!!!!! EXPERIENCED GROWERS!!!!! Should i purchase this plant

I've known the owner for a while. (1, year a few months give or take)

they want 60 dollars for a small plant clone of a sativa ( I think, i haven't asked) dominant plant

Pics attached of the mother and the clone.

what problems could there be that they're not telling me about or any problems that may have risen that I need to worry about, I'm just now starting my first grow and I thought it'd be a nice addition.

gotta check with you guys first though just to make sure he isn't bullshitting me.

THANKS GUYS bongsmilieclone.jpgPART_1341252469513.jpeg


Well-Known Member
$60 seems a bit high to me, you would be better buying seeds, at least you'd know what you're getting. There's no telling if something''s wrong with the clone, if it's growing and looks healthy should be OK. You're right it does look like a sativa dominant plant.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
$60 bucks?! high priced and not worth it if you ask me. but worth is all in the eye of the beholder. so it might be worth it to you


Well-Known Member
wow. if i got half of that, hell even a quarter, i wouldnt have a need for a flower room. i would just be in the clone business. 400-500 a week easy.
$60 bucks?! high priced and not worth it if you ask me. but worth is all in the eye of the beholder. so it might be worth it to you

youre right. its more valuable to me because 1. im a paranoid guy..i dont want seeds being sent here... 2.my first plant that actually has some weight on it 3.its a sativa... :D

only thing im worried about it not being a lady, but i hear you can make budder with males.


Well-Known Member
Between the hastle of getting the seeds shipped here, been there done that still waiting for some, and the elec cost for lights to get it that big I think 60 bucks might be high but also might be worth it as well.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
youre right. its more valuable to me because 1. im a paranoid guy..i dont want seeds being sent here... 2.my first plant that actually has some weight on it 3.its a sativa... :D

only thing im worried about it not being a lady, but i hear you can make budder with males.
I was just gonna tell you that before you buy it, make sure it's a female. there was a dude around my parts selling everyone clones and it turned out the clones was males! lol


Active Member
i would give it a miss to mate.....u should b able to get seeds quite easly from a shop..... am sure theres ample shops if ur worried about online shopping.......am in the UK and theres shops in every town an we dont have any laws allowing anyform of weed

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
now thats fucked up....
that is fucked up! lol and the guy claimed to be a seasoned grower with over 10 yrs under his belt. I knew he was full of shit when I seen him bust out this
attach it to his garden hose, then proceeded to blast the shit outta his plants that was in full flower with it. foliar feeding!! ahahahaha! dude was hosing down his flowering plants like he was giving elephants a bath or something, lol. it was some hilarious shit. I'll never forget that shit for the rest of my life.


Well-Known Member
60 bucks for a clone like that is a little much. plus if you dont know what strain it is it could end up some crappy bag seed or something
and haha, yeah ive been forced to use miracle grow..but when i transfer my seedlings when they get a few more days of sun and strength..im going to put them in my own mix..and couldnt be worse drolove, i had to use bagseed :wall: ( mind you now i wasnt being ignorant, im just working with the best i got because growing pot is becoming expensive) .. plus the ones i have are probably indica.

anything else, i jsut wanna know before i blow 60 bucks on this later on.


Well-Known Member
Mate, it's worth what it's worth to you. It will save you 5 weeks on germinating and cloning. How good you are with what you do with it largely defines if it is worth it. Personally, I wouldn't pay a penny for clones unless it was something special, but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't pay 60.00 unless it was a strain that I couldn't possibly get seeds. I give away clones to my friends, $60.00 is way too much for unknown genetics.
said no. thanks rollitup :) so now i guess this thread is about..the best seeds to buy..and easiest to grow for beginners.. id like a indica one..and auto flowering would be cool, but you know it seems al ittle overwhelming.