give me some time to dig up an old ballast to
sorry, I just checked &both spares are 115 volt only.this has become a mission for me as well.PM me if you find the answer-I will do i probably wont run it 220 but i have wanted to know the answer to this question for 2 years now, so its kinda a "mission" now![]()
I would be leary of conecting to the 110 & common w/ 2 legs of 110. either feed neutral to the lamp common only & 1 leg to the ballast 220 and the 2nd leg to either the 110 terminal or the ballast common terminal- not 1 leg to 110 and the other to common.funny cause my buddy said your way (1 leg to common) will probably work.
hmmm.. if i separate my common on ballast from common on lamp and then run 1 leg to 120 or 240 leg and other to common leg on ballast only , it might work.
how many plugs is a loaded question,safely or by code? code allows either 6-8 (i think)outlets on a breaker,remember that breaker will feed more than just your 1 room. the number of outlets on a single breaker isn't as important as the load used on them at the same could safely put 30 outlets on 1 breaker if you were going to only use them to power 1 CFL from each outlet or run a power tool from any 1 outlet at a time w/ nothing on any of the others.add up your draw from each device and dont put more than 17 amps on either breaker. best to split the load as evenly as possible & dont forget to add anything else on either circiut inc the plug in the room above or below that the wife uses to plug in the vacum......... now my question is can i split off of the plug ,and how many plugs can i use.2nd question is that im useing 3 40watt flors for my veg installing a bath fan for my exhuast which is 0.9amps ,small house fan for air movement and also two small pumps that will soon be on timers.not to mention a 400 hps that will be in my flowering area...... and does a surge protector protect going both ways in and out or only the shit thats pluged in it.
you are billed for watts used & it doesnt matter if you draw 10 amps on 1 110 breakers or 5 amps on each leg of a 220 circiut.I have already decided the bill will still be the same either way ,(always thought less amps = less bill) ...Anyways i also learned that the only benefit from running 220 , would be that you can run double the lights without upgrading the service.
Upon inspection of a sub panel I installed in my grow room, I've discovered that the panel along the bus bar has melted, along with the insulation on the white load wire. Very unsettling. I've attached picks, and I'd like to know if this happened is because I underestimated the amp rating required for my panel, or if something else could have caused this problem.
Thanks for any assistance.
bump .... (had to because my post #.....sorry)
This question may have already have been asked, and probably has. Anyway, with a wire coming from the breaker box that supply light to only 2 bulbs, that is not grounded, can you use a grounded outlet instead of rewiring to the breaker box? Is it considered safe in the means of an actual grounded wire? Is that what is normally done to supply a ground for older homes? Thanks alot man. I am glad that I found your thread!! rep
yes i was talking about the outlet box....Thank you kind sir. You are talkin about the outlet box right? This is in my basement, so the wire are through the ceiling. The main wire(not grounded) from the breaker box went to a light, then the other wire coming from said light went to another light. The wire in between to lights is grounded (the relay). So I placed two grounded outlets, with safety switches in place of both lights. Only using farthest outlet for supply, with a safety power strip. So three power trips to my lights and fans, is this safe? once agian thanx