extraction help

andy s

Well-Known Member
ok so i was sitting here nothing to smoke i have some leaf and trim mix not high quality just some bullshit i had as well as some 80 proof vodka in the freezer so i decided to see what i could pull out of it and make some dab or something. i had a double boiler system going after mixing it but when the alcohol evaporated what was left wasnt shatter or wax or anything like it lol. i literally made some candy is what it seemed like. tasted sweet so i thought maybe it was the sugar from the vodka or something but when i looked up online how much sugar it had in it it said 0g. so my question is what did i make or why did it come out like it did? if there wasnt any sugar in it why did it form a sticky substance that hardened when it cooled and tasted sweet?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
the carbs and sugars from the weed came out in the wash, making it taste a little sweet. if it was cured bud and not trim, it wouldn't have been as sweet, as the curing process breaks most of that down.


Well-Known Member
Id say the above answers to your questions are correct
If you want shatter what you want to do is get at least 190 proof, and do the extraction at freezing temp. I get a bath of alcohol mixed with water and leave it in the freezer with the alcohol i intend to use for the extraction and the prepared bud for at least 24 hours but preferably a couple days before starting.

Everything out of the freezer, pour the 190 proof in with the bud, just enough to cover it. Poke it around with a new chopstick. Put the jar in the freezing bath. I then set a timer for 15 mins and set this in a cooler and the alcohol back in the freezer.

During this time i prepare my french chinos strainer, and a buchner funnel filter with a hand pump.

About 20 seconds before the timer goes off i cancel it, grab the alcohol out of the freezer, take the jar with the bud mixture out of the cooler, wipe it off with a towel to get all the liquid off of the outside, and strain it through the chinois into the buchner funnel. I then take some extra alcohol and pour it through the bud to wash out the remainding oil. . Once its pulled through the buchner funnel filter its left with no particulate. I evaporate in a warm water bath around 110 degrees with a screen rubber banded over the evaporating dish to prevent crap getting in and a fan blowing over. Some strains will wax up at 110 but as long as the water baths 110 the actual dish isnt. You want to let it sit for a day or two after it seems evapped to really let it harden up.

I recommend grinding the material. Most say this is bad but i ran a test grinded vs scissor cut and grinded only yielded more with all other variables the same.

The only reason i use the cooler as opposed to putting it back in the freezer is because i cant stand up my quart jars in my closed freezer.. too much shit lol

This is an good read here if you really are interested in qwet.
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Well-Known Member
Oh an added bit of info, when using a buchner funnel filter i wet the filter before straining the alcohol into it because once its wet it holds in place but if you go straight to straining in your bud alcohol mix very rapidly with a dry fresh filter it can push the filter up and crap can get into your flask. Had this happen once and it was a real bummer. Had to just go through with it and pull the filter back down and finish pulling it through with that crap in there cause there was no way i could stop midway there and clean everything. So yeah.. lol wet that filter.. i use distilled water.


This is the kinda filtering setup im talking about if you’re not familiar. Its really simple and does an amazing job