Extremely long flowering

Greenthumb Gangsta

Active Member
Let me start out by saying that I am new to growing. I have read a ton of literature and browsed a lot of web pages for information, but I don't know what's going on with my plant.

I have a modest indoor setup.
1 Northern Light plant
125w MH Light
2 duel bulb florescent light

I have had no problems as of yet to get the plant to bud but it seems like it is stuck. The plant has been on a 12 on 12 off cycle for almost 12 weeks. The buds have grown and I have been waiting for the trichomes to turn amber, but they are not changing. The pistils have all turned brown but the trichomes are still white (clear on the buds at the bottom). I know that you have to be patient and I don't have the strongest light in the world but nothing seems to have changed in the last month.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there something I can do to help? (The temp in the room is around 75) Or do I have to just wait longer? Is the weak light the problem?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Active Member
any pics? the light could be the problem but with a MH you should be pumping out enough lumens to flower a plant anyway, Ive seen some pretty nice grows with straight MH. Ive heard of some plants taking up to 14 weeks and in some cases with certain strains flowering literally never ends and its just up to you to harvest when you feel ready, so whats your strain? I know thai tanic is a strain like that, so I would assume some other thai strains would have the same traits. I am of course quoting fdd here from a post of his I read so you can be assured its good info. If the buds are nice and big and theyve been going that long and the tricks are say 25-30% amber Id say that would be a good time to harvest just because it would cause the weed to have a more 'up' high, thats just my flavor. but please post pics and Ill try and help more


Well-Known Member
You harvest when the triches get dinser and look like mushrooms and when the hairs are 75% amber. If your pistils are brown your bud is done producing the pistils is what make the buds they die no more bud production they start to dissipate.

Seems your to late by what your saying. Sucks thats what I did on my first ever grow a few years ago.


Active Member
the light could be the problem but with a MH you should be pumping out enough lumens to flower a plant anyway

its not so much puttin out enough lumens, as puttin out the right part of the color cycle, look up kelvin temps, 2700k is what u want for flowering, and 6500k is what u want for veg


Well-Known Member
12 weeks of flower fucking hell cut the fuckers down and get a differant strain or take clones and up the lighting or before budding turn your lights off for 72 hours i have been trying this since seeing the greenhouse arjons dvd it works tricks plants into budding quicker it can take 2/3 week for a plant to realise its time to flower if you don't do this.It's scary when you have not done this before.


Active Member
try a hps light for flowering. 12 weeks is incredibly long and it still isnt ready. northern lights usually finishes in 10 weeks. did u get higher potassium phosphorus and calcium fertilizer for flowering period? and im sure u need a better light.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure its the spectrum as well, probably slows down bud production a couple weeks. There are more factors playing into this though, like the fact that its probably a lanky outdoor sativa. If that's the case, then 12 weeks is perfectly normal, some may even go 13 weeks. I say wait another week to see if any of the trich's amber up. If not many do, the fact that they're milky means its fine to harvest anyway. As stated above, it will result in a more up, racy high, as opposed to a couchlock stone. As long as they're not clear you'll be more than okay. Also, consider harvesting the top canopy of buds and letting the lower ones ripen a little longer, one of the reasons the plant isn't maturing evenly could be light penetration.


Well-Known Member
Do the leaves on the plant look like their dying? or is everything still lively and green? My first grow, i was all impatient (took nowhere near 12 weeks tho, thats crazy!) then one day all the leaves looked like they were dying/dead and she was almost ready to harvest


Active Member
could just be the lumen/per square foot. when a seed company says a strain takes 55 days for example thats in an extremely vigorus, supercharged garden. for anyone using under a 4-600 watt light the flowering times will be lengthened a bit unless you are very close to the light using every lumen the bulb produces. in my honest opinion its probably not the MH spectrum thats holding you back but the wattage your light is puting out. maybe step it up a larger light and push that garden to production.


Active Member
once more thing the largest cola i have ever seen was grown under ONLY MH light. weighed in at just over 3 oz's, and this one plant produced over a P under 1 1000 watter.


Well-Known Member
Your done flowering, Northern Lights only takes about 60-70 days to fully flower so you are overdue. Harvest now.