extream phosphorus problem


Active Member
ok so i screwed up and over fert. on a few of my plants. the leaves have wilted and and twisted, and all the ridges on the finger leaves have disappeared and now all the leaves have turned a bright yellow and are chrispy. all the new growth have done the same but the stems are still healthy. im wanting to know if i can just cut the dead leaves from the plant and just re-veg and keep flushing to save it. i've been growing it for two months now, i really dont want to have to scrap the poor thing.

please help, can i save it or is it even worth saving?

* pics up later today when the light come on


New Member
never give up unless your girl is dead man... just keep flushing i made the mistake recently and messed my hairs up on my plants with insceticide and just flushed it for a few days and now shes starting to come back... dont lose faith in her...and leave her leaves they'll still gather some light before the leaves die...