Extracting THC from Bong Water?


Active Member
Ok so its been a while since i have changed my bong water. its practically black. i did this because i was pondering about extracting the thc from the water. i read somewhere a while back that you can use alcohol to extract the thc and after it evaporates you are left with low quality hash. has anyone does this before? is there any other methods of using the bong water to get high? dont be cruel, its just a fun question.
i know thc doesnt dissolve in the water, but theres gotta be a good amount in the pieces of burnt bud and some floating around in there right?
I read a post a few years ago where someone said that in a fit of desperation he drank bong water and got stoned. Considering that thc enhanced smoke has passed through the water it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities that some residual amounts of thc are suspended in the water. I just don't think I would ever be brave enough to drink it. Or perhaps pour it into a shallow glass bowl/pan and let it evaporate, scrape up what ever is left. Sort of like ISO hash.
I read a post a few years ago where someone said that in a fit of desperation he drank bong water and got stoned. Considering that thc enhanced smoke has passed through the water it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibilities that some residual amounts of thc are suspended in the water. I just don't think I would ever be brave enough to drink it. Or perhaps pour it into a shallow glass bowl/pan and let it evaporate, scrape up what ever is left. Sort of like ISO hash.
THC is NOT water soluble so your off track here
Your best bet would be to use a high proof alcohol to attempt an extraction of what little THC may be floating around in those semi-burnt nug chunks... no need to drink that stuff.
I think I just barfed a little in my mouth...

I mean cmon man...some people scrape the resin off the inside of their pieces...I do it from time to time after it builds up a nice black ball of death...but bong water? Jesus....
no u can... i've extracted thc from some mucus i coughed up from taking too big of a hit of OG... i got Ober ripped off that... haha
So are you it seems ;)

Really? Am I? Did you read a damn thing in this thread.... For you to get HIGH off bong water, the THC must need to attach it self to water molecules , which it wont...So for the 1,000,000th time..Just pour the water in the toilet.
So how far off track am I?

Now if it goes into sifting the burnt weed that passes threw the pipe and into the water , you wouldn't ingest that, Would need to smoke it again., But thats pretty much equivalent to smoking ashes.

So fuck tard Care to chime in again?
Really? Am I? Did you read a damn thing in this thread.... For you to get HIGH off bong water, the THC must need to attach it self to water molecules , which it wontSo fuck tard

Care to chime in again?

Certainly :) There is absolutely no requirement for the THC to attach itself in a molecular manner. That would be to say that if you put a lump of hash in a glass of water you would not get high because there is no molecular connection. Nope, you've just consumed hash, you're gonna get high. No chemical bond at present, there was no need for one ;)

If you take a second to read what you were replying to, the user never made one mention of THC being soluble in water, you did, the user actually stated that there could be thc SUSPENDED. A very different thing to disolved. He was not speaking out of line, if there is THC suspended in the water, then there is a chance it might get you high. Molecular bond required, LOL.

I made an accurate statement, take a second to engage your brain before you run around calling folk fucktards ;)
Im not arguing the fact that bong water will not get you high, we already know this.. and my statement earlier is directed to that.

he stated that when the smoke passes threw the water that some of the THC from the smoke must be attached to the water......So once again...ahh nevermind
Lets stumble to the part where we wanna extract ash from water and try to get high... For one its already been lit, heated and combusted. Leading to melted resins, spent none the less... so what ever post combusted material that is in the bong water surely is far from delta9 and I would like to think of them as carcinogens.

So you dehydrate the bong water and your left with a pile of sludge....Maybe a few little bits and pieces of nugs that might have been pulled threw if your not using a screen. point blank, what THC did you truly pull from the bong water? None IMO, you pulled out nasty fucking ash....
So start filling your bong with vegtable oil....
help me understand how THC enhanced smoke is going to leave delta9 residue in the water please.....