Well-Known Member
So you are a Leech.Not according to my attorney.
So you are a Leech.Not according to my attorney.
I think that $300k is just blather. Would she be riding the bus if she had $300k?Good luck screwing the system! Sick and tired of people who can't handle getting told NO! Like a child, you want to cry to everyone around till someone feels pitty. So you feel profiled, your feelings are hurt, someone called you a name, whatever the case is. Get over it! It's because of people like you that I can't get proper medical care on work comp in Florida. I know you, maybe not you, but people like you, and I have no respect for anyone who decides to play the crap you are doing to get a check because you are too lazy to get a job! Wasn't $300 K enough? Greedy Ass Lazy people! I'm out of here...
nice tag sky
Pics or it didn't happen.fk you guys. she posted her hand and you somehow are able to still try to give her grief.
I've seen schuylaar's image in a bikini and you twerps would be begging to lick her toes, she's damn hot. don't make me dig to shut you fools up!
What drug are you on right now?@spandy @bu$hleaguer
today's civics lesson..how apropos for labor day weekend.
this is how it works with the greedy trigger happy, cash mongrels..
1) means of production aka MOP..decides to change the constitution (or attempt) in this case the 14th.
2) the directive comes from the top (board room shit)..they are not legal experts and often times never even consult their legal department.
3) someone who knows the law, catches their asses fair and square.
4) suit is brought forth and either:
a) they settle immediately (often times with non-disclosure stipulation) through an exchange of letters and initial filing of suit.
b) they take on the suit which is very costly.
5) the cash settlement is only a spanking for what they could really receive: backlash from public with significant loss of revenue..
let's just say they DON'T want to settle and fight because they think they're fucking smart..this is what happens:
they get reminded that not everyone lives in the deep south bible belt and thinks as they do.
then (my absolute fave part)
EDIT: this is how we get 'big government', and dear god nooooo..'rules and regs'
..it's because of YOU!
you decide you're are gonna do it your way..YOU!
fail. not when it's public YOU AREN'T. you have noone to blame but yourselves..![]()
Sounds like a tough shit situation, I guess you'll be waiting an extra 10 mins for your bus...?I see where credit not showing up on an account for 20 minutes is clearly a huge burden because buses run every 15 minutes. You should reap millions on your lawsuit. I suggest that you also sue the bus company.
id give them my business.
my business is throwing molotovs.
No but there is a very famous weed attorney on the same floor who in the past I stopped by for the intro.Attorney = pothead buddy
Is your home open to the public?Well that might not be the best idea. While I disagree with the property owners sentiments, I don't think using force against them is the best way to get them to change their minds.
Also , if they truly own the property aren't they the ones that should decide who they invite onto it and who isn't invited? If somebody you didn't like came into your house uninvited and sat down at your kitchen table and made themselves a snack would you have the right to ask them to leave and to please put that ham sandwich down too?
Of the worst kind I'm going to Leach the money from your pocket and into those of the poor.So you are a Leech.
Is your home open to the public?
Your home and your business is not private property domicile is different from business regardless of whether the business is within your domicile i.e. dentist attorney Doctor Who has a home-office. It must remain open to the public it is you who choose to have your business and your domicile as one.You are confused.
Your home AND your business location are BOTH private property are they not?
Please save the recitation of how the meaning of private property was changed too, I already know the history. Thanks.
Also, I hope you know by now, IF I were running a business "open to the public" my policy would not include discrimination based on race or sexual preferences.
If you were running a business on your private property, my policy would be not to try to run it for you. I would however not do business with you if your policy was to discriminate based on things I would not discriminate on. That is the extent of any control I rightfully have, to chose what I will do, not what YOU will do.
Can you provide an example where forced redistribution has been successful?Of the worst kind I'm going to Leach the money from your pocket and into those of the poor.
Your home and your business is not private property domicile is different from business regardless of whether the business is within your domicile i.e. dentist attorney Doctor Who has a home-office. It must remain open to the public it is you who choose to have your business and your domicile as one.
14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th 14th for those of you that are into patterns.The nature of what property is, escapes you. You have recited a legal re-definition of what you think property is, based on a rationalization of statutory law.
Your home and your business is not private property domicile is different from business regardless of whether the business is within your domicile i.e. dentist attorney Doctor Who has a home-office. It must remain open to the public it is you who choose to have your business and your domicile as one.
We have something called the 14th amendment perhaps you'd like to review it?
It's really sweet you should see the face mother of pearl diamond encrustednice tag sky
Why yes that would be according to what's the word I'm looking for starts with MMMMennnnnnnnAhh yes the 14th amendment, isn't that the one where Indians and women don't count ?
Why yes that would be according to what's the word I'm looking for starts with MMMMennnnnnnn