason i visit this thread is to learn and share the small amount of knowledge I have with electricity. then this guy wants to come in and bash and harrass the people who are helping. thats why i reported them the first time. i reported them after they setup their second account cause I figured the mod's would not like someone flaunting that they can just create a new account if they were banned. i bet they have already been banned again. hope they stop trying soon.
I got a question... The main breaker on my panel reads 100. Is that 100 amps at 240v or 120v? Say i was only running 1k hids on that panel, thats it, nothing else. At 9 amps apiece could i in theory run 9 or 18 of those?