Extra meds???


New Member
I have like 20 oz of extra meds i need to get rid of, anyone know where or even how to get rid of it in SO CAL? i have my 215. will clubs buy it? its bomb Tahoe OG really came out nice thanks for the help! worse comes to worse i guess i could smoke it all myself hahaha

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yea the clubs will buy it but right now your looking at 8 bills a p of your lucky! Is it outdoor or indoor?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
If they give you anything less then 1800dont take it !the outdoor and greenhouse bud really drives down the indoor prices.it shouldn't but all these dispensaries are shady like that! Wbg, depends bro anywhere fron 5 to 8 bills!


Well-Known Member
Cure it until Jan when the outdoor is about gone. PLus a longer cure will make the smoke that much better. Otherwise take some sample 1/8ths down to a club and offer a smoke out. Then take it from there.

----Never done it before so don't take my word for it.


Well-Known Member
I take shit I grow and anything I.make to.my.local dispensary and let them have at it tryin to.wiggle my way in lol


Well-Known Member
Well call 'em up for a smoke, lol. IDK man. Use your best judgment. If it doesn't feel right... Don't do it.


Well-Known Member
Call em up and say I have extra meds and was wondering if u woupd sample them and possibly give a donation in exchange