Experienced growers needed++ rep Trying to help a buddy out. Help me help him.


Active Member
As you can see the progression gets worse, the pictures may be out of order but im sure you can tell how it goes. The bottoms are slowly dying and wilting. He has cut back on his watering, since some felt it was an over watering problem. If temps, humidity, and ph of his hard water is ok what might be happening? This is a young cfl operation in ff light warrior mixed with some ff ocean forrest. There are drainage holes in the cups. I have also stressed the importance of a clean grow environment. Since he cut back his watering and the volume during the waterings it has only gotten worse. No nutes are being used yet since both mediums are very rich for seedlings and babies. Help please, what advice can you give me that I might be able to share with this fool. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
looks too wet to me.. also kind of looks like low ph.. if those aren't the problem ya got me.. nitrogen def maybe..

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
nitrogen looks a little low i think they will continue to prosper just give them a week and feed a low strenght nute dose...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You might want to get rid of that thing thats holding the water at the bottom of the cups. Potplants don't like stagnated pools of water at their roots. The maximum amount of time roots can be kept in water without extreme airation is 1/2 hour. After that they start to drown. If the soil has good drainage you can soak them in airated water for a couple minutes everyday. I emmerse the pot up to the top of the soil, wait a couple minutes, take out and allow to drain.