Ez cloner


As was stated: Tap water is all that is needed. Make sure the water is 69-71 for optimal rooting.(I use a small chiller year round) I also like to put an additional air stone in the rez. This is all that is needed. I don't add any rapid rooter until roots have sprung.....Once they have popped than just a little Rapid Rooter and that it. ^This is proven and works. Having said all this i have just run into a strain that won't budge(Dutch Passion-Euforia)- Its blowing my mind. No comprendo. Everything roots with ^^^.


Well-Known Member
How can I make sure it's rooted? I put in a little pot.
Well your in a soil. You realy can't tell without doing damage. But after 2 weeks they are still alive they got roots. If your in solo cups let them stay in there for 4 weeks then go to 1 gallon pots. But if you went right to 1 gallon you will stay there for awhile. Just won't see fast growth till roots reach the sides of the pots.