experienced grower stumped


Well-Known Member
the problem im having though isnt just this one. it happened with the first set i had, the first set of clones and now the mother. its almost like a self destruct. they grow great until halfway through flower and the same shit happens. nothing im doing works.
sorry to digress, but i see this often. people blaming the seeds, or the supplier. i bet that never happens to tomatoes, or cucumbers. most people that grow those are quite experienced. i have never had a single problem with seeds ever in the last decade. i will say, that i did not feed some plants properly. that would be my fault. a proper environment, and feed is critical for good marijuana. if you don't got those, then your plant yellows, due to some def., or lockout.

not trying to offend or crawl up anyones asses, just stating something i read every day on this forum.:idea:
I'm not easily offended, and I don't particularly mind anyone crawling around my butt, so we're all good. :)

Admittedly, I am a novice grower and I'm not rushing to blame the breeder, it very well may be my fault. As a little update though, my White Widow from Nirvana (the ones that actually made it to flower) have all turned out to be hermies. The AK48 and NYPD (also from Nirvana) in the garden under the same conditions are all perfectly fine, not a nanner in sight. Had to pull all of the WWs.