Experimental Growth


Active Member
I have been experimenting with growth procedures.

I first created a box which stayed perfectly 80 - 85 degrees F and 50% humidity and it was designed to produce rapid growth and it did. In exactly two weeks it has its 5 spear leaves, working on its seven as we speak. It is about 4.5 inches from soil to top-most branch (where it: Y). It has now surpassed its allotted height in the box and has moved to my finishing room (closet). ;)

I created a routine to help it along. This is not really a guide, but I wrote it like one.

It stays awake for 16 hours, with roughly 6 hours under CFLs, 4 hours under sun light, and 8 hours back under CFLs. I found that this causes the plant to burst into rapid growth. The reason is (IMHO) because during the first 6 hours under my CFLs, the wattage (250) at 2100 lm(s), the plant does not receive enough energy to produce very much so it kind of builds up a threshold of energy. Then under the sun's rays it receives the remainder of its threshold thus causing the plant to go into rapid growth mode. The affects can be seen back under the CFLs as its growth slows and its leaves move back downward. I can also measure its success not just in its height or foliage growth, but by monitoring the dampness of its soil. Despite being under relatively cool bulbs my plant will drink all of its water as can be seen just after its simulated dawn when it is safe to garden the plant. This is the secret to my rapid growth. Sorry if you're disappointed or outraged, etc.

I treat my plant like a child. I actually spoon feed her (let's hope) her nutrients and water. I mix the nutrient in water so she gets both at once. I mix up a new solution every time (I don't want to use dirty water) in a cup that I wash thoroughly every time. I mix up roughly estimated amounts: I figure my cup is 8 oz. and I drip 2 - 3 drops in it and stir. I then scoop a spoon full of water and send it directly to the base and around the base of the plant until I notice the water taking more than one second to soak into the soil. I water it everyday at the same time (within 30 minutes).

I exercise it while it sits shinning in the sun by gently blowing on it. This helps to produce a nice and healthy stalk. Think wind and simulate that gently like your blowing on a hot bowl of soup. Just let it sway back and forth for a couple minutes (maybe once or twice a day, maybe more) and it should show a difference come flowering, e.g., stable plants.

Positive Thoughts
If you think your plant is not affected by negativity then your wrong. Loud sounds, vibrations, shaking, watering on leaves, telling the plant you hate it, and more can actually stress the plant. I normally spend the last hours of its day just starring at it, measuring it, testing its environment, etc just imagining it producing massive delicious nugs and how healthy it will be, etc. The major point is to think "gentle thoughts" and you will make less mistakes in your garden. I have seen people drop lights on their plants while trying to raise them up to fast and straight up destroyed a month old plant, so don't enter your garden unless you are mentally ready to be careful. Make sure to treat it like a lady and address it as ma'am to convince it of its gender. lol

All of this I do to make it grow quickly. To keep it cheap I have done some pretty unconventional and probably to some "lame brain" things to make it work. One of which is the lighting situation, I know that probably sounds unconventional and probably a bit stupid because we all know Marijuana does best under massive amounts of light. I could probably cause the plant to be male or become "hermie", but my goal is not just to grow a nice healthy female, but also and foremost, to produce a fast growing method using low energy, low cost way to grow this awesome plant indoors.

Also, note that if you are buying supplies with a credit card and you live in a place where marijuana is illegal, then do not buy everything at once or at the same place. You should use cash if you are going to buy grow lights, a ballast, a fixture, and soil w/nutrients. The workers could report you or something along those lines could happen and if it means staying safe then anything that keeps you off the radar is helpful. Also, if you start asking the guys in Lawn and Gardening too many questions they might ask you what type of plant you are growing, and that isn't normally a problematic question, but for you it is and a good substitute rather than admitting the truth might be to say, "African Violets". They use basically the same things and many people grow them indoors. I was asked and that's what I said, so...

Anyway, I would like to hear what the long-time growers think, both positive and negative comments are welcomed. Just keep in mind that my methods are probably not idea conditions nor do I claim that my methods are better than what is currently being done by big growers. I just found it to be quick and efficient (compared to previous grows I've done) and I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm documenting everything, even energy cost, so hopefully she makes some pistils after 40 days and not a dirty nut sack. That is 24 days from now. Let's hope it turns female because I will straight up murder that fucker instantly, but if it goes my way and she is actually a she, then I will post exact directions for others who might like to try the same thing w/ pictures. peace


Well-Known Member
I like the effort and enthusiasm you are putting into your grow! Positive thinking and projecting positive thoughts onto the plants definitely has an effect on their growth and overall health. I play classical music in my grow room four hours a day and my lovely ladies definitely respond.

If you do not already have a circulation fan in your grow-area that consistently keeps a light breeze blowing through your plants, you should get one right away. You have the right idea about using air current to strengthen the stalks and branches, but the time you spend blowing on the plant everyday does not provide nearly the benefits of using a fan.

The only thing you mentioned that stands out as potentially problematic is the frequency in which you are watering your plants. Watering them everyday is not beneficial, nor is it recommended. Over-watering is the #1 mistake made by new growers who have it in their minds that these plants just love to drink up all the water they can get. It's a nice thought but unfortunately it's just not true. What you want to do is thoroughly saturate the soil to the point where water is flowing out of the drainage holes. Then, leave them alone and don't water them again until the soil is almost completely dry, at which point you saturate the soil again and repeat the cycle. This encourages the roots to spread out throughout the entire soil area in search of water. It also allows oxygen to permeate the soil into the root-zone as it dries out. If your growbox maintains a temp of 80F-85F and a humidity of 50%, and you are currently using 8oz. cups as containers, then you should be watering about once every 3 days. as the plants grow and get bigger, you'll transplant into larger containers at which point you may need to increase the times between waterings possibly up to 5 days between waterings.

Keep up the good work and keep us updated on your progress.


Active Member
thanks man, I take it as responsibility to sustain a life I brought into this world. I tried to take a picture today but it doesn't do it justice at all, so I will wait till it is flowering to invest in a better camera. well it is 8 inches now and 18 days old. should not be much longer till we know the results. I'll keep you posted.