Eyes don't dilate or get bloodshot??


Well-Known Member

I've been smoking the reefer lately and for some reason my eyes don't dilate or get bloodshot why is that?


Well-Known Member
idk all people are different.I noticed mine would never get bloodshot from just smoking but if I drink to there gonna be bloodshot.


Well-Known Member
You are The One.

I get red, baggy, hooded eyes, especially with the bubble hash I've been hitting lately.


Well-Known Member
Like seriously isn't that every stoner's dream? To be able to go anywhere and not have the most obvious wrong with them?

I mean going to school high is easy, NOBODY knows.

Sr. Verde

Yeah I know a guy who's eyes don't get bloodshot... Dilation though? I think his eyes do that...

Your eyes SHOULD dilate though, I thought that was an effect of your mind going from normal to tripping?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The red eyes are a thing with blood pressure.. a lot of people kind of acclimate to this side effect after smoking a while (or so I have noticed). As to the dilation, I am not sure.


Well-Known Member
Like I mean I find it weird how my pupils don't get bigger I mean dilation is when the pupils get bigger right?


Active Member
my eyes rarely get bloodshot. they may get glazed from time to time slightly. i noticed when i was a new 420 smoker that i would ALWAYS get red bloodshot and glazed eyes...

now its pretty easy for me to go outside...take a few hits...come back inside and no one would be the wiser.

i dont know what this happens but your not the only one who it doesnt happen to.

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
iv read thru a few of your threads an spotted this picture of you an to be honest when you look like that the last thing people are gonna notice is if you got red eye


Well-Known Member
Smoke bomb fire everyday and never have red eyes. Been high all day everyday for years now though...