There has to be some abnormality in it's growth enviornment, either that or it is burnt or stressed in some other manner that is stunting growth
I have Hashplant, and am aware of it's high yielding, commercial strain quality genetics. You should be getting above average yields with this strain, so there is no reason why you should be experiencing this unless something is wrong. You should post some pics so we can help diagnose any possible visible problems. Other than that, make sure you aren't overfeeding, make sure light isn't leaking in your room, make sure there are not even any LED lights or anything minor on in your room during flower, make sure you don't walk in there during off periods & interrupt light cycle, 75 degrees at all times is ideal, good airflow/circulation/gas exchange, and other than that if you're in the earlier stages of bud growth (you didn't name the specific day/week you're in) just know that there are some slow stages of bud growth in these weeks before you hit a steady rate of progressive bud growth. When this pt hits, you will know. Esp with a heavy yielder like hashplant, unless that's not really hashplant genetics?
I hope this helps and that you can diagnose this. I'll check back for pics if you can get some for us.
+rep? What? Huh?