EZ Cloner mistake, help needed.


Well-Known Member
So basically in the long and short, I left the pump to my sprayer unplugged when I pH'd the water. It was off for about 14 hrs. I went in and everything was laid over not happy... I pH'd the water, turned the pump on, and started spraying them with plain water. They have perked up and look as though nothing happened. What I would like to know is will these clone cause problems for me down the road? Should I scrap them and start over and save my myself the hassle, or will they be ok for me? Anyone else ever do this and did they turn out okay?


Well-Known Member
oh god no man,...imo do not scrap them. If they've come back to life they'll be fine. I've had more mishaps like that where my misters were off for 24 hours then id like to remember. personally never had one hermi or anything bad.

tree farmer

Well-Known Member
ive also done this many times unforunately but have not ever had any problems if the clone came back to life. what i have done to stop this from happening now is ive thrown a couple of airstones into the bottom of the aerocloner and hooked up a cheap air pump. been doing that for a year or so now and have forgotten the pump switch or forgotten to plug it in and even after 24hrs of not noticing the pump was turned off they have never wilted. just the airstones bubbling kept them standing tall. so its cheap insurance for those times some good nug has your mind distracted and we forget to plug something back in.