Extremely sick baby!


Well-Known Member
me and my friend were talking about that earlier..unfortunately we dont have another address to ship too..im gonna talk to one of my friends and see if we can ship them there. how would i get a prepaid credit card?
well i dunno what kind of stores you have around but walmart and kmart, possibly target. pretty much anywhere that sells gift cards to places other than that store


hey no problem bro +rep would be nice :). but hey if it dosent respond or does but you think the soil might still be toxic the next thing you should try would be to transplant and flush again, basically leave the soil around the roots with it and put it in some fresh soil. after that i dunno give her a couple days though
sounds good man. im gonna see what she looks like in the morning. the lights will be on all night till 2 pm so we'll see. im going to go pick up a ph soil tester tomorrow to see if that is the problem. if she does respond, i will be the happiest dad on earth haha keep ur figures crossed!


Well-Known Member
yeah for sure water ph is much more important soil ph is affected by the ph of the water you use it wont hurt to have bolth but dont spend too much time trying to adjust soil ph, the water is more important. besides most potting mixes are neutral anyway, unless your using back yard dirt


yeah for sure water ph is much more important soil ph is affected by the ph of the water you use it wont hurt to have bolth but dont spend too much time trying to adjust soil ph, the water is more important. besides most potting mixes are neutral anyway, unless your using back yard dirt
nope not backyard dirt lol the water is the best ill get..im hoping it will help the plant thru this


Well-Known Member
yeah as long as its within the 5.8-7.5 range as close to 7 as possible thats all you can do as far as water goes


man that things like 4 days old forget about it start a new one.... you let the seedling dry out either mist them of start your seeds with peat pellets in there plastic container with the nice plastic lid they keep moister in preventing you seelind to dry out


or atleast put suran rap over the pot.. why the fuck do people even try to grow if they cant even keep a seedling moist


Well-Known Member
besides wast even a matter of keeping it moist it was a case of idiot roomate overfeeding but how the f would you know you probally didnt even read the damn thread just looked at the pic and jumped to the end to put your worthless two cents in


why do people cut down people that are just trying to learn?
clearly if they give a baby plant food they shouldnt be growing weed... i cant even imagen the problems he would run into if he doesnt even no that a baby plant doesnt need food... they should just stick to buying weed from people and leave the growing to people that no what the fuck is up

and its a baby if its sick just throw it out and start agian


Well-Known Member
clearly if they give a baby plant food they shouldnt be growing weed... i cant even imagen the problems he would run into if he doesnt even no that a baby plant doesnt need food... they should just stick to buying weed from people and leave the growing to people that no what the fuck is up

and its a baby if its sick just throw it out and start agian
dude i cannot figure out why you are so angry. anyone who loves weed has every right to grow, and every normal human will make a few mistakes as they go, so long as you learn from your mistakes it's all good.

i really can't see any reason why you bothered saying anything, does it make you feel happy to say other people know fuck all and have no right to grow? coz it just makes you look bitter.


and if thats the case he should have told his friend not to touch it... when two people look after one plant it tends to get overfed overwater ect


Well-Known Member
personally i think it takes a bit more than that mistake to qualify for "fucking moron" lol i only got a handful of viable plants after my first grow, so i joined here and started reading and posting and talking to people who know their shit, and now on my second grow things are already going SO much better.

it's probably best not to present opinions in hand with insults, coz at the end of the day you really dont know the dude well enough to know if your insult is justified, and only an ignorant prick throws around unjustified insults.


Well-Known Member
yeah well i was refering to the ones that dont listen dont learn and do regardless of other more experienced peoples advice that qualifies a moron to me at least, wich obviously the guy that started this thread is not because he came seeking advice, listened to advice and applied advice...


Well-Known Member
no shit you dumbass if u wouldve read the thread you would've known what the fuck is going on. next time keep u fucking opinion to urself especially when u dont know what the fuck ur talking about.
its ok man we got em for you


Well-Known Member
yeah well i was refering to the ones that dont listen dont learn and do regardless of other more experienced peoples advice that qualifies a moron to me at least, wich obviously the guy that started this thread is not because he came seeking advice, listened to advice and applied advice...
yeah thats cool i was referencing his use of fucking moron not yours lol i know you got no beef ;)


Well-Known Member
on that note, it's time to get my bong on lol

goldie what country you in? if you are out my way i can hook you up with sites n info for seeds and a few youtube clips that will probably help too