F@ck you Boehner


Well-Known Member
Washington (CNN) -- An emboldened House Speaker John Boehner, fresh off Tuesday's midterms when Republicans secured a bigger House majority and a GOP controlled Senate, warned President Barack Obama if he tried to go around Congress and take executive action on immigration he will get "burned."
"I've made clear to the President if he acts unilaterally on his own outside of his authority he will poison the well and there will be no chance for immigration reform moving forward in this Congress. It's as simple as that," Boehner said.

In his first news conference on Capitol Hill since House Republicans picked up at roughly a dozen seats in Tuesday's midterm elections, the Speaker flashed a combative tone.
Heated Republicans return fire at Obama

He brushed off the notion that the President could take some initial steps on his own on immigration, but could later work with Congress to pass a more comprehensive plan.
"When you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself and he's going to burn himself if he continues to go down that path,' Boehner said.
Boehner said he wants to work with the President on areas they can agree on, but said, "he needs to put politics aside and rebuild trust."
What Obama can and can't do with a GOP Senate
He insisted that his pledge, along with Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, to repeal Obamacare wasn't in conflict with his pledge to work with the President, but in response to continued opposition to the law that he heard around the country on the law.
In a reference to the President's press conference a day earlier when he reiterated plans to take executive action to allow some undocumented workers to remain in the U.S., an incredulous Boehner said "the President said I listened to what happened on Tuesday night - really?"

Obama DO IT. Fuck these ass clowns. They have no intention of working with you never have.
Bunny Buddha says fake atheist Christian is full of hate and needs a better weed for attaining peace towards enlightenment.

Close your eyes, feel the om. :bong:

What should he say?

The president (I mean the office of, spanning decades) has been usurping congressional power incrementally one president by one.

President Obama has made some executive orders that have been the realm of Congress.

Congress was intended to be the most powerful branch, is Boehner supposed to roll over and just hope Obama uses lube?

Obama is threatening to make congress irrelevant, no chance.
BarryO better listen or he will get the next Boot In The Ass. This is going to be an interesting two more years. The last six years have been pretty tough with the AG in his back pocket and the IRS in his back pocket and that Susan Rice lying bitch in his back pocket. Maybe we will finally get a special prosecutor to do the job BarryO's minions would not do. That will be a great day to have people in power face the music when they step over the line and I don't care what side of the fence they are on.

That IRS dude that went to the white house nearly a hundred times and was asked by congress why he went there so many times and his answer was the easter egg hunt with his kids. He should of gotten a Boot In his Ass on the spot. The chickens are coming home to roost.
One thing for sure, the majority of the american people don't agree with the president taking unilateral action on amnesty but wants him to work with congress.
But I'd like to see him try it, because the backlash will set the tone for his remaining term.
Please Obama.
Grow a sack.
These republufucks ran on the premise you can't lead.
Show them what leadership means and make them cry at the same time
Please Obama.
Grow a sack.
These republufucks ran on the premise you can't lead.
Show them what leadership means and make them cry at the same time


It's a little bit late for someone to learn how to lead or there would of been a sign of it after 6 years of not leading. There is one fucking thing this guy is good at and that is campaigning for idiots.

It's a little bit late for someone to learn how to lead or there would of been a sign of it after 6 years of not leading. There is one fucking thing this guy is good at and that is campaigning for idiots.
You hit the nail on the head, campaigning is the only thing that sumbich can do well.
The reason the democrats including Obama got an embarrassing shellacking is because they've proved they don't know how to lead.

Their great at campaigning, memes, political posturing and hiding behind the media, other than that, they really suck.
"F@ck you Boehner"


Look at this crying pussy.


(S)he sure does inspire "confidence" as a leader of free men, doesn't (s)he?


That sobbing little bitch is a g'damn DISGRACE and needs to be put back in charge of stocking the buffet tables at the local moose lodge instead of serving in ANY kind of national "leadership" position.

Yes, world, THIS is an example of the kind of "men" America elects to "lead" them. FEAR US!!!!

Please Obama.
Grow a sack.
These republufucks ran on the premise you can't lead.
Show them what leadership means and make them cry at the same time

And why then, if the repubs ran on the premise that Obama can't lead, did the public overwhelmingly elect repubs? Could it be that the American people agree that Obama can't lead? And then, could it be that he indeed can't lead? The jury is still out on this one...this far into his 2nd term.

But in all seriousness, if Obama acts on immigration reform without working with Congress, he guarantees gridlock like he's never seen before. Guarantees it. And he doesn't want that.

Hell, the dems should be glad that the repubs won this round. Because the state of the country won't get much better (if any) during the next 2 years, and that will pave the way for Hillary to get elected.
The reason the democrats including Obama got an embarrassing shellacking is because they've proved they don't know how to lead.

then in that case, no president ever has known how to lead, not even your hero reagan.

his party lost seats in 1982 and 1986 as well.
then in that case, no president ever has known how to lead, not even your hero reagan.

his party lost seats in 1982 and 1986 as well.
So the opposite must then also hold true.
Bush 2 was one hell of a leader, more so than any other Democrat since FDR??