Explain mature vs immature plants for me ?

It was for Gender purpose---so after flowering is what I heard? But I would not say a word---just call an Attorney and let them talk the talk----1000 of laws a year are passed I have no idea what is legal, constitutional or precedent? See Kelly Ruling in Cali for amounts. I looked it up under Norml for my County and it said 6 mature---so flowering----and 12 immature---not flowered---because of the Gender is not for sure yet... seedling mentality. However 215 had set no limit and by imposing a limit or amending a voted law is not legal or binding. See Kelly ruling. However there is a rider that if you seem to be a dealer or hint of it you will get your shit reamed. So I would stay in limit and puch more then you need. If you belong to a Collective you should contact your owner and they will help you with the extra weed you harvest by helping others in the collective. Basic wholesale price to the collective from you so folks can get quality stuff for (what they consider reasonable) to the other users of canna and cannot grow quality tri's/ Unless you want to stop at 8 zipz and turn the lights off? And coast thru the winter but is 8 enough for you? See the limit thing? I cook a lot and vape so I use the top and toss the rest--i use a bit more so it makes sense for me to grow my own. Comparative Econimics
READ it again.
99% sure its EITHER/OR, not both.

6 mature, OR 12 immature, not both. with the "idea" you would be doing one harvest a year to get your Cali minimum at 8oz dried. If the cops come by and see 12 immature and 6 mature, all they see is 18 plants. If you want to up your plant#s be a caregiver and have legit ppw for each qualified patient (states you are the primary caregiver blah blah and a signature etc) and avoid going over 100plants and 100sq ft.
READ it again.
99% sure its EITHER/OR, not both.

6 mature, OR 12 immature, not both. with the "idea" you would be doing one harvest a year to get your Cali minimum at 8oz dried. If the cops come by and see 12 immature and 6 mature, all they see is 18 plants. If you want to up your plant#s be a caregiver and have legit ppw for each qualified patient (states you are the primary caregiver blah blah and a signature etc) and avoid going over 100plants and 100sq ft.

Thank you. That does explain it.
Legally speaking a plant with symetrical nodes is immature. A plant with alternating nodes is mature. It has nothing to do with height or growth phase!
That's old.
In California you can now grow as many as you deem medically needed. Their isn't a limit anymore. Just be reasonable :P
That's old.
In California you can now grow as many as you deem medically needed. Their isn't a limit anymore. Just be reasonable :P

bad advise here!!! the california standard is 12 total plants with no more than 6 in flower. some countys allow more, but they can not go below the states standard. that is why there are class action law suites right now, and they will win.
bad advise here!!! the california standard is 12 total plants with no more than 6 in flower. some countys allow more, but they can not go below the states standard. that is why there are class action law suites right now, and they will win.
Are you positive? I'm almost sure you can grow as much as you deem medically needed.
By Colorado statutes mature is defined as flowered and ready to process into a usable form of marijuana, immature is defined as not having flowers.
You seem to be referring to the notification you recieved when you got your cannabis card...it basically sets limitations on the amount of bud you can grow at a time....basically 6 flowering or budding and 12 vegging...
You seem to be referring to the notification you recieved when you got your cannabis card...it basically sets limitations on the amount of bud you can grow at a time....basically 6 flowering or budding and 12 vegging...

half correct. 6 budding 6 veg, or 12 veg 0 budding. any combo with a max of 12 total plants with no more than 6 in flower. thats is state standard. some countys allow more.
To add to my confusion is there any distinction between male and female plants ? I have to play the odds and plant a "few" extra in the hopes that the females I will be keeping. I mean if your gonna yank the males out as soon as they show sex
good question, my guess would be it doesnt matter on the sex. but thats just a guess. Buy clones, make a momma and you will be done with sexing plants.
January 4, 2010 California Supreme Court deemed with so many varying medical needs Limits on amounts growing and/or processed (dry) cannot be set therefore possession is unlimited within reason (stated in ruling 50 plants and 30 ounces processed.) I checked with my NORML contact here in Del Norte and another at Humboldt State University, Arcata confirmed but individual county law enforcement agencies are dealing with it differently. In an amazing turn of local events in Eureka, Humboldt County officials are not only discussing but planning Humboldt County Branding for the pending legalization! This can be confirmed with an archive search of the Times Standard Eureka
I think it's up to the cop doing the busting to determine whether its mature or not.
In Cali if you have your state card, any cop coming up to the door cannot set foot in your home without a warrant. If you show your card at the door, the cops are obligated to stand down.

Buddy of mine had first hand experience with that, cop came up while he was smoking a joint, saw the card "Thank you sir, have a great evening"
Since males contain some THC cannabinoids, the active chemical principles in marijuana, they are counted as a plants same with clones/cuttings, seedlings, vegetative and flowering. The distinction is the root ball. If it is rooted it is a plant! If it is cut and drying it is processed. That's the law and like I said above, it varies county to county in California.